
Глава: Department Head
Сложность: Medium
Руководства: This is the guide
Обязанности: Fight for your nation
Доступ: Whatever you have

Nations is an uncommon game mode that occurs when the admins are suitably bored and choose to run it. In Nations, departments become independent states and it is their goal to survive through control of station resources, diplomacy, and battle. Nations usually form around critical areas of the station, such as Engineering, Atmosia, Cargo, Security, Medbay, Research and Development and the Closet of Custodia.

While nations can result in some slightly fun gameplay, it is also filled with a lot of griefing and dickery. Ultimately nations tends to result in engineering turning off all the power, and atmospherics gassing everyone with N2O.

General Rules

These are subject to differ from admin to admin. The rules should be posted as an Admin Notice when you join the server. Generally though, these are some common rules:

  • Each department or "work area" of the station are divided into a nation.
  • If someone enters a nation, and are not "approved" by a majority of people in that nation, lethal action is authorized, this is an invasion.
  1. The Head of Personnel and Captain hold no authority over any department assignment.
  2. Anything that happens to a trespasser is justified, unless it abuses a bug in some way.
  3. Do not complain to administrators about what happens after you get caught in an invasion.
  • Bombs and gas flooding are general frowned upon, so is griefing in general.
  • Trade and roleplay are the focus of this game mode and are encouraged.
  • Theft of the Autolathe is frowned upon.

Starting Nations

Names for each nation are typically randomly generated, the following are new names you may select:

  • Cargo - Democratic People's Republic of Cargonia
  • Engineering - Enginia, Metopia, Communist State of United Maintenance Workers, Singutropolis
  • Medbay - The United States of Medbayica, Medbaysia
  • Research - Toxins, Researchtropolis, Scienceland, Sciencia
  • Security - Secuitra, Sectopia, Reichland, Gulagvania, Gitmo, China, Securikstan
  • Assistants - Legion (for they are many), ALAE (Assistants in League Against Everything), Assistopia (often found in a random set of public or maintenance areas)
  • Service - Servicetopia
  • Silicion - United Nations

Split Nations

Some nations are born from the chaos of the station:

  • Bridge - People's Communist Republic of Commandtopia, The Headlands
  • Atmospherics - Atmosia, Atmostralia, Pipeworld,Germany
  • Custodial Closet - Janitoria, Janitopia, Custodia
  • Diner (The chef and barman may join each other, or remain separate nations) - Bar & Grilltopia, The Maltese Falcon, Foodland
  • Theater (Clown and Mime either work with, or against each other) - Clownland, Honktopia, Mimeland, Silentopia, Embassy of the Clown Planet/Mime Dimension, The Actors Guild
  • Chapel - The Holy Land, The U.N. Assembly
  • Mining - Oretropolis, Minetopia
  • Hydroponics - Plantopia, Hydrotropolis, Botroplois
  • Combination States - Includes any state merging with another, without direct departmental relation (Barman and Chemistry).

Nation Playstyles

The following is are some possible playstyles for each nation:

Engineering - Your main export is the life-blood of the station: electricity. This means that you hold quite a bit of power over most nations in the early-shift. That is, until those conniving bastards start making their own power and tell you to go fuck yourself. In addition to this, you're the only other source of toolbelts and insulated gloves on the station besides Cargonia, whom have probably already spent all their points buying ten gun crates. Be open to trading these things for valuables from other nations, and try to maintain your independence from the UN.

  • Atmospherics - While holding no direct military power Atmosia can flex its considerable might by controlling the stations air supply and as such air is considered the main export of Atmosia and can often be used in barter trades. Atmosia starts as a fairly powerful nation but does not directly get more powerful as the round progresses.
  • Telecommunications - You can set filtered frequencies on the telecommunications network to control which departments get radio access. This is a good way to earn money from other nations, but is likely to make them angry at you.

Science - In the early-shift, these nerds aren't anything to fear. Give them some time with someone competent in R&D and Robotics, and they'll likely be the ones you see tromping around in the mechs, murdering everyone who resists absorption into Sciencia. Yeah. They're powerful. But hey! If you're in cargo, these guys will happily trade you for resources, so you'll likely be able to name your price.

Cargo - While again starting fairly weak, Cargo has easily the highest versatility of any department via their ability to order equipment for every job and their stranglehold on materials. Almost every department (and at least Science and maybe Security) has to curry favor with Cargo in order to have any chance of surviving the round. Generally, Cargo is one of the more threatening departments, only hampered by their usually smaller size compared to departments like Medbay or Science and the fact that what little manpower they do have is mainly the infamously attention-deficit Cargo Technicians.

Security - Security is the strongest nation at the start of the round, but has less power as cargo hands out guns and stun batons. Consider striking a deal with cargo to ensure your monopoly on violence. Security usually just hunkers down in the brig, but they can possibly earn money by charging other nations for protection. If there's a Space Dragon wrecking havoc in Virology but Medsia didn't pay up, then its not your problem.

Должности на /tg/station


HudcaptainV2.png Командование Капитан, Глава персонала, Глава службы безопасности, Главный инженер, Директор исследований, Главный врач, Квартирмейстер, Bridge Assistant
Hudcentcom1.png Представители Центрального Командования Представитель NanoTrasen, Офицер «Синий щит», Магистрат
Hudsec.png Безопасность Глава службы безопасности, Офицер службы безопасности, Варден, Детектив, Veteran Security Advisor, Заключенный
Главный инженер, Станционный инженер, Атмосферный техник
Директор исследований, Генетик, Ученый, Робототехник
Главный врач, Врач, Парамедик, Химик, Коронер
Квартирмейстер, Грузчик, Шахтёр, Битранер, Cargorilla
Глава персонала, Уборщик, Бармен, Повар, Ботаник, Клоун, Мим, Священник, Куратор, Ассистент, Адвокат, Психолог
Не органики
ИИ, Киборг, Позитронный мозг, Дрон техобслуживания, Персональный ИИ, Конструкт, Воображаемый друг, Раздвоение личности, Призрак
Traitor Hud.png
Предатель, Неисправный ИИ, Генокрад, Ядерный оперативник, Культист Нар’Си, Еретик, Шпион, Революционер, Маг, Семья, Блоб, Абдуктор, Голопаразит, Ксеноморф, Паук, Ревенант, Морф, Кошмар, Космический ниндзя, Демон резни, Пират, Разумная болезнь, Одержимый, Беглец, Охотники, Космический дракон, Элитные мобы, Разумный слайм, Король крыс, Парадоксальный клон
Hudno id.png
Офицер центрального командования, Офицер эскадрона смерти, Офицер ОБР, Хроно-легионер, Горец, Иан, Роли Лаваленда или космоса, Стажер Центрального командования
Antagtemp.png Игровые режимы на /tg/station





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Heretic forbidden book.png


Nt display.png

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