Версия от 21:56, 13 февраля 2015; imported>Ricotez (Updated page with information that this location is now the Experimental Lab.)
Science Area
Telescience room.png
Telescience Lab
The mysterious teleportation room.
Obvious exits Research Division north
Purpose To twist bluespace and teleport things around
Access level
Noteworthy contents Telepad, Telepad Control Console
Clearance Captain, Research Director, Scientist
Security level Medium
Style Laboratory
Balance Requirements Minor security to prevent things from getting into the lab from the pad. Blast doors, Reinforced walls, and electrocuted grilles with R-windows work fine.
Other Notes
Jobstemp.png Локации на /BANDA/station

This lab once housed the telescience department of Science and, often, its ill-gotten gains. It has since been reclassified as the Experimental Lab, and is no longer used for telescience.

For the Guide to Telescience, click here.