Make sure you check back every half an hour to an hour to make sure the singularity hasn't grown too large - if you leave the particle accelerator on 0, it WILL eventually grow large enough to escape - if the size of the singularity is 7x7, it's far too large. To prevent this, throw on a radiation suit, open up the shutters, turn the particle accelerator off until the singularity shrinks back to 3x3, then turn it back on at power 0. Don't forget to replace the plasma tanks in the radiation collectors every so often as well, so check on them every 15 mins or so. To remove a plasma tank from a radiation collector, simply use a crowbar on it. "''
I just had to test this, I made a private server with the latest /tg/station, started the singularity engine with plasma tanks filled. The singularity ran with no problems at all for atleast an hour. After that I had to shut down the private server. So, it seems to me that this is false information! Although good to keep people checking on the singularity, I'd rather have it not lying to people and rather just have it say a-matter-of-factly that it's good to check up on the singularity simply because the antags will try to set it loose.