Версия от 18:58, 13 сентября 2014; imported>Bandit (we didn't have a page for this, someone add pics and shit)
(разн.) ← Предыдущая версия | Текущая версия (разн.) | Следующая версия → (разн.)
??? Area
Obvious exits South to Hallway
Purpose For the growing of plants
Access level Public
Noteworthy contents Dirt, seeds, plants, seed extractor, biogenerator mini hoe, bottle of pest spray
Clearance Everyone
Security level ???
Style ???
Balance Requirements
Other Notes
Jobstemp.png Локации на /BANDA/station

Where the public can grow plants in case the Botanists aren't, or in case they are bored. Comes with a simple variety of seeds to start off with. Located by Arrivals.