Версия от 15:09, 17 апреля 2014; imported>Jordie0608 (byond links broken idkwhy)

/tg/station 13 Community

The main website for the /tg/station13 coderbus community is http://coderbus.com
A forum is run at http://coderbus.com/phpBB/
A general IRC channel for anything /tg/station13 related is #tgstation13 on irc.rizon.net
An IRC channel for the development of code is #coderbus on irc.rizon.net


There are currently three /tg/station13 servers, all hosted by ScaredOfShadows. Sybil and Basil operate coderbus's standard /tg/station13 code while Artyom operates a new branch of code called NTstation made by offshoots of coderbus.


Sybil: byond://game.ss13.eu:1337
Basil: byond://game.ss13.eu:2337
Artyom: byond://game.ss13.eu:3337