Cortical Borer: различия между версиями

(Page written by Armhulen)
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Версия от 08:56, 10 ноября 2016

Cortical Borer

Глава: None
Сложность: Easy to Average
Руководства: This is the guide
Обязанности: Crawl in the corroded brains of the clown, inject meth, assume direct control, induce crippling drugs in the clown, inject meth, cry when the host eats sugar, inject meth. Overdose!
Доступ: N/A
Дополнительный доступ: Vents
Цитата: Igor! Fetch me the brain!

Cortical Borers are small worms that crawl in your brain and take control to reproduce. While it may seem bad at first, there are some upsides and reasons to keep that worm in your brain. Just in case you don't want a worm injecting 30u of meth when you least expect it, there are ways to kick that Borer out!

Getting a Host

Outside of the host, you are very weak. Anything short of talking to your hivemind, you cannot do. No talking. To get a host, you do have a couple abilities. Considering how hard it is to communicate to possible hosts, you should instead enter him forcibly. You can hide under tables and such, use this to your advantage. Hosts will get a message when you start crawling in, so use your shock ability to stun them long enough to crawl in. A few things to keep in mind is that the stun can only occur in the tile in front of you, and

Delicious Brain Juice!

So, you're in a brain now. You can now access most of your abilities! You're (technically) not a useless worm anymore! Here's how to work with your host. As long as you're in a host, You generate chemicals over time. You have a maximum of 250, and you use chemicals to cast abilities.

Your objective is to reproduce, you need 10 hosts (borer-holding-humans) on the escape shuttle to win. This means helping out the esword-using maniac isn't a good idea, because if you think he's going to get on the shuttle with 10 other people, you're crazy. Having a borer help an officer arrest the traitor, and bring him on the shuttle in cuffs, works too.


Below is a list of all the abilities a borer can use.

Name Host Requirements Cost Description
Paralyze Victim No Host Only 150 seconds Sending a psychic lance straight to an unsuspecting victim, this stuns the host long enough for you to crawl in! Use sparingly, the lance has a long cooldown. When being chased, the lance can also be used to stun someone trying to kill you, though keep in mind you have to be looking at the victim, and the victim needs to be right next to you. good luck!
Hide No Host Only No Cost Allows you to hide under tables, pipes and (be careful with this one) lockers. A borer's fav
Infest No Host Only No Cost Allows you to bury yourself into a host! Use with psychic lance for maximum effect.
Release Host Host required No Cost Starts to leave the host
Converse with Host/Trapped mind Host required No Cost Talks to the host. Nobody can intercept this. Only the host.
Secrete Chemicals Host required Chemical Cost Varies Injects different kinda of chemicals into the host, from meth to bicardine.
Punish Host required 75 Chemicals Allows you to annoy, blind, and generally make the Host's life hell. Keep an eye on the cost, it's not cheap.
Jumpstart Host Dead Host required 250 chemicals Revives the host. It also fully heals the host! Removes any and all stuns, too. It requires all of your chemicals, though, so prepare to save up for this one if need be.

Worm out of here, slug man!

So you just saw a botanist vomiting up slugs, and they just crawled into the vents. What can you do to stop them from brain controlling the whole station? Or, on the other hand, did you just get some chills, and now something is talking to you and trying to take control? Here's how to stop those slugs!


Sugar dulls the Borer, and it is unable to use any abilities. If the Borer doesn't like you, or needs to do something, it will start to take full control. You need to get sugar into your system as fast as possible, before it takes control or learns what you are doing. The quickest way to get sugar in your system is snacks. The sugar in your bloodstream should last long enough to get to chemistry, and get some more sugar. from there, surgery will do!

Finding a Borer

Get a medhud! This will show who does and who does not have a borer in them. You could shoot them with a syringe gun full of Sugar and Morphine, then while they sleep, remove the Borer. Morphine only needed if they don't want to lose their slug friends.

Remember, too, that the slugs can be in anyone, even the Head of Security.

Super Strats

Borers can't stop you from eating sugar if they don't know you even have sugar on you! Try to hide it. Make a ketchup packet with salt in it. Add sugar to the chef's burgers. Have a DENTAL IMPLANT with sugar in it. Those slugs won't know what hit them.

Должности на /tg/station


HudcaptainV2.png Командование Капитан, Глава персонала, Глава службы безопасности, Главный инженер, Директор исследований, Главный врач, Квартирмейстер, Bridge Assistant
Hudcentcom1.png Представители Центрального Командования Представитель NanoTrasen, Офицер «Синий щит», Магистрат
Hudsec.png Безопасность Глава службы безопасности, Офицер службы безопасности, Варден, Детектив, Veteran Security Advisor, Заключенный
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Traitor Hud.png
Предатель, Неисправный ИИ, Генокрад, Ядерный оперативник, Культист Нар’Си, Еретик, Шпион, Революционер, Маг, Семья, Блоб, Абдуктор, Голопаразит, Ксеноморф, Паук, Ревенант, Морф, Кошмар, Космический ниндзя, Демон резни, Пират, Разумная болезнь, Одержимый, Беглец, Охотники, Космический дракон, Элитные мобы, Разумный слайм, Король крыс, Парадоксальный клон
Hudno id.png
Офицер центрального командования, Офицер эскадрона смерти, Офицер ОБР, Хроно-легионер, Горец, Иан, Роли Лаваленда или космоса, Стажер Центрального командования