Medical Area
Virology is located deep within Medbay, behind several airlocks to ensure that viruses do not accidentally escape. This area also operates in a closed atmos environment.
Obvious exits North to Medbay and Maintenance
Purpose Cure and manufacture viruses.
Access level Medbay
Noteworthy contents Monkeys, regent scanner, biosuit and other protective wear.
Clearance Captain, Chief Medical Officer, Virologist
Security level
Balance Requirements
Other Notes
Jobstemp.png Локации на /BANDA/station

(aka ERP fort)


Virology is the spot to test diseases, except not on humans. You, the Virologist, have a chemical reagent terminal above the southern table which contains a labeler, a box of syringes, two beakers of diseases to start with, and a box of beakers. You have another table above the entrance which contains a luminol bottle and a box of latex gloves. You have a therapy area which contains a bed and a locker. You can test on people if they say it is okay. There is a locked medicine locker and a biosuit locker. There is also a pen of five monkeys to test on plus a room with three beds.


Don't sleep toxin and abduct someone to test on them, as this can get you banned or lynched by a mob of angry civilians.

Careful when you're flushing anything down the disposals here: It leads straight out into space.