Руководство по строительству: различия между версиями

(Minor fixes.)
(Minor fixes.)
(нет различий)

Версия от 07:11, 9 февраля 2014

If you want to do a job, like Station Engineer, you need to know how to build and deconstruct stuff.

Basic Tools

Before you can begin any construction or deconstruction you need to gather a few useful tools.

These tools can be found in any blue mechanical toolbox on the station. They can also be made in an Autolathe or dispensed from a YouTool -vending machine.


To build anything, you need materials. The two main materials are Metal Metal.png and Glass Glass.png, these can be found around the station, ordered from the Quartermaster, mined from the Mining Outpost or salvaged from parts of the station itself. If the Botanists are growing tower-caps, you will have Planks Planks.png to build with.

Once you have your tools and materials, you can starting building.


Местонахождение: Engineering, Auxiliary Tool Storage, E.V.A., Robotics,
Atmospherics, Mining Station. Shaft Miners have the ability to smelt more from iron ore.
Используется для: Constructing various things from supportive elements to decorations
Стратегия: Hold in active hand and activate to start building
List of things you can make with having Metal in your hand and activating it:

Things you can do with it in your hand:

  • Finish wall girders into walls.
  • Repair broken walls.
  • Add armor to turret frames.
  • Refill an Exosuit Fabricator, Autolathe or Protolathe.

Glass and Reinforced Glass

Glass and Reinforced Glass
Glass and Reinforced Glass
Местонахождение: Small stacks exist in Engineering, Auxiliary Tool Storage, E.V.A.,
Atmospherics and Robotics. Shaft Miners have the ability to smelt more.
Используется для: Constructing windows and other things
Стратегия: Hold in active hand and activate to start building
Here's the list of things you can make with having glass/reinforced glass in your hand and activating it:
1 x Rods, 1 x Glass
 Use rods on glass

Plasteel/Reinforced Metal

Plasteel/Reinforced Metal
Plasteel/Reinforced Metal
Местонахождение: A stack exists in Engineering, E.V.A. and Robotics.
Shaft Miners have the ability to smelt more with iron and plasma ores.
Используется для: Reinforcing walls, mechs, building an AI Core
Стратегия: Hold in active hand and activate to start building
Plasteel is an alloy of plasma and iron.

List of things you can make having plasteel in your hand and activating it:

Smelted with a combination of iron ore and plasma ore at the Mining furnace.


Местонахождение: Stacks exist in Engineering, Auxiliary Tool Storage, E.V.A..
More can be made from Metal sheets.
Используется для: Constructing grilles and reinforcing
Стратегия: Hold in active hand and use it on things
Here's the list of things you can make with having rods in your active hand:
  • Grille (By clicking in your hand)
  • Lattice (For floors, by clicking on the tile)
  • Reinforcing tables
  • Reinforcing floors (By clicking on the tile)
  • Reinforcing glass into reinforced glass. (Have rods in hand while clicking glass sheet)
  • Can be turned back into metal sheets by being welded with a Welding Tool
1 x Metal
 Use metal and click "2x metal rods" (makes two sets of rods)

Floor Tiles

Floor Tiles
Floor Tiles
Местонахождение: Ready stacks can be found nowhere, can be made from metal or removed from the floor with a crowbar
Используется для: Constructing floors
Стратегия: Hold in active hand and use it on lattices or a floor without plating
1 x Metal
 Use metal and click "4x floor tiles" (makes 4 floor tiles)

Lattice.png Lattice

1 x Rods
The basic base for all types of construction, this is placed directly in space.
Place by having rods in your hand, and clicking on a empty space tile.

Plating.png Plating

1 x Floor tile
The basic floor which you put things like wires and pipes upon, 'all' floor is built ontop of this.
Place by having the floor tile in your hand, and click on a lattice.

Floor.png Steel Floor

1 x Floor tile
This is the basic "nice" floor, this floor should be considered used in all public areas, hence why 
there's none of these in maintenance tunnels.
 Place by having the floor tile in your hand, and click on a Plating-tile.  

Floor deconstruction:

Crowbar, For light floors: Wirecutters
 For all floors, use a crowbar on a floor tile to remove it

LightFloor.gif Light Floor

1 x Glass, 1 x Metal, 5 x Wire Coil
 Assuming there already is a plating
 Use the wire on glass
 Use the metal on the tile you get
 Place the light tile on the plating

Light Floor deconstruction:

 You can further dismantle the light floor tile:
   Use a crowbar on the light tile to remove the metal.
   Use wirecutters on the resulting tile to separate wires from glass.


Местонахождение: Ready stacks can be found nowhere, can be made from deconstructing
tables or growing Tower caps and cutting them up.
Используется для: Constructing various things from sandals and coffins to decorations
Стратегия: Hold in active hand and activate it to start constructing
Obtainable by cutting Tower cap logs with a hatchet.
  • Wooden Sandals
  • Table parts (2 planks)
  • Wood floor tile (4 with 1 plank)
  • Wooden chair (3 planks)
  • Wooden barricade (5 planks)
  • Wooden door (10 planks)
  • Coffin (5 planks)
  • Bookcase (5 planks)


Normal Wall

This is the standard type of wall found around the station, they are easy to construct and remove but are not as strong as reinforced walls. They also come in the hidden variety.

Object Requires Uses
Wall.png Wall Metal.pngx4
  • Keeping people out.
  • Keeping people in.
  • Keeping people from going places.
  • Stand where you want the wall.
  • Click the metal in hand.
  • Select girder from the menu.
  • Click the girder.
4 x Metal
 Click the metal in your hand to open the construction panel,
 Choose 'Build wall girders' from the list
 Use the remaining 2 sheets of metal on the girders

Wall deconstruction:

Welder, Wrench (Or Crowbar)
 Weld off the plating
 Wrench the girders apart
 (Alternately, you can use a Crowbar to dislodge the girders and drag them out of the way)

Normal Hidden Door

Object Requires Uses
False Wall.gif Hidden Door Metal.pngx4
  • Click to open.
  • Almost undetectable escape route.
  • Otherwise, same as normal wall.
  1. Stand where you want the door.
  2. Click the metal in hand.
  3. Select girder from the menu.
  4. Click the girder holding a crowbar.
  5. Click the girder holding the metal.
4 x Metal, Crowbar
 Click the metal in your hand to open the construction panel,
 Choose 'Build wall girders' form the list
 Use crowbar on girders and wait a few seconds for the girders to dislodge.
 Use the remaining 2 sheets of metal on the girders

To turn a wall into a hidden door, follow the deconstruction guide for the wall type until the final wrenching, and instead proceed from the "Use crowbar on girders" line above.

Hidden Door (Regular or Reinforced) deconstruction:

Screwdriver,Welder, Wrench

Reinforced Wall

This is the reinforced type of wall found in secure areas of station, they are reasonably simple to construct, but are very time consuming to remove. They also come in the hidden variety.

Object Requires Uses
R wall.png Reinforced Wall Metal.pngx2 Metal r.pngx2
  • Keeping people in and out of high security areas.
  • Keeping people from going into secure places.
  • Stand where you want the reinforced wall.
  • Click the metal in hand.
  • Select girder from the menu.
  • Click the girder with the reinforced metal.
  • Click the girder again with the last piece of reinforced metal.
2 x Metal, 2 x Reinforced metal
 Click the metal in your hand to open the construction panel,
 Choose 'Build wall girders' form the list
 Use the reinforced metal on the girders to reinforce them
 Use the last reinforced metal sheet on the reinforced girders to finish the wall

Reinforced walls deconstruction:

Welder, Wrench, Screwdriver, Wirecutters, Crowbar

Reinforced Hidden Door

Object Requires Uses
False Wall r.gif Reinforced Hidden Door Metal.pngx2 Metal r.pngx2
  • Almost undetectable escape route.
  • Otherwise, same as reinforced wall.
  1. Stand where you want the door.
  2. Click the metal in hand.
  3. Select girder from the menu.
  4. Click the girder holding a crowbar.
  5. Click the girder holding the reinforced metal.
2 x Metal,2 x Reinforced metal, Crowbar
 Click the metal in your hand to open the construction panel,
 Choose 'Build wall girders' form the list
 Use crowbar on girders and wait a few seconds for the girders to dislodge.
 Use the reinforced metal on the dislodged girders twice to finish it


Normal/Reinforced Windows

Windows can be placed in two ways: Full or One Direction. Full is basically a weaker, see-through and shoot-through wall, while one direction allows the square it is on to be entered from any direction, except the direction it's facing.

Object Requires Uses
Glass panel.png Glass wall.png /
Glass panel r.png Glass wall r.png Windows/Reinforced Windows
Glass.pngx2 /
Glass r.pngx2
  • Full: See Wall. Usually only used if you don't have enough for 2-4 one-directionals or the metal for a wall.
  • One Direction: Stops movement only from the way it faces.
  • Click the glass in hand.
  • Select Full or One Direction from the menu.
  • Drag where you want it.
  • Rotate to the direction you want, if one directional.
  • Click holding screwdriver.

amount needs to be corrected

Glass panel.png Glass panel r.png One-Directional

1 x Glass, Screwdriver
 Click the glass / reinforced glass pane
 Click the "one direct" button
 Right-click the new pane and rotate it
 Use the screwdriver to fasten it down
 Use the glass / reinforced glass on a grille.
 Right-click the new pane and rotate it
 Use the screwdriver to fasten it down

Window deconstruction:

Screwdriver, Wrench
 Screwdriver to unscrew the window from the floor.
 Wrench to deconstruct the window.

Hitting the pane repeatedly with a blunt item will smash it into a glass shard.

Reinforced Window deconstruction:

Crowbar, Screwdriver, Wrench
 Screwdriver to unsecure the glass from the frame.
 Crowbar to pop the glass out.
 Screwdriver to unscrew the frame from the floor.
 Wrench to deconstruct the window.

Hitting the pane repeatedly with a blunt item will smash it into one set of metal rods and a glass shard.

Glass wall.png Glass wall r.png Full

2 x Glass, Screwdriver
 Click the glass / reinforced glass pane
 Click the "full" button
 Use the screwdriver to fasten it down

Reinforced Windows

Reinforced Windows come in 2 types: Full and One Direction. Full is basically a weaker, see-through and shoot-through wall, while one direction allows the square it is on to be entered from any direction, except the direction it's facing.

Object Requires Uses
Glass panel r.png Glass wall r.png Windows Glass r.pngx2
  • Full: See Wall. Usually only used if you don't have enough

for 2-4 one directions or the metal for a wall.

  • One Direction: Stops movement only from the way it faces.
  • Click the reinforced glass in hand.
  • Select Full or One Direction from the menu.
  • Drag where you want it.
  • Rotate to the direction you want, if one directional.
  • Click holding screwdriver.

Glass panel r.png One-Directional

1 x Reinforced glass, Screwdriver, Crowbar
 Click the reinforced glass pane
 Click the "one direct" button
 Right-click the new pane and rotate it
 Screwdriver (Secure frame to floor.)
 Crowbar (Pop pane in.)
 Screwdriver (Secure pane.)
 Use the reinforced glass on a grille.
 Right-click the new panel and rotate it
 Screwdriver (Secure frame to floor.)
 Crowbar (Pop pane in.)
 Screwdriver (Secure pane.)

Glass wall r.png Full

2 x Reinforced glass, Screwdriver, Crowbar
 Click the reinforced glass pane
 Click the "full" button

Grille.png Grilles

Grilles are usually used in combination with directional windows. They allow gases and energy rounds to pass through them, but stop other objects. They can also be electrified for high security areas.

Object Requires Uses
Grille.png Grille Rods.pngx2
  • Keeping people in or out.
  • Securing an area with electrified grilles.
  • Stand where you would like the grille to be placed.
  • Click the metal rods in hand.
2 x Rods
 Stand where you wish the grille to be placed
 Click on the stack of 2 rods with the hand you have them in

Grille deconstruction:

 Use wirecutters twice to destroy the grille OR
 Use screwdriver to unfasten it

First method destroys it, giving two sets of metal rods. Wirecutters will remove it instantly, attacking the grill will instead kick it, requiring a good few kicks. Second loosens the grille, allowing it to be pulled around. Destroying the grill in this method will leave behind a still-secured section of broken grill which may be walked over but is not aesthetically pleasing. Wirecutters will not instantly remove this remnant. However, using a lit welder will destroy it instantly.

Файл:Windoor.png Window-door (Windoor)

5 x Reinforced glass, 2x Reinforced metal, 1x Wire coil, Wrench, Screwdriver, Crowbar, 1x Circuitboard
 Click the reinforced glass pane
 Click the "Windoor" button
 Plasteel (Optional: To create a secure windoor)
 Airlock Electronics

Wall Mountings

Файл:APC.png APC

2 x Metal, 1x Wire coil, 1x Circuitboard Power Control Module, Screwdriver, 1x Power Cell, Crowbar, Authorized ID
 Use the metal and make an APC frame 
 Use the frame on the wall you want the APC on.
 Fit it with the wire coil.
 Fit it with the Power Control Module.
 Screwdriver the electronics into place.
 Add the Power Cell.
 Crowbar shut. It starts ID locked, with the cover engaged and the main switch turned off.

APCs may only be placed in areas which have been defined as a Station Area using the Chief Engineer's Station Blueprints. If you're trying to replace a broken APC, you can get the cover off by breaking it, likely with a fire extinguisher.

APC deconstruction:

Screwdriver, Wirecutters, Crowbar, Welder, Authorized ID
 Swipe Card to unlock APC. Alternatively, if the APC is broken (tilted and cracked cover),
 try using a fire extinguisher to smash off the cover, allowing access to the battery.
 Remove Power Cell.
 Screwdriver to unsecure electronics.
 Crowbar to lift floor tile in front of APC
 Wirecutters to remove cables.
 Crowbar to remove Power Control Board.
 Welder to remover from wall.
 Wrenching the frame that is now detached from the wall de-constructs it to two metal sheets.

AirAlarm.png Air Alarm

2 x Metal, 1x Wire coil, 1x Circuitboard Air Alarm Electronics, Screwdriver
 Use the metal and make an air alarm frame.
 Use the frame on the wall you want it on.
 Put in the electronics.
 Wire it with 5 cable pieces.
 Screwdriver to close.

Air Alarm deconstruction:

Screwdriver, Wirecutters, Crowbar, Wrench
Open cover with screwdriver.
Cut all the wires using wirecutters.
Cut the remaining wires by clicking on the airalarm with wirecutters.
Pry out the circuit using the crowbar.
Remove the frame from the wall using the wrench.

FireAlarm.png Fire Alarm

2 x Metal, 1x Wire coil, 1x Circuitboard Fire Alarm Electronics, Screwdriver
 Use the metal and make an air alarm frame.
 Use the frame on the wall you want it on.
 Put in the electronics.
 Wire it with 5 cable pieces.
 Screwdriver to close.

Fire Alarm deconstruction:

Screwdriver, Wirecutters, Crowbar, Wrench
Open cover with screwdriver.
Cut the wires by clicking on the firealarm with wirecutters.
Pry out the circuit using the crowbar.
Remove the frame from the wall using the wrench.


Airlock.gif Airlock

4 x Metal, 1x Wire coil, Wrench, Screwdriver, 1x Airlock electronics, ID
1x Reinforced glass, Pen
Metal Use the metal and make an Airlock Assembly
Wrench Wrench it in place
Pen Use pen to name the Airlock (OPTIONAL)
Reinforced glass Add reinforced glass to make a glass airlock (OPTIONAL)
Wire coil Add wires
Airlock electronics
Unlock the airlock electronic board with an ID
Airlock electronics Use the airlock electronic board and set the access level
Airlock electronics Add the airlock electronic board to the airlock frame.
Screwdriver Screwdriver to finish

Airlock deconstruction:

Cannot be done to an emagged airlock! RCD deconstruction must be used for that. It is possible to build a new airlock over the emagged one.

Welder, Wrench, Screwdriver, Wirecutters, Crowbar, Multitool
 Screwdriver the door.
 Use multitool and wirecutters to disable everything except the doorbolts as detailed here.
 (Doorbolts must be up for this to work.)
 Weld the door shut.
 Crowbar the electronics out (if the door is electrified, this won't work for some reason).
 Wirecut the wires out.
 Unsecure it with a wrench.
 Weld it to deconstruct to metal plates.

Файл:Computer Solar.png Computers

5 x Metal, 2x Glass, 1x Wire coil (5 pieces), Wrench, Screwdriver, 1x Circuitboard
 Use the metal to open the construction panel
 Choose Computer frame
 Wrench it inplace
 Insert the Circuitboard of your selection
 Screwdriver to finish

Computers deconstruction:

Welder, Wrench, Screwdriver, Wirecutters, Crowbar
 Screwdriver to detach the screen.
 Crowbar to pry off the screen.
 Wirecutters to cut the cables.
 Screwdriver to detach the circuit lid.
 Crowbar to pry out the circuitboard.
 Wrench to detach the frame.
 Welder to disassemble the frame.

Returns all components used in construction.

Autolathe.png Machines

Their construction is detailed in the machine construction guide.

Machine deconstruction:

Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench
 Screwdriver to open the cover.
 Crowbar to pry out the circuit.
 Wirecutters to remove the wires.
 Wrench to disassemble the frame.

Usually returns all or most components used in construction. Some components may become broken.

Security Camera.gif Security Camera

1 x Camera Assembly, 1x Wire Coil, Wrench, Welder, Screwdriver
 Place the camera assembly on the tile where'd you like the camera to be.
 Wrench it into position
 Weld it to the wall.
 Add any additional upgrades. (OPTIONAL)
 Add wire.
 Screwdriver the camera to complete it.
 Set camera network (default is SS13)
 Set camera direction

For upgrades, insert solid plasma for EMP proofing, a carrot for X-Ray and a proximity sensor for Motion.

Security Camera deconstruction:

Crowbar Screwdriver Welder Wirecutters Wrench
Screwdriver Screwdriver the camera to open the back panel.
Wirecutters Use your wirecutter to cut all the wires. (Cutting the alarm wire is optional)
Welder Use your welder to unweld the camera from the wall.
Wrench Wrench the camera to unattach it from the wall.
Crowbar Crowbar the camera assembly to remove any upgrades.

Turret.PNG Turret

7 x Metal, Wrench, Screwdriver, Welder, 1 x any energy-based gun , 1 x proximity sensor
 Build a turret frame from metal
 Use a wrench to secure the turret frame(it can be moved around before being secured)
 Use metal on the turret frame to build the cover
 Use a wrench on the frame to bolt the cover
 Add the gun
 Add the prox sensor
 Use a screwdriver to secure it all
 Use more metal on the frame
 Finally use a welder to secure the second layer of metal

Floorbot.gif Generic borg.png Ripley.png Robots, Cyborgs and Mechs

Their construction is described at: Robots, Cyborgs and Mechs -pages.

Disposal pipe.png Disposal bin.png Disposal outlet.png Disposal Pipes and Machinery

1 x Disposal Pipe/Machine, Welder, Wrench, Crowbar
 Retrieve the pipe/machine from the Disposal Pipe Dispenser (found in Atmosia)
 Crowbar floortile if exists to access plating
 Move pipe over plating, rotate and flip using the rightclick menu
 Wrench pipe
 Weld pipe

Disposal Pipes deconstruction:

Welder, Wrench
 Welder on pipe to remove its joints
 Wrench to detach it from the plating

Note: You can then click and drag the pipe segment onto the disposal pipe dispenser to delete it

Disposal Machinery deconstruction:

Screwdriver, Welder, Wrench
 If Disposal Bin, turn off the pump
 Screwdriver to remove power connection
 Welder on machine to remove its joints
 Wrench to detach it from the plating

AI.gif AI Core

4 x Reinforced metal, 2x Reinforced Glass, 1x Wire Coil, Wrench, Screwdriver, 1x AI Circuitboard, optional: Human brain
 0AICore.pngBuild Frame from 4 reinforced sheets 
 Wrench into place 
 1AICore.pngAdd Circuit board 
 3AICore.pngAdd wires 
 4AICore.pngAdd brain placed in an MMI (only if you want a NEW AI) 
 5AICore.pngAdd reinforced glass

Solar panel.pngSolar tracker.png Solar Panels and Trackers

Solar Assembly, Wrench, 2 x Glass or 2 x Reinforced Glass
Tracker Electronics
Solar Panels and Trackers deconstruction:
Solar Assembly Place the solar assembly on where you want to construct your solar panel/tracker. To connect it to a wire you must construct it under a wire node.
Wrench Wrench the solar assembly into place.
Tracker Electronics Add the electronics if you want to create a solar tracker. (OPTIONAL)
Reinforced Glass
Finish the construction by placing glass, or reinforced glass, into the assembly frame.
Crowbar, Wrench
 Take out the panel with a crowbar.
 If you are deconstructing a tracker, you can take out the electronics with your crowbar (OPTIONAL)
 Unwrench the leftover assembly from it's place and you will be able to move it.

Файл:Lightfixture.png Light Fixture

2 x Metal, 1x Wire Coil, light tube/bulb,Screwdriver
 Build frame from 2 metal sheets (or 1 metal sheet for small lights)
 Place frame on wall
 Add wires
 Add light tube (or light bulb for small fixtures)

Recharge Station

Recharge Station deconstruction:

Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench, Authorized ID
 Unlock the charger with an ID
 Screwdriver to open the cover.
 Wrench to dislodge the internal plating.
 Wirecutters to remove the wires.
 Crowbar to remove the components.

Usually returns all or most components used in construction. Some components may become broken.



Object Requires Uses
Chair.pngStool.pngChair/Stool Metal.pngx1
  • Decoration
  • Electric Chair
  • Chair Cuffing
  • Buckling in
  • Stand where you want the chair.
  • Pick up some metal.
  • Click the metal in hand.
  • Select chair from menu.


Object Requires Uses
Table.pngTable or Woodtable.png Wooden Table Metal.pngx2 or Planks.pngx2
  • Decoration.
  • Tabling.
  • Ghetto Surgery.
  • Placing items on.
  • Pick up some metal (or planks)
  • Click the metal (or planks) in hand.
  • Select table parts from menu.
  • Use the table parts on themselves, on the tile you want to make the table.

Table deconstruction:

 Wrench to disassemble the table.
Object Requires Uses
R-table.pngReinforced Table Metal.pngx2 Rods.pngx4
  • A table with added security
  • Follow the instructions above to create metal table parts
  • Use rods on table parts
  • Use the table parts on themselves, on the tile you want to make the table.

Reinforced Table deconstruction:

Welder, Wrench
 Welder to weaken the table.
 Wrench to disassemble it.

Bookcase.png Bookcase

5 x Planks.png, Wrench,
 Construct a frame with 4 wooden planks.
 Wrench the frame into place.
 Add a plank to the frame to make a shelf.

Bookcase deconstruction:

Crowbar, Wrench,
 Crowbar out the shelf.
 Unsecure the frame with a wrench.
 Break apart the frame with a crowbar.


Locker deconstruction:

 Open the locker.
 Weld the locker.

Power Wires

You cannot construct wires. They are only available right now from yellow toolboxes, engineering vending machines or scattered about the station's construction- and storage-areas.

  • All wires are electrified if connected to a power net (a charged SMES battery is attached to the wire), and you will get fried if you touch them.
  • Insulated gloves negate any electrical shocks to the player.

Let's say you have the following situation to fix:

How Do I Wire?

Wires are directionally dependent on where you set them down, and will apply adjacently to each "tile" you are standing by. Wires will always face inwards to you, sort of like this:

Wire laying1.PNG

This image was made by standing in the center tile with a wire coil in hand and clicking on all 8 surrounding tiles.

In situations where you can't place a wire like this you have an alternative way. Just stand on a tile, face the direction you want it to go (ctrl+arrow key) and click the tile you're standing on.

Wire laying2.PNG

This image was made by standing on the tile, pressing ctrl + left arrow key and then clicking the tile. The cable coil was in my active hand.

If you ever make a mistake with a wire, use the wirecutters to trim them! Simple as that. Wear insulated gloves if you value your life.

Knot Wiring

Let's say you have a situation that you need to fix:

Wiring situation.png

The easiest method of wiring is knot-wiring. Also known as unsmooth or non-smooth wiring.

Fixing this is simple:

Wire 1 1.PNG -> Wire 1 2.PNG -> Wire 1 3.PNG. Done.

You just position yourself properly and click the tile to lay down wire. Make sure you click on the plating (floor) and not the already laid wire. This is because:

Wire 2 1.PNG + Wire 2 2.PNG = Wire 2 3.PNG

This might look about the same as in the previous image, however it's not. In the previous image your ending result had three pieces of wire, one going from the east to the center, one going from the north to the center and one going from the west to the center. In this situation you have two pieces of wire. One going east to west and one going north to center. The two wires don't meet in the center, because the horizontal wire is going east-west without it having a point (or knot) in the center.

Smooth Wiring

Just click on wires that are "knotted" at on end (you just need to click on the wire, not the little knotted dot). Smooth wires do not power other wires on their same tile. So make sure to apply to the source wire, or the connective tip.

To fix this situation with smooth wire you'll have to follow the steps:

Wire 1 1.PNG -> Wire 3 2.PNG -> Wire 3 3.PNG -> Wire 3 4.PNG. Done.

In this method you first lay one cable to go from one of the directions to the center (image 1). You then position yourself in another direction and click on the already laid wire piece (and not the floor!). This will make the already placed piece and the new piece combine into one smooth piece of wire (image 2). You then place another piece to go from the last remaining direction to the center (image 3) and click it from the last direction to make a 2nd smooth piece of wire (image 4).

This method often uses up more wire than dot-wiring, but it's prettier and usually preferred.

Wire-net Reset

This is Byond's attempt to "reset" the whole power net in order to deal with new/removed wires that shift the power value of a whole system. It will cause APCs to stop charging for a moment, and in huge nets it can shut down the charging of all APCs for a while.

Don't mess with wires unless you have to, it causes problems to everyone in both OOC (potential lag) and IC (power loss).


Pipes are only constructed from Pipe Dispensers in Atmospherics. To use a Pipe Dispenser, follow these steps:

  1. Put Dispenser in a powered area.
  2. Wrench Dispenser to lock it into place.
  3. Click on the Pipe Dispenser with an empty hand and select the pipes you wish to use.
  4. You have a pipe to play with now.
  5. Wrench Dispenser to make it mobile once more.

Placing and Removing Pipes

Disposal pipe.png Disposal Pipes

  1. Rotate the pipe to the direction you wish the pipe to be in.
  2. Wrench the pipe to the ground.
  3. Use a lit welder to fuse the pipe to the ground.

Gaspipe.png Gas Pipes

  1. Rotate the pipe to the direction you wish (pay attention to gas pumps as they are direction dependent).
  2. Wrench into place.
  3. Turn on the pipe, if necessary.

How to Remove a Pipe

  1. Perform the step you used to set the pipe into place in reverse (make sure the pipe is powered off).
  2. Brace for any junk that might blast out of the pipe.