If you ever encounter a bug in-game, the best way to let a coder know about it is with our GitHub Issue Tracker.
(If you don't have an account, making a new one takes only one minute.)
When creating a new issue it is important to use the format displayed below so coders can easily identify the problem.
If you have difficulty, ask for help in #coderbus.
Issue Format
Problem Description: What is the problem? What did you expect to happen: Why do you think this is a bug? What happened instead: How is what happened different from what you expected? Why is this bad/What are the consequences: Why do you think this is an important issue? Steps to reproduce the problem: The most important section. Review everything you did leading up to causing the issue. Server: Which server were you playing on? Revision: What revision was the server running? Type 'show-server-revision' ingame to find out. Possibly related stuff (which gamemode was it? What were you doing at the time? Was anything else out of the ordinary happening?): Anything else you can tell us. Thanks for helping us out!