Syndicate Lavaland Base Personnel

Версия от 19:32, 16 декабря 2022; imported>Addust (does the entire page into existence, needs pictures though)
Syndicate Lavaland Agent

Глава: The Syndicate
Сложность: Easy
Руководства: Radio channels, Guide to Chemistry
Обязанности: Do science, make hellfoam, make an ungodly disease, and get mauled to death by miners shitpost over radio.
Доступ: Syndicate
Дополнительный доступ: Maintenance (but you won't use it)
Цитата: ;So we rigged up some bronze boots and a conveyor...

Being a member of Syndicate Lavaland will likely leave you as one of two roles, the Syndicate Researcher, whose job is to research biological weaponry and create ungodly hellfoams that can turn even the strongest miners into a puddle of ash, and the Syndicate Comms Agent, whose job is to shitpost over radio and essentially be the base's commander because they spawned first and rushed the fancy MODsuit.

Syndicate Research and Development

As a Syndicate scientist, your job is to work in the chemistry or virology labs. You're issued with a 50cal rifle and 1 spare magazine, alongside a makarov with 1 spare magazine.

However, beware, as the base is likely a target of miners, who will know EXACTLY where it is once the comms agent wakes up thanks to the GPS in their gasmask.

The chemistry lab has bluespace beakers, so you can get right to creating hellfoam nades and setting up a smoke machine that lights up the hallways and turns miners into ash.

The virology lab has all you need to create a disease to rival whatever your stationside counterpart makes, and quite possibly that one disease that got the power to name itself.

At the same time, you're issued with an experimentation lab, which can take one of three states:

Minimal - An airlock to the outside that lacks a tiny fan. There is a turret though.

Standard - A reinforced-floor test chamber used for testing hellfoams and grenades. Warning, the walls may be laced with gunpowder.


Syndicate Supermatter

The supermatter in Syndicate Lavaland is a highly basic setup, however it can be set up within about ten to twenty minutes to rival the station's SM.

First: Take an SMES from Engineering. Put its parts in a BSRPED (found in the cargo bay) and set it up so the cables connected to the SM are hooked up. This includes the emitter, so there's a hacky bypass for that.

Second: Get mesons from the table and a radsuit, so entering the chamber doesn't turn you into a genetic abomination.

Third: Add radiation shielding - this is basically extra walls made of plastitanium. This will essentially make working near the chamber less dangerous.

Fourth: ADD AN EXTRA SCRUBBER AND LINK IT TO THE FILTER before you seal the SM chamber. This will allow enough gas to be siphoned away for the SM to work. It should fit snugly on the tile the shard is on.

Fifth: Upgrade both of the tesla coils with a BSRPED. DO NOT upgrade the emitter, or it will shoot too much for the cooling system to handle.

Sixth: Upgrade both of the cooling units, and wrench in the N2.

Seventh: Set the 2 scrubbers in the SM to siphon, and the vent to Internal 0. MAKE SURE YOU'RE HANDLING THE RIGHT VENTS. YOU DO NOT WANT TO EMPTY THE DISTRO.

Eighth: Double check that the SM is being cooled as much as possible, and ensure that the plasmaglass windows of the core are all secured.

Ninth: SET THE SMES INPUT TO 0 and the output to 100 or 200. Then, activate the emitter and blow a kiss or two at the SM. This will give it enough of a jolt to power the emitter.

Tenth: Increase SMES input so that it is about 5kw below what is available - this will leave power for the emitters. Do note, a gap of 15kw is more optimal due to slight output deviations.

Eleventh: Check on it every few minutes just in case a little shit quietly broke in and screwed with the cooling and filters.

And you're all done.

Syndicate Comms

As a comms agent under Syndicate Lavaland, you get exactly the same gear as the one in space, and can also communicate with them should both bases be active. Keep an eye on the station, and especially Supply radio, as this is where the only people realistically able to kill you will coordinate an attack. Your gas mask has an encrypted signal GPS in it, so if you do not intend on shitposting, lob it in the lava to conceal your base. Do note, if you decide to shitpost later you will regret it.

Also, don't post a very specific forbidden text. The gods WILL smite you and quite possibly blow the fuck out of the base.

Oh Shit They're Here

The inevitable arrival of Shaft Miners tends to happen. Most of the time, they intend on killing you and taking all of your loot. Sometimes, however, they may wish to trade. This can sometimes go amazingly and get you a BSA to shoot at CentCom, and can sometimes result in them """accidentally""" dragging Bubblegum in to fucking murder you.

Treat Shaft Miners with suspicion, always. Do not hand over any of your weaponry under any circumstances. Memorise exactly how to use what you have to great effect. If they do decide to be friendly, though, you've got a robust supply line and the station may have risked the wrath of Nanotrasen coming down upon them, so keep an eye out. You may just be able to place the station under the control of your benefactors. Or they'll just PKA the shit out of you and drag in an ash drake.

Abandoning The Base

The base's vault is equipped with a self-destruct device and contains secret documents. These documents are not to fall into enemy hands under any circumstances, and the self destruct is to be kept ready just in case they come knocking. It may be a good idea to find out the detonation wire (perhaps by tricking security into doing defusal practice) and rig it up to a health scanner and a signaller so that if someone dies the whole base pops.


You are a powerful ghostrole capable of causing a lot of damage to the station's supply chain if you outrobust the miners coming to take your fancy shit, but at the same time you are vulnerable, as a single megafauna coming close can require the activation of the self-destruct.

Also, only leave your base in dire emergencies. DO NOT activate the self destruct and run the fuck out when there isn't an emergency, that's bad practice and deadchat will probably yell at you. Alongside admins.