Версия от 04:52, 8 мая 2014; imported>Kosmos (→‎Equipment: Removed manufacturing lists since they can be found at R&D Guide, added links there.)

Components for Machine Construction

Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A basic capacitor used in the construction of a variety of devices.

Advanced Capacitor
Advanced Capacitor
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
An advanced capacitor used in the construction of a variety of devices.

Super Capacitor
Super Capacitor
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A super-high capacity capacitor used in the construction of a variety of devices.

Scanning Module
Scanning Module
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A compact, high resolution scanning module used in the construction of certain devices.

Advanced Scanning Module
Advanced Scanning Module
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A compact, high resolution scanning module used in the construction of certain devices.

Phasic Scanning Module
Phasic Scanning Module
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A compact, high resolution phasic scanning module used in the construction of certain devices.

Micro Manipulator
Micro Manipulator
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A tiny little manipulator used in the construction of certain devices.
A better Manipulator inside a machine increases its build speed.

Nano Manipulator
Nano Manipulator
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A tiny little manipulator used in the construction of certain devices.
A better Manipulator inside a machine increases its build speed.

Pico Manipulator
Pico Manipulator
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A tiny little manipulator used in the construction of certain devices.
A better Manipulator inside a machine increases its build speed.

Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A tiny laser used in certain devices.
A better Laser inside a machine increases its materials efficiency.

High-Power Micro-Laser
High-Power Micro-Laser
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A tiny laser used in certain devices.
A better Laser inside a machine increases its materials efficiency.

Ultra-High-Power Micro-Laser
Ultra-High-Power Micro-Laser
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A tiny laser used in certain devices.
A better Laser inside a machine increases its materials efficiency.

Matter Bin
Matter Bin
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A container for hold compressed matter awaiting re-construction.
Better Matter Bin in a machine increases its material storage space.

Advanced Matter Bin
Advanced Matter Bin
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A container for hold compressed matter awaiting re-construction.
Better Matter Bin in a machine increases its material storage space.

Super Matter Bin
Super Matter Bin
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A container for hold compressed matter awaiting re-construction.
Better Matter Bin in a machine increases its material storage space.

Subspace Treatment Disk
Subspace Treatment Disk
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A compact micro-machine capable of stretching out hyper-compressed radio waves.

Subspace Ansible
Subspace Ansible
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A compact module capable of sensing extradimensional activity.

Hyperwave Filter
Hyperwave Filter
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A tiny device capable of filtering and converting super-intense radiowaves.

Subspace Amplifier
Subspace Amplifier
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A compact micro-machine capable of amplifying weak subspace transmissions.

Subspace Wavelength Analyzer
Subspace Wavelength Analyzer
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A sophisticated analyzer capable of analyzing cryptic subspace wavelengths.

Ansible Crystal
Ansible Crystal
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A crystal made from pure glass used to transmit laser databursts to subspace.

Subspace Transmitter
Subspace Transmitter
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Machine construction
Стратегия: Use it on the requiring machine frame
A large piece of equipment used to open a window into the subspace dimension.


Diamond Pickaxe
Diamond Pickaxe
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Mining, hacking through something
Стратегия: Use it on something you want to hack through
A pickaxe with a diamond pick head, this is just like minecraft.

Sonic Jackhammer
Sonic Jackhammer
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Mining, blasting through something
Стратегия: Use it on something you want to blast through
Cracks rocks with sonic blasts, perfect for killing cave lizards.

Mining Drill
Mining Drill
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Mining, drilling through something
Стратегия: Use it on something you want to drill through
Yours is the drill that will pierce through the rock walls.

Diamond Mining Drill
Diamond Mining Drill
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Mining, drilling through something
Стратегия: Use it on something you want to drill through
Yours is the drill that will pierce the heavens!

Plasma Cutter
Plasma Cutter
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Mining, cutting through something
Стратегия: Use it on something you want to cut down
A rock cutter that uses bursts of hot plasma. You could use it to cut limbs off of xenos! Or, you know, mine stuff.


Component Design Disk
Component Design Disk
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Research
Стратегия: Put designs onto this to use on an unlinked protolathe
A disk for storing device design data for construction in lathes.

Technology Disk
Technology Disk
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Research
Стратегия: Put research level data onto this to exchange with a different server
A disk for storing technology data for further research.

Man-Machine Interface
Man-Machine Interface
Местонахождение: Protolathe, Robotics Lab
Используется для: Creating cyborgs or talking with the bodyless
Стратегия: Guide to robotics
The monstrous device used to give cyborgs life. The roboticist starts with a few empty ones and its low research requirements mean more can easily be built in the protolathe. A brain in an MMI has no limbs and is, of course, not capable of interacting with anything - but at least it can talk. There's also a radio-enabled version that lets those snooty brains complain about you over the radio.
Man-Machine Interface with a brain in it: px50
You can also build Radio-enabled MMIs.

Bag of Holding
Bag of Holding
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Holding things that hold things
Стратегия: This item holds bulkier items, including normal backpacks.
WARNING: The fabric of Bluespace is fragile. Attempting to put a Bag of Holding inside another Bag of Holding will make fun things happen.
A backpack that opens into a localized pocket of Blue Space.

Floral Somatoray
Floral Somatoray
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Botany
Стратегия: Use this to mutate plants
A tool that discharges controlled radiation which induces mutation in plant cells.

Местонахождение: Bridge, Tech Storage, Research Director's Office
Используется для: Stealing Restoring or transporting the AI
Стратегия: Use on the AI's core to download it into the InteliCard
Also known as an InteliCard AI Transportation System.
A functional AI is a possible Traitor objective.

Personal AI Device
Personal AI Device
Местонахождение: Dormitory, Research Director's Office, Derelict Shuttle
Используется для: Downloading your new best friend
Стратегия: Click it in your hand to open the interface, load personalities and wait for a pAI personality to become available.
This is a personal AI device.

Tracking Beacon
Tracking Beacon
Местонахождение: Protolathe, key locations around the station
Используется для: Teleporting to it
Стратегия: Place it somewhere and use the teleporter hub to set it as your destination
A beacon used by the Teleporter.

Welding Gas Mask
Welding Gas Mask
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Breathing air while welding
Стратегия: Wear it while welding and breathing simultaneously
A gas mask with built in welding goggles and face shield. Looks like a skull, clearly designed by a nerd.

Bluespace Beaker
Bluespace Beaker
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Transporting reagents or used in machine building
Стратегия: Fill it with reagents or put it in a machine
A bluespace beaker, powered by experimental bluespace technology and Element Cuban combined with the Compound Pete. Can hold up to 300 units.
A bigger beaker inside a machine increases its reagent storage space.

Cryostasis Beaker
Cryostasis Beaker
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Transporting reagents without having them blow up
Стратегия: Fill it with reagents
A cryostasis beaker that allows for chemical storage without reactions. Can hold up to 50 units.

Slime Extract
Slime Extract
Местонахождение: Xenobiology
Используется для: Research and interesting Grenades
Стратегия: Use a Syringe to inject Plasma, blood or water into it
Also known as a Slime Core.

Each kind of Slime has different effect that can be found here: Guide to Xenobiology The Formulas.

Unused Slime Extract is a possible Traitor objective.

Monkey Cube
Monkey Cube
Местонахождение: Xenobiology, Getmore Chocolate Corp Vending Machine, Monkey Cube Box
Используется для: Getting a Monkey when you really need one
Стратегия: Splash water on it using a Beaker or a Fire Extinguisher. Make sure you unwrap it first.
A Monkey Cube Box contain 8 Monkey Cubes.
Monkey Cube Box: px50

Large Grenade Casing
Large Grenade Casing
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Grenade construction
Стратегия: Insert a Silver Slime Core and some Plasma and you have a instant party Grenade
Makes it possible to use Slime Cores in grenades.

Tank Transfer Valve
Tank Transfer Valve
Местонахождение: Toxins Lab
Используется для: Making bombs
Стратегия: Guide to toxins
Should not be confused with the Manual Valve, even though they look (almost) totally the same.
A finished bomb: px50

Global Positioning System
Global Positioning System
Местонахождение: Telescience Lab
Используется для: Calibrating the Telepad
Стратегия: Guide to telescience
Transmits the universal coordinates to the Telepad Control Console.
Even though it is called a GPS, the name wrongly suggest that it has to do with a planet.

Bluespace Crystal
Bluespace Crystal
Местонахождение: Xenobiology, Research and Development Lab, Telescience Lab
Используется для: Upgrading the Telepad
Стратегия: Guide to telescience
A bluespace crystal with mystical properties. When crushed in your hand it will make you blink. When thrown at someone it will make them blink. Can be placed into the Telepad Control Console to upgrade the power of the Telepad. You can create Bluespace Crystals through Bluespace Slimes or through Research.


Advanced Energy Gun
Advanced Energy Gun
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Shooting at people
Стратегия: Shoot at people
An energy gun with an experimental miniaturized reactor.

Stun Revolver
Stun Revolver
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Stunning people
Стратегия: Shoot it at people, reload with a charger
A high-tech revolver that fires stun cartridges. The stun cartridges can be recharged using a conventional energy weapon recharger.

Laser Cannon
Laser Cannon
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Shooting at people
Стратегия: Shoot at people
With the L.A.S.E.R. cannon, the lasing medium is enclosed in a tube lined with uranium-235 and subjected to high neutron flux in a nuclear reactor core. This incredible technology may help YOU achieve high excitation rates with small laser volumes!

Rapid Syringe Gun
Rapid Syringe Gun
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Shooting syringes at people, to heal of apprehend
Стратегия: Reload it with full syringes and shoot em at someone
A modification of the syringe gun design, using a rotating cylinder to store up to four syringes.

Temperature Gun
Temperature Gun
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Shooting at people, air conditioning
Стратегия: Great for combating creatures which are weak to extreme temperatures
A gun that changes temperatures.

Submachine Gun
Submachine Gun
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Shooting at people, drive-bys
Стратегия: Point it at someone and pull the trigger
A lightweight, fast firing gun. Uses 9mm rounds.

Ammunition Box (9mm)
Ammunition Box (9mm)
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Reloading weapons with 9mm ammunition
Стратегия: Carry a few of these around if you have a 9mm gun
There are x shells left!

Stun Shell
Stun Shell
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Stunning people with the shotgun
Стратегия: Load it in the shotgun and shoot at people
A stunning shell.

Xray Laser Gun
Xray Laser Gun
Местонахождение: Protolathe
Используется для: Shooting at people, radiology
Стратегия: Very effective when used against crowds of people
A high-power laser gun capable of expelling concentrated xray blasts.


Slime Processor
Slime Processor
Местонахождение: Xenobiology
Используется для: Creating Slime Extract from dead baby Slimes
Стратегия: Guide to xenobiology
Using the regnant from a Purple Slime Extract on a Slime before killing and processing it will produce more Slime Extract.

Monkey Recycling Machine
Monkey Recycling Machine
Местонахождение: Xenobiology
Используется для: Recycling of dead Monkeys, will produce a Monkey Cube when full
Стратегия: Guide to xenobiology
The horror (or magic) it most use to do what it does.
Don't use living monkeys unless you want animal rights groups to stomp down your door.

Местонахождение: Telescience Lab
Используется для: Teleporting victims stuff around the station
Стратегия: Guide to telescience
Controlled by the Telepad Control Console.

Can be used to teleport anything that isn't bolted to the floor to it self or from it self to a place defined by the Telepad Control Console.

Guide to building a Telepad.

Местонахождение: R&D Lab
Используется для: Manufacturing items from materials
Стратегия: Load it with materials and pick an item you want to make (if you have the research levels researched for them)
Similar to an Autolathe, you load raw materials such as glass and metal sheets (but not other objects) into it for creating stuff. All the menus and other manipulation commands are in the R&D console.

Manufacturing list can be found here.

Guide to building a Protolathe.

Circuit Imprinter
Circuit Imprinter
Местонахождение: R&D Lab
Используется для: Manufacturing circuit boards
Стратегия: Fill it with Polytrinic Acid and select a circuit board you want to print (if you have the research levels researched for them)
Prints out all kinds of different circuit boards, depending on your research levels. Each of these can be used to build the machine their name stands for.

Manufacturing list can be found here.

Guide to building a Circuit Imprinter.

Exosuit Fabricator
Exosuit Fabricator
Местонахождение: Robotics
Используется для: Manufacturing robot parts
Стратегия: Load it with materials and pick an item you want to make (if you have the research levels researched for them)
Creates robot parts from metal. Can be synchronized with the R&D research levels for new cyborg/mech components. They cannot be hacked and require Robotics access to operate.

If deconstructed and replaced with better components (better manipulator, matter bins and micro laser), the Exosuit Fabricator will construct parts more quickly.
Manufacturing list can be found here.

Guide to building an Exosuit Fabricator.