Версия от 09:56, 19 августа 2024; ARTHUR GRIFIER (обсуждение | вклад) (ARTHUR GRIFIER переименовал страницу Standard Operating Procedure в СРП: перевод)
Note: This page is merely guidelines, much like the article concerning Space Law in general. Enforcement is fully up-to players and not admins.

Alert Levels

Code Green - All Clear

Standard operating level. No immediate or clear threat to the station. All departments may carry out work as normal.

  • Suit sensors are not required to be on.
  • Weapons worn by security are to be hidden except when in the case of an emergency.
  • Crew members may freely walk in the hallways.
  • AI/Cyborgs have no need to bolt down any secure areas.
  • Security must respect the privacy of crew members and no unauthorized searches are allowed.

Code Blue - Confirmed Threat

Elevated alert level. There are reports or other proof available to indicate that there is a threat to the station. When a CentCom threat summary is received and printed at communication consoles (happens automatically every roundstart), the Blue Alert level is applied.

  • Suit sensors are mandatory, but coordinate positions are not required.
  • Security may have weapons visible.
  • Crew members may be searched by security with probable cause.
  • AI/Cyborgs may bolt down high secure areas.
  • Energy guns, laser guns and riot gear are allowed to be given out to security personnel if the HoS or Warden agree.

Code Red - Immediate Threat

Maximum alert level. There is an immediate threat to the station or severe damage. Martial Law is in effect.

  • Suit sensors are to be turned fully on at all times.
  • Security can raid departments and arrest any crew member deemed a threat to the station.
  • All crew members must remain in their departments or any other safe area, unless they are required to do so for their job (Paramedics fetching dead people, Engineers fixing hull breaches, etc.)
  • AI/Cyborgs may bolt down maintenance and airlocks leading to space.

Code Delta - Imminent Destruction

The station's self destruct mechanism has been engaged due to overwhelming threat to the station. Martial Law is in effect. Any threat which can cause Code Delta (Blob, Nukies, Cult, Malf AI) de factoin fact, whether by right or not. constitutes Code Delta.

  • Suit sensors are to be turned fully on at all times.
  • All orders from Heads of Staff and Security must be followed, any disobedience is punishable by death.
  • All crew members are to evacuate immediately, Emergency Shuttle must be early launched.

Different Situations


  • All personnel are to evacuate on the escape pods or the emergency shuttle, which Central Command sends.
  • All personnel are required to assist with evacuation. All crew must be evacuated, regardless of their consciousness.
  • Prisoners are to be brought to the secure area of the escape shuttle, except for prisoners who pose a severe threat.
  • AI units may be brought to Central Command on portable card devices (InteliCards) if structural failure is likely or AI units wish to leave.
  • Mechs and Cyborg units are to be hauled to the escape shuttle for Central Command to inspect.
  • Authorizing early shuttle launches is not allowed unless there is an immediate threat to shuttle integrity.

FireAlarm.png Fire and Other Environmental Hazards

  • Immediate evacuation of all untrained personnel.
  • Fire alarms to be used to control the hazard.
  • Atmospheric Technicians and Station Engineers are to remove the hazard.
  • Pump air back into the area when fixed.
  • Ensure the damage is repaired.

L2locker.png Radiation Storm

  • All crew to move to the maintenance tunnels or radiation shelters.
    • AI or Captain must activate Emergency Maintenance Access so everyone can reach them.
  • Wait a while until it's safe to move again, and continue your business. Report to Medbay if you're feeling strange.
  • Medbay staff should be ready to administer mutadone to the ones who got caught in the storm.

L3locker.png Level 7 Biohazard (Viral Outbreak)

  • If severe viral strain is on board the station, the Chief Medical Officer is required to quarantine infected parts of the station with the help of Security.
  • All infected crew are to be isolated in Virology or Medbay.
  • Bio Suits and internals are mandatory for medical personnel and recommended for crew.
    • Sterile masks and gloves to be mass given to Crew
  • Chemistry and Virology must start working on cure ASAP.
  • Quarantine must be maintained until the outbreak is contained and resolved.
  • If the Emergency Shuttle is called, Medical and Security are to ensure no infected crew board the shuttle.

Meteor.gif Meteor Storm

  • All crew to move to central parts of the station.
  • Damage is to be repaired by engineering personnel after the threat has passed.
  • Shuttle must be called if the station becomes unsalvageable.

Alien.png Extraterrestrial Takeover (Xenomorphs)

  • Station Command is to prevent infection from spreading to Central Command by ensuring the emergency shuttle is not called until the threat is contained or terminated.
    • If Emergency Shuttle is called it entrances must be secured and watched to make sure no extraterrestrial lifeforms board it.
  • Destroy all extraterrestrial sources on the station.
  • Round up all forms of extraterrestrial lifeforms and contain or terminate them, do not terminate if there is a chance of containment.
  • If extraterrestrial forces cannot be defeated, arm and detonate the Nuclear Fission Explosive to ensure their suppression.

Level 5 Biohazard (Blob)

  • Emergency Shuttle cannot depart the Station unless Biohazard is defeated.
  • The location of Biohazard must be found by crew and reported back to Command Staff as there is chance of it being a false alarm.
    • After location is found out and confirmed it must be publicly announced to everyone.
    • The type of Biohazard must be monitored, any change of it must be reported to ensure Crew will use the best strategy.
  • Laser Guns must be spread among Security and Crew, EVA suits are recommended.
    • More weapons to be ordered from Cargo if necessary.
    • Engineering should construct Emitters to hold off Biohazard growth.
  • Security and Crew must destroy the Biohazard at any cost.
  • Rechargers to be relocated from Security Outposts near the location of Biohazard.
  • After Biohazard is defeated all of the weapons to be returned back to Armory.

Malfunctioning AI

  • All of the Security Cameras to be cut immediately, priority put to important areas of Station (Brig, Bridge, RD Office).
  • Crew to be announced about Malfunctioning AI.
  • Robotics to cease Cyborg construction, Roboticists to be investigated on any cooperation with Malfunctioning AI.
  • All Cyborgs must be unsynced from AI, if not possible - destroyed.
    • Cyborgs can be stunned with Flashes and Flashbangs, also locked down with RD Console.
  • AI Satellite must be raided and AI carded, if carding impossible - destroyed.
    • If AI not found on Satellite all of the station must be searched to locate it.
  • Carded AI to be repaired or brought to CentCom for investigation.