Sects are ways of fleshing out what your deity is like, for both arrpee and gameplay. You can pick a sect by hitting the altar of the gods with your bible. From there on, examining the altar will provide you with information about rites and favor you've saved up. Only the initial chaplain can pick a sect!

Some sects will change or remove your bible effect. If it does, I noted it below

Some sects can sacrifice items for favor. Find what it's looking for, and hit the altar with it.

Some sects have rites. Rites are rituals that cost (or sometimes grant) favor and do various things related to your deity. To start one, hit your bible on the altar.


Puritanism (Default)

"Praise normalcy!"

This is essentially the same as picking no sect at all. Everything is default, there are no rites or wanted sacrificial items.

Wanted Items





"May you find peace in a metal shell, acolyte."

A robotic themed sect. Bibles can charge cyborgs and heal robotic limbs, but will no longer heal organic ones.

Wanted Items

Charged Cells! If the cell has too low of a charge, it will not be accepted by the deity. Otherwise, you get favor for however charged it is.


Synthetic Conversion: Turns a shitty boring human into an android. Watch out, this costs a ton of favor but with your new bible healing is definitely worth it.

Ever-Burning Candle

"May you be the wax to keep the Ever-Burning Candle burning, acolyte."

A sect based around fire. Decent for traitors to pick up, as it requires corpses to get good amounts of favor. Your bible will lose its powers!

Wanted Items

Candles! Though, it gives a pitiful amount. Really only worth if you're short of a rite. The main way of getting favor is in the rites.


Candle Fuel: Sacrifice a buckled burning corpse for favor, the more burn damage the corpse has the more favor you will receive.

Unmelting Wax: Grants fire immunity to any piece of clothing.

Immortal Candles: Creates 5 candles that never run out of wax.