|- style="color:white; background:#hsla(var(--primary-hue), 40%, var(--primary-lightness), 0.75);"
! style="background: hsla(var(--primary-hue), 40%, var(--primary-lightness), 0.75); font-weight:bold; color: var(--color-white); border: 1px solid hsl(var(--primary-hue), 40%, var(--primary-lightness)); border-radius: {{{BorderRadius}}};" |
|Use at 50% health or lower, the Ravager bellows an earth shaking roar to
- temporarily recover plasma & sunder
- gain extra slash damage, and movement speed in proportion to your missing hit points.
- acquire slow, stagger & stun immunity
If at negative HP, or at when you are supposed to be in critical state
- the Ravager regains HP whenever it slashes a living target equal to 50% to 100% of the damage dealt depending on how how low the Ravager's HP was when Rage was used
- increases rage and sunder recovery rate
- Eviscerating Charge and Ravage cooldowns reset.
When Rage ends, Sunder and Plasma regained from it are lost. |N/A |60 seconds