All Xenomorph Castes Stat Chart
- Speed is calculated inversely, meaning the lower the speed value you have, the faster you are
- Runner, Hunter, and Ravager all have a faster attack cooldown, meaning they can swipe more over a shorter period of time (0.6, 0.7, 0.7 respectively compared to a standard 0.8 seconds)
- Spit delay is the amount of time between shots, with a delay of 1.0 being one shot per 1 second
- All acid spits are given a 145% boost to damage at base, and 160% boost to damage with the primordial upgrade; the value given is with the boost applied.
- All castes have a weed movement speed bonus of -0.4, except Gorger with -0.2 and Hunter with -0.1
- Items marked in bolded italics have special properties