- This is a guide to advanced construction such as machinary and consoles.
Machine Construction
Build a machine frame from your 5 metal sheets.
Add wires.
Add a circuit board.
- Examine the machine frame and it will tell you what items you need now. Remember that this description remains the same, even after you add items.
When all the parts are added, screwdriver the machine frame to finish it.
Updating machines
All machines are composed of components. There are better versions of many components, attained through research. These instructions only show you how to construct the very basic form of e.g. Exosuit Fabricator. But if you build an Exosuit Fabricator with the most complicated versions of the components instead of the regular ones, you'll get different advantages:
- Better Matter bin makes you have more storage space
- Better Manipulator improves build speed
- Better Laser improves materials efficiency
- Bigger Beaker increases the reagent storage size