Syndicate Items
These items can be bought through an uplink by Traitors and (barring a few) Nuclear Operatives.
How to Get These Items
Используется для: Ordering syndicate items by a traitor or syndicate operative.
Стратегия: Keep it locked. In case someone searches you they might look at your pda to see if it's an uplink.
From there, you can click on it and pick whatever item you want/need. However, you only have 20 telecrystals to use (In Nuke, the crystals are scaled to the population of the station. Every 10 people adds 10 crystals. Extra crystals for war ops), so choose wisely.
The nuke round radio and the headset can also self destruct, which can be used to destroy things like computers or gib people if dropped on top of them.
Up to three items are randomly discounted. These items can be found at the bottom of the page. The lower initial cost, the higher chance it will be discounted. You can not buy the item at discount price more than once! Hope for a 80% off Dark Mauler! (Yes, this is possible)
Bundles and Telecrystals
Contract Kit
Используется для: Completing kidnapping contracts for TC-rewards.
Стратегия: A high risk, high reward choice for a traitor who wants a real challenge.
The Syndicate have a number of urgent contracts for you to take on, become a contractor and complete them for TC and cash payments. Upon purchase, you'll be granted your own contract uplink embedded within a supplied tablet computer. Additionally, you'll be granted contractor gear to help with your mission. Comes supplied with the tablet, a specialist contractor space suit, chameleon jumpsuit and mask, agent card, three randomly selected low cost items, and a unique, electrified baton. Can include items from nuke ops.
Use the new contract uplink to select a contract, and bring the assigned target dead or alive to the designated drop off location. Call for the extraction pod and send them off for your payment, with much higher rewards for keeping them alive. Extracted targets will be sent to the ninja jail and held for ransom by the Syndicate, alerting the crew after a small delay. Ransom will be payed automatically by Nanotrasen, taking an amount of the station budget to offset the cost. These targets will later be returned to the station, with even targets brought and extracted dead being returned to the crew. The contractor always earns a portion of the ransom when they're extracted into their equipped ID.
Victims that're extracted will have their items stored until they're brought back, with their items coming along with the pod they're dropped with. Extracted targets always get dropped back in the same area they were launched from.
Aborting or completing contracts will make them unavailable to take on again, so be mindful of this when choosing which target to pick. Extraction will come when requested, but only if both yourself and the target is inside the dropoff location.
The average for the total TC you can earn with this kit is around 34 TC, with the minimum never being below 30, should you extract all your targets alive. This is on top of the actual value this kit gives you initially, making this an incredibly viable choice if you can justify a weaker early game, and feel up to the challenge.
Currently, when first assigning yourself to the uplink, you'll always be given 6 contracts.
Unique items are available to purchase with "Contractor Rep" through the available Hub inside the uplink. You acquire two Rep per completed contract, with five different purchases available:
- Contract Reroll - 2 Rep: Request a reroll of your current contract list. Will generate a new target, payment, and dropoff for the contracts you currently have available.
- Contractor Pinpointer - 1 Rep: A pinpointer that only activates for its owner, which is the first person to activate it. Locks on to crew on the same z-level, ignoring suit sensors, but is much less accurate. Will show you're at the location when within ~25 units.
- Fulton Extraction Kit - 1 Rep: Gives both a beacon and fulton kit to move targets/items across the station. Place the beacon down, and use the bag in hand to link it. Using the bag on items and crew will send them to the beacon. They must be outside - so in space or on lavaland - to be sent to the beacon.
- Reinforcements - 2 Rep: Call in a Syndicate agent to help you with your mission. Role is polled to ghosts, and comes with very basic items and their own 0 TC uplink. When an agent is found, they'll be sent via pod, so be sure to call when by yourself.
- Blackout - 3 Rep: Cuts station power for a short duration.
Contractor Baton
This baton comes in every contract kit. If extended and used on someone when not on harm intent it causes 1.5 seconds of knockdown and 85 stamina damage, which means it will stamcrit someone with 2 hits. Has a 2.5 second cooldown between non-harm hits. Fits in a pocket when retracted. Use in hand to extend or retract. Unlike other batons, this one works on cyborgs.Syndicate Bundle A: Syndi-kit Tactical
Используется для: Random Traitoring.
Стратегия: Get this if you don't know what you want to get, or if you want a challenge.
You get more than you would normally be able to at the cost of not knowing what you're going to get. This is bundle A, containing tactical item sets.
[Show/hide] Possible Sets
- X-ray Goggles
- Briefcase Launchpad
- Binoculars
- Syndicate Encryption Key
- Syndicate Space Suit
- 2x Frag Grenades
- EMP Flashlight
- Chameleon Jumpsuit
- Chameleon Mask (with voice changer)
- Agent ID Card
- Camera Bug
- AI Detector
- Syndicate Encryption Key
- Mulligan Syringe
- No-Slip Chameleon Shoes
- Switchblade
- Syndicate Cigarettes
- EMP Flashlight
- Chameleon Projector
- Energy Crossbow
- Sleepy Pen
- Radioactive Microlaser
- Chameleon Projector
- Syndicate Soap
- Optical Thermal Scanners
- EMP Flashlight
- Radio Jammer
- Revolver
- Ammo .357
- Ammo .357
- Cryptographic Sequencer
- C4 Plastic Explosive
- Nitrile Gloves
- Clown Mask
- Black Jacket
- Energy Sword
- Optical Thermal Scanner
- Cryptographic Sequencer
- No-Slip Shoes
- Syndicate Encryption Key
- Syndicate Minibomb
- Freedom Implant
- Uplink Implant
- EMP Implant
- Adrenal Implant
- Explosive Implant
- Storage Implant
- Cryptographic Sequencer
- Hacked AI Module
- Binary Encryption Key
- Toy AI
- AI Detector
- Fully Loaded Toolbox
- Camera Bug
- Optical Thermal Scanners
- Agent ID Card
Lord Singulo
- Power Beacon
- Syndicate Space Suit
- Cryptographic Sequencer
- Fully Loaded Toolbox
- 10000 credits
- Mining id upgrade card
- A syndicate duffelbag containing:
2x Airlock Charge(removed from /tg/station Aug 2019)- Camera Bug
- Power Sink Beacon
- Detomatix Cartridge
- Fully Loaded Toolbox
- Pizza Bomb
- EMP Kit
- Sniper Rifle
- Box of Penetrator Rounds
- Optical Thermal Scanners
- Nitrile Gloves
- Clown Mask
- Black Jacket
Meta Ops
Syndicate Bundle B: Syndi-kit Special
Используется для: Random Traitoring.
Стратегия: Get this if you don't know what you want to get, or if you want a challenge.
You get more than you would normally be able to at the cost of not knowing what you're going to get. This is bundle B, containing gimmicky item sets.
[Show/hide] Possible Sets
- Katana
- Adrenal Implant
- 6x Throwing Stars
- Military Belt
- Agent ID Card
- Chameleon Projector
Dark Lord
- Double-Bladed Energy Sword
- Telekinesis SE Injector
- Agent ID Card
- Dark Lord robes
- No-Slip Shoes
- Summon Item Spellbook
White Whale, Holy Grail
- Kinetic Speargun
- Quiver with 20 Magspears
- Carp space suit
- Carp mask
- Carp delivery grenade
Mad Scientist
- Mad Scientist Labcoat
- Jackboots
- Megaphone
- 2x random cluster grenades
- Bioterror Foam Grenade
- 4x Remote Signaling Device
- Syndicate Toolbox
- Energy Dagger
- Bluespace Wormhole Projector
- Decloner
- Bee objective
- Bee costume
- Bee mask
- Yellow fanny pack
- 2x buzzkill grenades
- Beesease reagent
- The Stinger - A fast attacking bee sabre which injects 4 units of histamine on every hit.
Mr Freeze
- Cold glasses
- Black gloves
- Chameleon Mask
- Winter coat
- Winter boots
- 4x Gluon Grenades
- Geladikinesis DNA injector
- Cryokinesis DNA injector
- Temperature Gun
- Blue energy saber
Syndicate Surplus Crate
Используется для: Taking a gamble or getting tons of items.
Стратегия: This can contain nearly everything on the uplink. If you want to take a gamble, buy it.
It's a crate. It contains 50 telecrystals worth of completely random Syndicate items. This can be anything from an Emag to a Deck of Cards. It can be useless junk or really good. It can be fun to buy if you have an easy objective or want to switch up your strategy.
1 Raw Telecrystal
Используется для: Giving other traitors or the nuke ops leader TC, charging F.R.A.M.E. cartridges.
Стратегия: These crystals can be used to regular uplinks, nuke ops uplinks and F.R.A.M.E. cartridges.
5 Raw Telecrystals
Используется для: Giving other traitors or the nuke ops leader TC, charging F.R.A.M.E. cartridges.
Стратегия: These crystals can be used to regular uplinks, nuke ops uplinks and F.R.A.M.E. cartridges.
20 Raw Telecrystals
Используется для: Giving other traitors or the nuke ops leader TC, charging F.R.A.M.E. cartridges.
Стратегия: These crystals can be used to regular uplinks, nuke ops uplinks and F.R.A.M.E. cartridges.
Super Surplus Crate
Используется для: Teaming up with another traitor to gamble all your TC.
Стратегия: The 40 TC price means that you have to team up with at least one other traitor. Use codewords!
This big boy contains 125 TC worth of items. If you feel you can trust other traitors, why not?
Random Item
Используется для: Purchasing a random item.
Стратегия: Buy something completely random.
Conspicuous and Dangerous Weapons
Box of Throwing Weapons
Используется для: Murdering people by throwing things.
Стратегия: Use the throwing stars to cause heavy damage and bleeding due to embedding, and the bolas to prevent the target from running off or dodging.

Reinforced bolas cause a 3.5 second knockdown and will slow targets down on hit until they are removed. They take longer to remove than normal bolas.
Energy Sword
Используется для: Mass murder.
Стратегия: This sword will usually crit someone in three to four hits (more if the target is armored). It leaves a bloody mess though. When it is on it has a chance to deflect projectiles. Needs to be turned on before use. Can fit in a pocket if shut off.
Activate it to switch between the two states, but be warned, turning it on or off causes a very loud and distinct noise. For best results, combine it with a way to stun, slow, or otherwise disable your targets; remember that if it's knocked out of your hands, you can very easily be on the receiving end. You have a decent chance of reflecting projectiles with it when turned on. You can also hit it with a multitool to make a RAINBOW SWORD.
Double-bladed Energy Sword
Используется для: SUPER mass murder, making security and all their stunning and lasers completely irrelevant.
Стратегия: Simply having this weapon active will completely ruin anyone who tries to shoot you with a taser.
The double energy sword is an immensely powerful weapon, capable of sending unarmored victims into critical in just 3 hits (and likely stunning them, dismembering, or knocking them unconscious long before that). Like the single-bladed Energy Sword, it must be turned on to be used properly, and can still be stored in your pocket when turned off.
The main reason why this weapon is so powerful compared to its predecessor is because it will reflect all energy and laser bolts sent at it back at the person who shot at you, guaranteed.
This makes unrobust Security completely and totally useless at range, and makes them easy kills if they get hit by their own taser shots. It also has a chance to reflect bullets, but this is somewhat unreliable.
This sword is not unstoppable, however; other methods of stunning or disabling you can allow others to steal it and use it against you. It will also not stop melee attacks, so try to avoid the inevitable jousting matches with stunbatons and disarm intent. Temperature gun shots go right through this.
Gloves of the North Star
Используется для: ATATATATATA
Стратегия: Buy this if you want to punch people really quickly.
Используется для: ORAORAORAORAORA
Стратегия: Has many strategic options depending on which type of Holoparasite you choose to summon.
Contains a Holoparasite injector. When injected, it will attempt to summon a Ghost player to take on the role of a spirit-like entity living in your body, capable of using different powers to help you, decided by its type. If no ghost accepts the role, you can get a TC refund.
Holoparasites can enter and exit the user's body at will, and communicate through silent telepathy with the host, allowing them to be stealthy. Different types of holoparasites have different abilities, and some can be incredibly powerful, but using them requires some degree of skill on your ally's part. Additionally, any damage a holoparasite takes is reflected back to it's owner, so don't expect your punchghost to soak up bullets for you!
When a holoparasite or its host dies, the strain from the bond disintegrates the user's corpse, removing any ability to be revived if you have one.
Используется для: Breaking some bones
Стратегия: This weapon's main strength is throwing people away from you and/or into a fire, open airlock, electrified airlock, emagged recycler etc.
To mount a gas tank, simply click on the powerfist with the tank in your hand. The pressure valve can be adjusted with a wrench to the setting 1,2 and 3. To remove an empty tank, use a screwdriver on the powerfist.
Setting one has force 20 and launches people 1 tile away.
Setting two and three double and triple these values respectively, so 40/60 damage and 2/3 tiles thrown.
Makarov Pistol
Используется для: Quick and concealable murder.
Стратегия: Keep it hidden until you gun someone down.
Can be fitted with a suppressor, which makes it a very lethal and effective weapon of murder. However, this increases the size to normal and will no longer fit in your pocket. Uses 9mm ammunition.
It's possible to gain this gun by other means beyond being a traitor but the average Security Officer will assume it's Syndicate until proven otherwise.
Используется для: Very quick and loud murder.
Стратегия: Keep the thing hidden, as most people know it's only available to syndicates. Also, it makes a lot of noise, so be careful.
This gun comes loaded with 7 rounds, more can be bought from your uplink or created with a hacked autolathe. The damage is high enough to quickly blow up a supermatter crystal. Uses .357 ammunition.
Toy Pistol with Riot Darts
Используется для: Hiding a stunning weapon in plain sight.
Стратегия: Shoot people to put them into stamina crit before they realize it's a real weapon.
Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons
Dart Pistol
Используется для: Injecting people with horrible chemicals.
Стратегия: Use it as you would a normal syringe gun; the only difference is that it fits into a pocket.
Just like the normal syringe gun, it can be horrifically deadly if you know your chemistry.
Dehydrated Space Carp
Используется для: Sudden carp invasions.
Стратегия: Summon a friendly (to you) carp and hope it kills people or causes chaos.
A well placed carp can pose a threat to unarmed and unrobust crewmembers, but it's still a relatively stupid simplemob, so don't expect it to win against people who know what they're doing. Also remember carps are spaceproof, in case you want aggressive de-airing of rooms.
Energy Dagger
Используется для: Last resort combat, murder on a budget, or telecystal filler.
Стратегия: Shove it in your PDA. Don't bring it out until you need it, because everyone knows only syndicates have energy blades.
It's far from a terrible weapon, but there are better options if you have the TC to spend. It's advantages are stealth, price, and dealing surprisingly high damage if thrown.
Martial Arts Scroll
Используется для: Becoming a bare-handed melee machine at the cost of ranged weapons.
Стратегия: Become conditionally immune to ranged weapons and murder people with your bare hands. Unless people see the passive abilities activate, they won't realize you're actually Space Jackie Chan until it's too late.
You must keep reading the scroll until you get a message saying you have mastered the ability. This will take some time and you will see several smaller flavor messages while reading.
The Sleeping Carp style was overhauled in Feb, 2020 and now has the following effects:
- You will not be able to use any ranged weapon, as that would be dishonorable.
- If throw mode is active you deflect all ranged attacks, whether energy or physical (but not thrown items).
- Immunity to syringes, sutures and ninja stars. (Unconfirmed if piercing syringes work or not).
- Your ordinary punches deal 10-15 brute.
- Space carp won't attack you.
- You gain the ability to perform combo attacks. See the table below.
Sleeping Carp Combo Table
These are combos you can perform while unarmed and having the Sleeping Carp martial art. You execute a combo step by successfully attacking a person while on a certain intent. Example: To perform Crashing Wave Kick you click a person while on harm intent to attack them once, switch to disarm intent, then spamclick the same person until you successfully perform the second combo step. Basically you attack with one intent, wait for the 0.8ish second attack cooldown to go away, and then click the same person again with the next required intent.
Combo name | Combo | Effect | Attack message |
Crashing Wave Kick | ![]() ![]() |
Launch people brutally across rooms, and away from you. Deals 15 brute. | X kicks Y square in the chest, sending them flying! |
Keelhaul | ![]() ![]() |
Kick opponents to the floor, dealing 10 brute and 4 seconds of knockdown if they are standing. Against prone targets, deal 40 stamina damage and disarm them. | X kicks Y in the head, sending them face first into the floor! X kicks Y in the head! |
Gnashing Teeth | ![]() ![]() |
Deal additional damage every second punch. 20 damage. | Precisely kick, brutally chop, cleanly hit or viciously slam. |
Mini Energy Crossbow
Используется для: Stunning people.
Стратегия: Plug someone with a near-silent, instant-knockdown projectile, and then go to town on them.
This weapon is not meant for killing, rather it is intended for stunning. Though this weapon does make a sound when fired, it is still very quiet, and can easily be concealed in your pocket. Additionally this weapon does not provide any message that it has been fired.
Strong when paired with an energy sword or other high-damage weapon, as it cannot reliably kill anything by itself. It has no shot limit, but takes a while to charge each shot. On targets without energy armor each shot deals 15 toxin damage, 60 stamina damage, knocks down for 1 second, and blurs the vision of the target. It takes two hits to stamcrit someone unless they have armor.
Boxed Origami Kit
Используется для: Turning pieces of paper into weapons.
Стратегия: Lets you fold any ordinary paper into sharp paper airplanes to hit people in the eyes with.
When enabled, any paper airplane you fold (by alt-clicking a paper) will turn into a deadly throwing weapon that looks the same as an ordinary paper airplane. These planes will deal 20 brute damage on thrown hit and cause bleeding. Victims not wearing any eyewear will also be paralyzed for 4 seconds and take eye damage. These planes will always hit people in the eyes, regardless of which body part you're aiming at.
Poison Kit
Используется для: Murdering people silently.
Стратегия: Inject these poisons into food, medicines, cryotubes, or just shoot them with a syringe gun.
Those experienced in chemistry with the appropriate access may find the kit redundant.
Используется для: Creating a zombie infestation.
Стратегия: Inject into food, medicines, cryotubes, or just shoot it with a syringe gun.
Zombies are player controlled and (expected to) become hostile to all life, including you. Their attacks deal high damage and can apply romerol to more corpses and living humans. Having a decent supply of corpses before hand can help get your zombie apocalypse rolling.
Because Romerol costs more than 20 telecrystals, at least two traitors will normally need to collaborate to buy it.
Sleepy Pen
Используется для: Disabling people, making people look dead.
Стратегия: Silently and instantly inject people with chemicals.
Sleepy pens can also be emptied and refilled like any other container, allowing you to instantly inject up to 45u of any chemical cocktail you can get your hands on. If you know your chemistry, you can easily turn one into an instant-use lethal injection device.
Regardless of payload, the victim will feel a tiny prick, but the stab will be invisible to others, and the pen does not pierce hardsuits and other such protective gear.
Universal Suppressor
Используется для: Silencing weapons.
Стратегия: Attach it to certain weapons to silence and remove the weapon's attack messages.
Can be fitted to weapons such as the Makarov Pistol, C-20r Submachine Gun, Sniper Rifle, or Surplus Rifle. Remove it by alt-clicking the firearm.
Syndicate Holster
Используется для: Stealthily carrying your guns around, looking cool.
Стратегия: A little device that allows for inconspicuous carrying of guns using chameleon technology. It also allows for badass gun-spinning.
.357 Speedloader
Используется для: Ammo for the Revolver.
Стратегия: Quickly reload your gun in combat without stopping to fuss with bullets.
You must add bullets to it by hand, making it as slow as a revolver to actually reload unless you happen upon a big pile of bullets on the floor, in which case clicking any of the bullets with the speedloader in hand will instantly reload it; such piles may be found near hacked autolathes, or produced by dumping a bag of them on the floor. CANNOT be fed into the autolathe, so don't be afraid of feeding it to the machine while refilling it.
9mm Ammo
Ammo for 9mm guns. Magazines can only be used in their specified gun. Using a magazine on a gun already loaded with a magazine will do a tactical reload, replacing the old magazine. After a reload you need to activate the gun in hand to rack the slide.
9mm Handgun Magazine
Используется для: Ammunition for the Makarov Pistol. 30 damage.
Стратегия: Order in conjunction with the Makarov Pistol for extra killing potential. Can be handloaded from a loose ammo box.
Loose ammo boxes can be made in a hacked autolathe so it is ill-advised to order too many extra handgun magazines as it's more economical to simply handload empty magazines.
9mm Armour Piercing Magazine
Используется для: Armour piercing ammunition for the Makarov Pistol. 27 damage, 40 AP.
Стратегия: Order this when you want to kill someone armoured like security staff.
9mm Hollow Point Magazine
Используется для: Ammunition for the Makarov Pistol which deals more damage against unarmoured targets. 40 damage, -50 AP.
Стратегия: Order this when you want to kill someone who is likely unarmoured.
9mm Incendiary Magazine
Используется для: Ammunition for the Makarov Pistol which sets the target on fire. 15 damage, 2 firestacks.
Стратегия: Order this when you want to see someone burn.
Box of Riot Darts
Используется для: Ammo for the foam force Toy Handgun.
Стратегия: Order as extra ammo for the toy gun. Generally not a good idea as riot darts themselves are re-usable.
Grenades and Explosives
Composition C-4
Используется для: Blowing stuff up.
Стратегия: Stick it on things that need to blow up.
Can be directly placed on mobs, but will only deal around 50 damage and not gib. Be very careful not to stick it onto yourself or your backpack! Alternately, set the timer to something ludicrously high and slap it on the Clown like a festive decoration.
Bag of C-4 Explosives
Используется для: Blowing lots of stuff up.
Стратегия: When you know you want a lot of bombs.
Bag of X-4 Explosives
Bag of X-4 Explosives
Используется для: Blowing stuff up.
Стратегия: For when C4 isn't enough.
Используется для: The disabling of technology, such as cameras, radios, etc.
Стратегия: Wage war against the silicons and Security's energy weapons.
To use the grenade, activate it in hand and throw it at the offending technology. The implanter functions the same, but after implanting it into yourself, it can be activated three times using the action button.
EMPing a group of security officers can disable half their arsenal, and the grenades are invaluable against silicons.
Detomatix PDA Cartridge
Используется для: Making other's PDAs explode.
Стратегия: Remotely damage and deafen people across the station, destroy valuable IDS, make everybody paranoid.
If successful, the target's PDA will explode, destroying the ID and damaging them, while also likely blowing their eardrums out.
For best results, have your targets in mind beforehand and send as many messages out as you can in rapid succession; once someone yells about their PDA exploding, others can simply turn off their messenger to stop you from targeting them.
In addition, the missile program can detonate your own PDA, allowing you to use it as an emergency hand grenade. Try not to blow up your uplink if you still have telecrystals remaining!
For syndicate operatives, this cartridge also has the blast door toggle function for the syndicate shuttle, allowing you to open the door when the person with the military PDA has died horribly.
Pizza Bomb
Используется для: Tasty bomb delivery.
Стратегия: Deliver a pizza to your target. However, the pizza is poisoned...with C4.
Comes with a free pizza, for you or your target!
Slipocalypse Clusterbang
Используется для: Making a large area slippery with soap.
Стратегия: For when an area simply isn't enough of a workplace hazard.
Syndicate Bomb
Используется для: Making really big holes.
Стратегия: Place somewhere safe, activate, and run. Make sure nobody defuses it.
While the bomb is counting down, it produces a loud beeping audible from adjacent rooms. If the crew finds it, they can use regular tools to open it up and fiddle with the wires. One randomly-selected wire disarms the bomb if tampered with, but another will set the bomb off immediately! This can be used to your advantage by figuring out the detonation wire and adding a signaler so you can control when the bomb will go off; consider stealing Security's training bomb to find out which wire detonates.
Syndicate operatives should take note of the detonation button that spawns at their HQ, which instantly sets off every syndicate bomb on the z-level when pushed.
Syndicate Minibomb
Используется для: Blowing shit up, making holes in the station.
Стратегия: Cook the grenade in your hand (for no longer than at most two seconds) and throw it at someone when they least expect it. Use it on crowds or downed targets.
Stealth and Camouflage Items
Chameleon Kit
Используется для: A complete kit of clothing (jumpsuit, vest, belt, shoes, gloves, mask, hat, PDA, gun, stamp and headset) capable of changing color and shape. Lightly armored.
Стратегия: Instantly change your outfit to throw off pursuers, or commit crimes in alternative duds.
The mask has a built-in voice changer that can be toggled on/off by using it in hand, and will match your voice with your currently equipped ID (great in combination with the Agent ID!). Extremely useful for infiltration.
If EMP'd, chameleon gear breaks, rapidly switching between outfits. If you don't actually care about traitoring, or steal a chameleon kit, this can be a lot of fun. You can also select outfit pieces from rare, admin-only or maybe even removed items!
No-Slip Chameleon Shoes
Используется для: Not slipping.
Стратегия: A cheap way to avoid slipping, with or without the rest of the kit.
Similar to the Chameleon Kit these shoes have an action button to change shape, but unlike the chameleon shoes, they also protect you from slipping on items or slippery surfaces. Even without the full kit, this can be very useful.
Agent ID Card
Используется для: Concealing your identity and avoiding security/the AI.
Стратегия: Steal access, change your identity, and foil the AI all in one.
Secondly, wearing this ID means the AI can't easily track you. They can still see you, but won't be able to select your name from their camera list to instantly jump to and automatically follow you. This can make it a pain for them to follow "law 2 find the traitor" orders.
Third, Beepsky and other security bots will be more lenient towards wearers of the Agent ID. These bots use a "threat assessment" system, and wearing the AID reduces this threat by 2, meaning they'll ignore minor crimes you commit near them as long as you don't stack too many offenses.
Finally, hitting a different ID with the Agent ID will cause the AID to copy its access. This can stack, and persists even as you change it's appearance, so you can quietly build up an all-in-one access card by stealing access from various people, or just copy the Captain's ID.
Chameleon Projector
Используется для: Playing Prop Hunt with security.
Стратегия: Hide in plain sight as common detritus.
Incredibly useful, and a lot of fun if you use it correctly; hiding as something tiny like a cigarette butt or drops of blood can make it very difficult for firearms to hit you, as you must be clicked on directly. You can also blend into common objects on the shuttle, or just fuck around by turning into a toilet or something.
Camera Bug
Используется для: Spying through cameras.
Стратегия: Lets you remotely watch certain areas to know when to spring traps or hide, or disable them to commit crimes.
You can also use the Camera Bug on a camera to bug it. Bugging a camera will allow you to remotely disable that camera once through the 'tracking menu', for controlled AI/security camera blackouts.
Smuggler's Satchel
Используется для: Hiding items under floortiles.
Стратегия: Use it to stash contraband or bombs under the crew's feet for later.
Additionally, satchels randomly spawn across the station each round, and come with random contraband like drugs or posters. Using a t-ray scanner allows them to be seen from under floortiles.
Satchel contents originally persisted rounds, but not anymore. Blame the guys who gave themselves traitor and wizard items every other round.
Используется для: Speed and reducing stuns for a long time.
Стратегия: Use it on yourself before a fight with security.
Syndicate Soap
Используется для: Cleaning things, and slipping people on it.
Стратегия: Can be used for a quick clean up if you lack space cleaner, so you're not covered in blood, or it can be used like a banana peel.
Используется для: Changing identity.
Стратегия: Use it on yourself and find new clothes.
EMP Flashlight
Используется для: Disabling technology, such as cameras, radios, doors, cyborgs, etc. Can also be used to unlock lockers.
Стратегия: Best used stealthily against technology. For the traitor who prefers a more delicate touch.
Hitting a person with it will disable their headset and any energy based weaponry they possess, while hitting a cyborg will damage and stun it. Using it on doors may depower or electrify them.
Adaptive Cardboard Cutouts
Используется для: Making the crew believe in a nonexistant threat.
Стратегия: Place them somewhere, and disguise them as anything.
Decoy Nuclear Authentication Disk
Используется для: Fooling the crew into thinking that the nuclear authentication disk is safe.
Стратегия: Leave it in the Captains Quarters and hope he doesn't examine it.
Regular crew will find out by looking at the pinpointer or trying to put it in the nuke.
Space Suits and Hardsuits
Syndicate Space Suit
Используется для: Surviving space.
Стратегия: Wear it while going in space, store it in your backpack when you're done.
Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 30,energy = 15, bomb = 30, bio = 30, rad = 30, fire = 80, acid = 85.
Syndicate Hardsuit
Используется для: Surviving space, tactical armor.
Стратегия: Wear it while going in space, store it in your backpack when you're done.
Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 30, energy = 15, bomb = 35, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 50, acid = 90.
Cybersun Hardsuit
Cybersun Hardsuit
Используется для: Surviving space, fighting against security.
Стратегия: Wear it while going in space, laugh when lasers start flying.
Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 40, laser = 70, energy = 70, bomb = 30, bio = 100, rad = 60, fire = 60, acid = 60.
Devices and Tools
Cryptographic Sequencer
Cryptographic Sequencer
Используется для: Gaining entrance to
Стратегия: Use this to open anything and everything (except airlocks). Causes sparks in the process and you will leave a trail of broken lockers and other equipment.
Also has several special functions, as it can hack cyborgs to serve you, cause multiple electronic devices to malfunction and become deadly, and can really ruin an engineer's day. Emagging something is different from Hacking something. See here for further info about what things can be hacked/opened by swiping them with an Emag.
Airlock Authentication Override Card
Используется для: Gaining entrance to restricted areas
Стратегия: Use on a powered and non-bolted airlock to quickly force it open and break it
- If it can be opened, opens it and breaks so it stays open.
- If it can't be opened, just breaks so it stays closed.
- Airlocks unable to be opened, due to such things as being bolted or welded shut cannot be bypassed with this card.
Fully Loaded Toolbox
Используется для: Obtaining tools and combat gloves.
Стратегия: Useful in a pinch if the AI has bolted you in somewhere and you have no other way to escape.
Hypnotic Flash
Используется для: Hypnotizing people into following absurd orders.
Стратегия: This flash is capable of inflicting the Hypnotic Stupor on vulnerable people.
As soon as they've been flashed, they will be hypnotized by the first sentence they hear and gain an obsessive compulsion to obey it.
Unlike an ordinary flash, this item can not break from EMP or repeated use. This flash does not stun people.
Hypnotic Grenade
Используется для: Hypnotizing an entire crowd of people into following absurd orders.
Стратегия: This flash is capable of inflicting the Hypnotic Stupor on vulnerable people.
As soon as they've been flashed, they will be hypnotized by the first sentence they hear and gain an obsessive compulsion to obey it.
Syndicate Surgery Duffelbag
Используется для: Surgery.
Стратегия: Use it to perform any kind of surgical crime.
Chest Rig
Используется для: Storing combat equipment.
Стратегия: Use it to store many weapons when you intend to go loud.
Syndicate Tome
Используется для: Healing and harming.
Стратегия: Use it to heal other traitors you've teamed up with.
Thermal Imaging Glasses
Используется для: Seeing people, creatures, and synthetics through walls.
Стратегия: Used for tracking your targets and spotting threats or security ambushes.
Binary Translator Key
Very handy for hearing if the AI is rogue, is out to arrest you, or even if there are any other traitors out there. Speak on the channel with a :b before your text. These are easy to disguise, but nearby humans will be able to hear you whispering so keep this in mind when you talk (as you will get found out).
Syndicate Encryption Key
Используется для: Listening in on all of the station's radio chatter and communicating with other traitors that have purchased it.
Стратегия: Eavesdrop on security. Communicate with other traitors for cooperative goodness.
This tool will allow you to listen in on all of the station department's radio channels and speak on a hidden Syndicate channel with other traitors that are using the key. Speak on the channel with a :t before your text.
Artificial Intelligence Detector
Используется для: Knowing when the AI is watching you. Checking camera coverage and possible multicams.
Стратегия: Keep this in a pocket or an open toolbelt and watch it when you intend to do something suspicious, to ensure the AI isn't looking.
Knowing when an artificial intelligence is watching you is useful for knowing when to maintain cover, such as before murdering someone or breaking in somewhere.
Recently, this item has gained the ability to show an overlay that lets you see camera coverage and the real-time location of AI camera eyes.
Hacked AI Upload Module
Используется для: Changing the AI's laws to what you want.
Стратегия: Break into AI Upload to upload, or steal the AI Upload circuit from Tech Storage. The more competent the AI is, the more useful this will be.
The hacked Laws act like Ion Storm Laws and will precede the numbered laws in priority, automatically overriding all other laws should they conflict. Make sure you pay attention to the wording of your new Law as most AIs would love to use any loophole they can find to kill you.
Power Sink
Используется для: Sucks up all the station power, causing a black-out.
Стратегия: This will suck up all the station's power very quickly. Use it on the main station's power grid to suck it. Don't place it on solars, as it will only suck out the solar's power.
You must screw it into place on a wire with a screwdriver, then turn it on. But as easy as it was set down, any one can pick it right back up! Make sure to put it somewhere secure, but also make sure that it is attached to the main station power. Once it has drained enough power, it explodes violently!
Power Beacon
Используется для: Attracting a loose singularity/tesla towards the beacon at a
Стратегия: Set it up in a secluded location, then release the singularity. Excellent for forcing a shuttle call and succeeding in escape alone objectives.
Note that for it to be useful at all the singularity/tesla does need to be released, as the beacon will not release it by itself.
A singularity beacon can not be picked up after it is spawned, and must be dragged around. It also blocks movement over it, so be sure to spawn it where you want to set the beacon up.
Briefcase Launchpad
Используется для: Breaking into secure areas, theft, kidnapping, teleporting bombs.
Стратегия: Set it up near a wall to a secure area, teleport over it, teleport back.
Radioactive Microlaser
Используется для: Stealthily irradiating people.
Стратегия: Use it on someone, wait for the radiations to kick in and knock them out.
It has two settings: intensity, which controls the power of the radiation, and wavelength, which controls how long the radiation delay is.
Radio Jammer
Используется для: Disrupting any nearby outgoing radio communication.
Стратегия: Activate it before killing someone so they can't scream over radio.
Codespeak Manual
Используется для: Learning Codespeak, the language of the Syndicate. Now has unlimited uses.
Стратегия: Read it or hit fellow Syndicate agents with it. Useful in case crew gains access to the Syndicate comms channel.
This manual teaches you, or anyone hit by it Codespeak. Unlimited uses. Use ,t before saying something to speak in Codespeak.
F.R.A.M.E. PDA Cartridge
Используется для: Making someone elses PDA a fake Syndicate Uplink.
Стратегия: Use it to frame someone as a traitor or to send them Telecrystals.
You may also apply TC directly to the cartridge, and the next time it is used, it will not only unlock the PDA, but also give the crystals to the target PDA.
Protocol CRAB-17 Phone
Используется для: Draining crew funds.
Стратегия: Use it to force the crew to convert their money into cash or rush a spacecoin market.
Adrenal Implant
Используется для: Reducing stuns, escaping.
Стратегия: Surprise arresting officers by popping right back up after being tased. Proceed to murder shocked arresting officers.
An implant injected into the body, and later activated with a HUD button to inject a chemical which slightly helps with stuns while causing an array of bad effects. Using it will instantly remove any existing knockdown (but not paralyze or stamcrit), make you stand up if resting and inject you with 6 units of Experimental Stimulants. Each injection lasts about 30 seconds. Has 3 uses.
Freedom Implant
Используется для: Escaping an arrest.
Стратегия: Instantly uncuffing yourself so you can make your escape/kill the arresting officer.
Be wary that if security figure out you can break out of handcuffs, they'll typically opt to execute you instead of arresting you.
Storage Implant
Используется для: Storing suspicious items.
Стратегия: Use it to keep contraband, so it can't be discovered by a random search.
Radio Implant
Используется для: Covert communication.
Стратегия: Chat with fellow syndicate members even after having your headset removed.
EMP-proof, but can't be modified with encryption keys.
Stealth Implant
Используется для: Cardboard powered stealth action.
Стратегия: Sneak around the station inside an invisible cardboard box.
Storage Implant
Используется для: Hiding items from security.
Стратегия: Break out of brig any time.
Uplink Implant
Используется для: Spawning syndicate items without using your hands or PDA. Contains 10 telecrystals.
Стратегия: Useful if you want to try completing your objective without any syndicate items. Use it in the case you get Permabrigged.
If case you get captured, this is a get out of jail free card.
Role Restricted
Reverse Revolver
Используется для: Shooting people or tricking them into killing themselves.
Стратегия: shoot at people with it, have people shoot at you with it!
People can prove hard to convince it's the real deal, especially metagamers that see a clown with a gun and know what's up. Advanced pranking would involve other traitors' revolvers.
Clown Bomb
Используется для: Mass pranking.
Стратегия: Place this in a department that REALLY needs to cheer up.
A bomb that releases fifty clowns. It even honks instead of beeping.
Reverse Bear Trap
Используется для: Executing someone in a very spectacular, gruesome fashion.
Стратегия: Attack someone with it and keep them still for 3 seconds.
To arm, attack someone with it while they're not wearing headgear, and you will force it onto their head after three seconds uninterrupted.
Australicus Slime Mutator
Используется для: Causing a spider apocalypse.
Стратегия: Inject this into an unused gold slime extract.
Clown Car
Используется для: High-octane multi-seat pranking action.
Стратегия: Run people over, stuff them in your trunk. Henk!
Comes with a horn, a button to release all passengers and a lube-defense mechanism(tm) which has a 1/3 chance to drop some lube if someone decides to shoot at your sweet ride. If you can somehow get it emagged, you unlock even more fun!
EZ clean bundle
Используется для: Cleaning every "stain" with maximum prejudice.
Стратегия: It still cleans and looks like a normal cleaning grenade, so you have a bit of headstart when throwing it in the middle of a crowded, dirty hallway. They will notice very soon though.
His Grace
Используется для: Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.
Стратегия: The counter resets with each body consumed, and with it the benefits. Try to build corpse stockpiles to minimize the risks of maximum buffs. The hunger also grows faster with each body consumed.
It starts peckish, giving just a moderate damage buff.
Then he hungers, giving some damage and healing when held, and will devour any that come near him if he is resting on the ground.
More hunger leads to him being famished, at which point the damage and healing start to become considerable, but he will not let go of your hand anymore at this point. GET-FOOD.
STARVING: NOW YOU DID IT. You are basically a hulk with a ridiculous healing buff; I hope you read this guide in advance, because you have about ten seconds to live befor-
DEATH: you are dead. The hunger was too much, so His Grace has worked his way up your arm and popped your head in his jaws like a ripe grape.
At this point the counter resets, his grace rests on the ground one last time and if no assistants gets too close, becomes dormant again from the hunger. Bodies can be retrieved from his jaws, and changelings can revive and crawl out.
Haunted Magic Eightball
This item is currently bugged, and non-functional.
The twenty possible answers are the following:
"It is certain", "It is decidedly so", "Without a doubt", "Yes definitely", "You may rely on it", "As I see it, yes", "Most likely", "Outlook good", "Yes", "Signs point to yes", "Reply hazy try again", "Ask again later", "Better not tell you now", "Cannot predict now", "Concentrate and ask again", "Don't count on it", "My reply is no", "My sources say no", "Outlook not so good" and "Very doubtful".
Ancient Jumpsuit
Используется для: Show you are a seasoned greytider.
Стратегия: None.
Ancient Toolbox
Используется для: Bashing heads in and everything tool-related.
Стратегия: Bash people, bash windows, hacking doors, increase its damage with telecrystals.
Modified Syringe Gun
Используется для: Instantly injecting someone with DNA from a distance.
Стратегия: Shoot someone with a mutator with a bad disability.
Banana Cream Pie Cannon
Используется для: Shooting pies into people's faces.
Стратегия: Shoot people in the face with it and then finish them off by other means.
Magillitis Serum Autoinjector
Используется для: Going apeshit.
Стратегия: Use this on yourself and start smashing things.
Box of Gorilla Cubes
Используется для: Spreading mayhem, raising a sentient gorilla army.
Стратегия: These are similar to monkey cubes, but will release angry gorillas when rehydrated. Especially fun when combined with sentience potions!
Kinetic Accelerator Pressure Mod
Используется для: Making your Kinetic Accelerator a weapon for use on the station.
Стратегия: Use this to make your Kinetic Accelerator a powerful weapon in pressurized environments like on the station.
Guide to Advanced Mimery Series
Используется для: Shooting bullets out of your fingers. Making invisible 3x1 walls.
Стратегия: Killing someone with your fingers or putting up a wall to escape your pursuers.
Explosive Hot Potato
Brainwashing Surgery Program
Используется для: Turning people into mindslaves through surgery.
Стратегия: Brainwash people, preferably authority figures, to fulfill your will.
Reagent Dartgun
Используется для: Shooting chemicals without reloading syringes.
Стратегия: Use it as you would a normal syringe gun; the only difference is that it holds up to 4 syringes that it produces automatically.
Blast Cannon
Используется для: Firing your own immovable rod, sniping AIs from across Z-levels.
Стратегия: Load it with a TTV bomb and delete everything in a straight line.
Projectiles fly across Z-levels, which is very fun with looping Z-levels, or even just for sniping AIs across space.
Concealed Weapon Bay
Используется для: Hiding a weapon in a non-combat Exosuit
Стратегия: Use on a finished Exosuit. Then do the same with a mech-weapon of choice.
Laser Arm Implant
Используется для: Implanting yourself with a slowly self-recharging laser arm.
Стратегия: Shoot lasers with your arm.
(Pointless) Badassery
Syndicate Playing Cards
Используется для: Playing cards, cheap throwing stars.
Стратегия: Use these as a shitty throwing weapon, when you're bored and playing cards is the only option left, or as a signature for your murders.
Syndicate Briefcase Full of Cash
Используется для: Trading. Roleplay.
Стратегия: Use the cash to buy your objective, or export it with cargo to order crates.
Syndicate Smokes
Используется для: Cool-looking regeneration.
Стратегия: Smoke them to inhale omnizine and heal over time.
Syndicate Balloon
Используется для: Showing off.
Стратегия: Buy this if you feel you can do your objectives without the use of syndicate items.
Nuclear Strike Team
Items only available to syndicate operatives during Nuke.
Bundles and Telecrystals
Nuclear operatives can purchase bundles, which cost a bit less than the sum of their parts.
Bioterror bundle
Используется для: Getting all you need to commit several war crimes.
Стратегия: Start a biological disaster, and spread chaos among the crew.
Bulldog bundle
Используется для: Getting a well rounded shotgun kit.
Стратегия: Shoot people with it.
C-20r bundle
Используется для: Getting a classic and reliable gun.
Стратегия: Shoot people with it.
Cybernetic Implant Bundle
Используется для: Implanting your team.
Стратегия: Implant it in your team.
Medical bundle
Используется для: Getting a rounded medical kit.
Стратегия: Become a combat medic to keep your team up and running.
- 30 units of Epinephrine
- 30 units of Omnizine
- 15 units of Leporazine
- 15 units of Atropine
Sniper bundle
Используется для: Getting all you need to start sniping.
Стратегия: Become a long-range sniper.
Spetsnaz Pyro bundle
Используется для: Getting all you need to watch the
Стратегия: Start fires everywhere. Make sure the other operatives are wearing fireproof suits as well.
Conspicuous and Dangerous Weapons
Bulldog Shotgun
Используется для: Killing/Stunning people.
Стратегия: A robust shotgun. Holds a wide selection of ammo types.
Starts with a syndicate firing pin, which prevents enemies from using it.
[Show/hide] Bulldog Ammo
Ammo-12g Stun Slug
Stun Slug Drum Magazine
Используется для: Loading the Bulldog.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
A reliable way to stun a target, but not effective in killing them. When used in conjunction with a more lethal weapons, such as the Energy Sword or a pistol, it can be extremely lethal.
Ammo-12g Buckshot
Используется для: Loading the Bulldog.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
Akin to most shotguns a buckshot magazine is unreliable in ranged combat, however this ammo type excels in close range encounters such as maintenance or when holding a corner.
Ammo-12g Slugs
Используется для: Loading the Bulldog.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
Ammo-12g Dragon's Breath
Используется для: Loading the Bulldog.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
A shot from a Dragon's Breath magazine leaves a long trail of fire that quickly dissipates, but can be effective in setting many crew members on fire. Don't shoot your own teammates in the back.
Ammo-12g Breaching
Используется для: Loading the Bulldog.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
Ammo-12g Bundle
Используется для: Loading Bulldogs.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
C-20r Submachine Gun
Используется для: Killing people.
Стратегия: The signature weapon of Nuke Ops, it deals reliable damage and fires in three-round bursts.
[Show/hide] C-20r Ammo
.45 Ammo
Используется для: Loading a C-20r SMG. 35 damage.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
.45 Armor Piercing SMG Magazine
Используется для: Loading a C-20r SMG. 30 damage, 50 AP.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
.45 Incendiary SMG Magazine
Используется для: Loading a C-20r SMG. 15 damage, 2 firestacks.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
.45 Ammo Bundle
Используется для: Loading several C-20r SMGs.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
L6 Squad Automatic Weapon
Используется для: Mowing people down.
Стратегия: An expensive investment, designed for consistent and powerful fire support for assault teams.
Shoots in three-round bursts and needs two free hands to use. Dust cover must be opened with an alt-click to be able to insert a new magazine. Starts with a syndicate firing pin, which prevents enemies from using it.
[Show/hide] SAW Ammo
1.95x129mm Box Magazine
Используется для: Loading the L6 SAW.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
1.95x129mm (Hollow-Point) Box Magazine
Используется для: Loading the L6 SAW.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
1.95x129mm (Armor Penetrating) Box Magazine
Используется для: Loading the L6 SAW.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
1.95x129mm (Incendiary) Box Magazine
Используется для: Loading the L6 SAW.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
7.12x82mm (Match) Box Magazine
Используется для: Loading the L6 SAW.
Стратегия: Lock and load. Trickshots.
Sniper Rifle
Используется для: Killing people from far away.
Стратегия: A long-range sniper rifle, useful for shooting down hallways or from space.
Requires a free hand to use. Initially loaded with 6 .50 sniper rounds, which deal 70 damage, stun, penetrate armor, and have a chance of dismembering limbs. They can also deal significant damage to objects, destroying airlocks and machinery in one or two hits. Starts with a syndicate firing pin, which prevents enemies from using it.
[Show/hide] Sniper Ammo
.50 Magazine
Используется для: Loading the Sniper Rifle.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
.50 Soporific Magazine
Используется для: Loading the Sniper Rifle.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
.50 Penetrator Magazine
Используется для: Loading the Sniper Rifle.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
Surplus SMG
Используется для: Arming someone cheaply.
Стратегия: For when you are low on TC and need a gun.
[Show/hide] Surplus SMG Ammo
Surplus SMG Magazine
Stechkin APS Machine Pistol
Используется для: Quick murder.
Стратегия: Normal sized. Does not fit in pocket.
9mm Stechkin APS Magazine
Используется для: Ammunition for the Stechkin APS. 30 damage.
M-90gl Carbine
Используется для: Versatile crowd control.
Стратегия: Combine it with an energy shield.
Magazines hold 30 rounds of bullets, which is more than enough against unarmored targets.
[Show/hide] M-90gl Carbine Ammo
5.56mm Toploader Magazine
Используется для: Loading the M-90gl Carbine. 30 damage, 30 AP.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
5.56mm Toploader Phasic Magazine
Используется для: Loading the M-90gl Carbine. 20 damage, 70 AP.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
40mm HE Grenade
Используется для: Setting things on fire.
Стратегия: A plasma-loaded flamethrower. Make sure you and your team have fireproof suits when using this, or you'll end up burning yourself.
Toy Submachine Gun
Используется для: Doing stamina damage and knocking people down. Making people react too late.
Стратегия: Deals no real damage, but the riot darts it's loaded with cause 25 stamina damage, knocking victims down.
Toy Machine Gun
Используется для: Doing stamina damage and knocking people down. Making people react too late.
Стратегия: Deals no real damage, but the riot darts it's loaded with cause 25 stamina damage, knocking victims down.
Box of Riot Darts
Используется для: Loading toy weapons.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
84mm Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher
Используется для: Blowing holes into mechs, walls and people.
Стратегия: Crew is hiding inside body bags again? Surprise them with an HE rocket. Durand ruining your day? Hit it with a high-yield HEDP rocket.
[Show/hide] Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher Ammo
84mm HE Rocket
84mm HE Rocket
Используется для: Loading the RPG.
Стратегия: Land a direct hit to dismember and kill the unfortunate target.
84mm HEDP Rocket
84mm HEDP Rocket
Используется для: Loading the RPG.
Стратегия: Really ruin the day of any mech or silicon hit by this. Maim any targets near the impact site.
Biohazardous Chemical Sprayer
Используется для: Extreme Crowd Control.
Стратегия: Shoots dangerous poisons.
Grenades and Explosives
Bioterror Foam Grenade
Используется для: Crowd Control.
Стратегия: Emits extremely debilitating foam.
Buzzkill Grenade Box
Используется для: Covering the station in BEEEEEES.
Стратегия: Toss one in a crowded area and watch the bees attack anyone who isn't wearing thick clothing.
Keep in mind that bees can't attack people wearing thick clothing - like hardsuits and EVA/fire/bio/EOD suits as well as some costumes.
Fungal Tuberculosis Grenade
Используется для: Biological Warfare.
Стратегия: Spreads an extremely dangerous and infectious virus.
Grenadier's Belt
Используется для: Lobbing several kinds of grenades.
Стратегия: Contains a grenade for every situation. Avoid blowing yourself up with them.
- 1 Flashbang;
- 4 Smoke Bombs;
- 2 EMP Grenades;
- 10 Frag Grenades: A bit less powerful than minibombs, but with a higher flame range;
- 4 Gluon Grenades: They deal radiation damage when exploding, and freeze the surrounding area afterwards, making it slippery;
- 2 Incendiary Grenades: They spread a wave of plasmafire, burning everything in their path;
- 1 Fluorosulfuric Acid Smoke Grenade: It will spread extremely potent acid in its area of effect, melting armor, objects and people inside;
- 2 Syndicate Minibombs;
- Screwdriver and Multitool to customize grenades. Some different triggers can be found in the Syndicate Infiltrator Ship.
Syndicate Detonator
Используется для: Detonating all syndicate bombs at once.
Стратегия: Coordinating bomb blasts to destroy multiple objects simultaneously.
Useful for when speed matters or you wish to synchronize multiple bomb blasts. Be sure to stand clear of the blast radius before using the detonator.
Operatives start with a working detonator in their base, buying this is usually redundant.
Viscerator Delivery Grenade
Используется для: Crowd Control.
Стратегия: Shoot several killdrones that will try to hack off people's limbs.
The grenade is fantastic at helping clearing out a crowd of crewmen. However, it can be ineffective against Security personnel and the Captain as their armor and weapons allow them to ignore the viscerators long enough to (try to) gun you down. They are also extremely sharp and can outright sever limbs when attacking.
Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons
CQC Manual
Используется для: Remembering the basics of tactical Close-Quarters Combat.
Стратегия: Read it and practice combos. Useful when combined with adrenals, noslips and added protection, like an energy shield or a shielded hardsuit or for killing someone when they least expect it.
You learn devastating combos and when throw is active, have a chance to block and counter attacks.
This is the same skill as Cooks can use in the kitchen, except anywhere.
Your punches do bonus damage, and your grabs will start as aggressive. You can combo attacks by switching intents while hitting. Possible Combos:
- Slam: Grab Harm. Slam opponent into the ground (10 brute and 12 sec paralyze). Only works on people standing.
- CQC Kick: Harm Harm. If the opponent was paralyzed they'll be knocked out (30 sec sleep and 15 brain damage up to max 150). Else they'll be knocked away and take 10 brute.
- Restrain: Grab Grab. Locks opponent into a restraining position (10 sec stun, 20 stamina damage). Disarm while restraining and pulling to knock them out with a choke hold (40 sec sleep).
- Pressure: Disarm Grab. Deals 60 stamina damage.
- Consecutive CQC: Disarm Disarm Harm. Mainly damaging move (25 brute and 50 stamina damage).
Combat Gloves Plus
Используется для: Krav Maga.
Стратегия: Take down or silence targets with Krav Maga.
Stealth and Camouflage Items
Stealthy No-Slip Chameleon Shoes
Используется для: Not slipping.
Стратегия: The nuke ops version of no-slips.
Space Suits and Hardsuits
Elite Syndicate Hardsuit
Elite Syndicate Hardsuit
Используется для: Having better armor and fireproofing.
Стратегия: Wear it.
Resistances: melee = 60, bullet = 60, laser = 50, energy = 25, bomb = 55, bio = 100, rad = 70, fire = 100, acid = 100.
Shielded Hardsuit
Используется для: Having better armor and fireproofing.
Стратегия: Wear it.
Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 30, energy = 15, bomb = 35, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 100, acid = 100.
Devices and Tools
Syndicate Jaws of Life
Используется для: Gaining entrance to restricted areas
Стратегия: Use the crowbar mode to open non-bolted airlocks
Blood-Red Magboots
Используется для: Working without gravity.
Стратегия: Activate them if the gravity generator stops working.
Assault Pod Targeting Device
Используется для: Dropping on the station with style.
Стратегия: Use this to drop into a central area, giving less time to react to the crew.
Energy Shield
Используется для: Protecting yourself from energy weapons
Стратегия: This is a very powerful asset, it will deflect all energy based ranged attacks, laser or stun. This makes it significantly harder for station personnel to attack or subdue you at range as only the armoury's riot shotguns will be effective in bypassing the energy shield.
While expensive, having the people up front wield an energy shield makes for a good breaching strategy.
Medbeam Gun
Используется для: Constant and free healing.
Стратегия: Use it on a target to begin healing it.
Crossing the streams or trying to heal a target already being healed by another medbeam will cause a huge explosion. Be very wary when using two medbeam guns, or avoid buying two altogether.
Syndicate Medical Supply Kit
Используется для: Healing your fellow operatives.
Стратегия: Use this to keep your team alive.
Syndicate Sentience Potion
Используется для: Giving intelligence and a radio implant to an animal.
Стратегия: Use it on an animal to render it intelligent and loyal to you. Keep in touch thanks to the implanted radio.
Additionally, the creature will receive a radio implant, as well as an implanted syndicate ID, allowing them to enter and exit the Syndicate Infiltrator.
Guerrilla Gloves
Используется для: Tackling.
Стратегия: Insulated tackling gloves.
All these items ship with an (auto) implanter; to use it, insert the implant in the implanter and use it inhand.
CNS Rebooter Implant
Используется для: Reducing stuns.
Стратегия: Implant it in yourself.
Microbomb Implant
Используется для: Exploding on death.
Стратегия: Use it when dying to prevent your items from being stolen.
Macrobomb Implant
Используется для: Exploding on death.
Стратегия: Use it when dying to prevent anyone close to your corpse from being alive.
Reviver Implant
Используется для: Recovering from crit.
Стратегия: Implant it in yourself.
Thermal Vision Implant
Используется для: Seeing living beings through walls.
Стратегия: Implant it in yourself.
X-Ray Vision Implant
Используется для: Seeing through walls.
Стратегия: Implant it in yourself.
Mechs, cyborgs and new troops, for when you feel you're understaffed.
Dark Gygax
Используется для: Close quarters mechanized combat.
Стратегия: Beeline directly for the disk, filling everyone and everything in the way with buckshot. Be surprisingly hard to hit due to high deflection.
Boasting a decent movement speed, an LBX AC 10 "Scattershot" shotgun, both types of armor boosters, and an Energy Relay, this mech proves to be as powerful as anything the operatives can bring to bear in terms of close-quarters combat prowess.
However, it is extremely vulnerable to ion guns, which will seriously damage the mech in a few hits. Consider not bringing your ship's ion gun along for the assault. Aside from the ion gun, the only easy way to bring it down is other EMPs, mass laser fire or a ton of explosives.
It also has a leg actuator function, which speeds up the mech. The Dark Gygax also possesses a bluespace cell, which grants it a larger pool of energy to draw from than it's Mauler counterpart.
Has thrusters for space-maneuverability.
Dark Mauler
Используется для: Heavy Assault Platform.
Стратегия: For when you need to absolutely annihilate anything in your way, accept no substitute.
Its armor makes it nearly impossible to destroy by all but the most concentrated, coordinated and well armed of counter attacks. Its main weakness is that is is very slow moving, making it easy to outrun. It can, however, walk through walls without any trouble, making most stationary fortifications pointless.
Note that this does not, however, automatically make you unstoppable. To effectively use it you should already have some experience with mechs, it should also be noted that whoever is piloting this does not need as much gear as everyone else, so don't waste TC (although it is good to have a backup plan if the mech is destroyed).
Syndicate Cyborg
Используется для: Robotic Support.
Стратегия: Increase team size by adding a borg to the team, an unstunnable killing machine.
- The assault module contains:
- A flash;
- An energy sword;
- A cyborg LMG that prints ammo from energy;
- A grenade launcher;
- An emag;
- A crowbar;
- A pinpointer;
- The medical module contains:
- A flash;
- A syndicate hypospray containing restorative nanites;
- Medical Gauze;
- A defibrillator;
- A Medbeam Gun;
- A health analyzer;
- Surgery tools (The surgical saw can be toggled to be an energy sword);
- An emag;
- A crowbar;
- A pinpointer.
- The saboteur module contains:
- A full set of tools;
- Metal, glass and cable synthesizers;
- A robotic RCD;
- A robotic RPD;
- A fire extinguisher;
- Zipties;
- A flash;
- Thermal vision;
- A fake destination tagger;
- A cyborg chameleon projector;
- A pinpointer.
Используется для: Support.
Стратегия: Increase your team size by adding another operative.
(Pointless) Badassery
Broken Chameleon Kit
Используется для: Complimenting your Syndicate balloon.
Стратегия: Put this on and demonstrate your robustness.
Centcom Official Costume
Используется для: Playing them like a fiddle.
Стратегия: Ask the crew to "inspect" their nuclear disk and weapons system.
Clown Costume
Стратегия: Wearing this will be enough to terrify most crew members.