Версия от 19:24, 26 марта 2019; imported>Angust (→‎Medical HUD Icons: Tried to add add defibbable icon but failed. Gif is skewed to upper left corner and I don't know how to fix. So just made health scanner clickable and minor stuff.)
Pen.pngНуждается в пересмотре!Pen.png
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Причина: "Missing HUDs for the Diagnostic HUD Glasses, the Medical HUD health bars, antagonist HUDs that normaly are not visible like Changeling and some other ones I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting."

Scientist generic.png
Jerry Scienmon, the Scientist говорит
«Here, have a look through this eye piece. If you look at certain things while wearing this Medical HUD, you can automatically view how healthy a person is, just at a glance! Pretty cool right? Not to mention, we also have Security HUDs for the officers, Science HUDs for the Chemists and other Science department staff, Diagnostic HUDs, night vision versions of these, fancy sunglass HUDs...»

Did you mean the game window?

The abbreviation of heads-up display. These icons show up if your character is either an antagonist, or wearing Security's Hudsunglasses.pngHUDSunglasses or a MedGlasses.pngHealth Scanner HUD.

Antagonist HUD Icons

These are the icons that display over some persons under certain circumstances.

Icon Description
Hudrev.png Revolutionary. Can only be seen by other revs.
Hudrevhead.png Head Revolutionary. Can only be seen by other revs.
Hudcultist.png Cultist. Can only be seen by other cultists.
Файл:Hudclock.png Clockwork Cultist. Can only be seen by other servants.
Hudsyndicate.png Syndicate Operative. Can only be seen by other operatives during Nuke

Security HUD Icons

These are the icons that display over all persons while you are wearing a Security HUD. Personnel with a Mindshield Implant will have a flashing blue outline around their job icon.


Icon Description
Файл:Hudcaptain.png Captain
Hudhop.png Head of Personnel
Файл:Hudhos.png Head of Security
Huddetective.png Detective
Hudsec.png Security Officer
Hudwarden.png Warden
Файл:Hudce.png Chief Engineer
Hudengi.png Station Engineer
Файл:Hudatmos.png Atmospheric Technician
Файл:Hudjanitor.png Janitor
Файл:Hudqm.png Quartermaster
Hudtech.png Cargo Technician
Hudminer.png Shaft Miner
Файл:Hudrd.png Research Director
Файл:Hudcmo.png Chief Medical Officer
Файл:Hudbotanist.png Botanist
Hudchem.png Chemist
Файл:Hudgen.png Geneticist
Huddoc.png Medical Doctor
Файл:Hudviro.png Virologist
Hudrobo.png Roboticist
Hudsci.png Scientist
Файл:Hudbar.png Barman
Файл:Hudchap.png Chaplain
Файл:Hudchef.png Chef
Hudhonk.png Clown
Hudmime.png Mime
Файл:Hudlawyer.png Lawyer
Файл:Hudbook.png Curator
Hudhelp.png Assistant
HudU.png Unrecognized Rank
Hudcentcom.png CentCom Official or Death Squad Officer

Arrest Status

Icon Description
Hudwanted.png Wanted
Hudprison.png Prisoner
Hudparol.png Parolled
Hudreleased.png Discharged
Blinkhud.gif Tracking Implanted
Hudchemimplant.gif Chemical Implanted

Medical HUD Icons

These are the icons that display over all persons while you are wearing a Health Scanner HUD.

Icon Description


No Viruses Detected.


Bad Virus Detected


Positive Virus Detected


Unknown Lifeform Detected

