Admins are able to self-apply the @Supportmin role if they wish to make themselves available to requests in #help.
@Supportmin should ONLY be pinged if:
- You're on one of the game servers and
- Have ahelped, with no response
When you ping @Supportmin, your ping should contain no information except to tell us what server you were on. Any further details can and will be construed as a violation of Rule 3 (IC in OOC/discord).
@Supportmin is not for handling issues that happened in previous rounds, or for non-game related issues. Additionally, discussing any administrative actions (e.g. attempting to discuss bans or notes) in #help or any place other than the forums is not allowed. All appeals must be handled on the forums.
No one showed up!
Admins have lives outside of Space Station 13. Unfortunately, some issues go unresolved. If you believe that something warrants further attention, your best bet is to PM the headmins via the forums.
For reasons that are not apparently obvious, Terry-specific admins have their own role. The same rules as @Supportmin apply here.
@Discord Jannie
If someone is actively breaking the Discord rules, ping the @Discord Moderator role for help.
@Head Admin
The role should only be pinged for serious administrative issues. The average player should rarely be pinging this role.
@Key Holder
Key Holders are people with access to the game servers who can make changes, including updating the server game code, or handling test merges. This role is primarily pinged by coders who want their changes tested.
@Host is the server host, and can be used to alert them to severe issues with the servers, site, forums, or wiki. However, in circumstances where a ping to this role might be appropriate, chances are the issue is already known about, and in the process of being resolved. Subsequent pings will not get things done any faster.