Гайд по ресторану: различия между версиями

(Service department rejoice, I have finally published the Guide to Restaurant!)
(Service department rejoice, I have finally published the Guide to Restaurant!)
(нет различий)

Версия от 05:13, 9 апреля 2022

Tourist amerifat.png
Liberty-bot говорит
«I hope they have the triple deluxe fatty burger.»

The tourist bots are an excellent way to earn some credits and to keep the Bar or dining area more lively. They come with a variety of stereotypes nationalities, and will ask for their customary food or drink.

Opening for business

Setting up

The restaurant system is split into two parts so that the bartender and chef can work independently. Designate the seating for tourist bots with the Restaurant or Bar seating tool. Then, click on the Restaurant Portal to open the shutters and start letting in the tourist bots.

The art of the meal

Once seated, they will announce their order. If you forget their order, you can examine the bot with Shift + Left Click to list it again. To complete the order, place the respective food or drink on a tile or table adjacent to them. They will consume the item and grant a payout if your timing was sufficient. The bots will grow tired and will leave if they have been waiting for too long.

Customer service

For bars, at least 10u of the desired beverage is required to satisfy a customer, but they will always drink the excess without any extra benefit. Using the mixer should increase efficiency.
Should the circumstance arrive when you wish to boot out a customer, removing their designated seat will cause them to leave. If you want to dismiss all of the bots, closing the portal will cause all of those that came from it to leave at once. Do not resort to violence on the customers, as they are very capable of self-defense.

Tourists and orders

Customer Icon Food Chance Icon Drinks Chance
Tourist amerifat.png
Burger.png Burger 25 Beer.png Beer 25
CheeseburgerNew.png Cheeseburger 15 B-52.png B-52 6
Baconburger.png Bacon Burger 10 Manhattan.png Manhattan 3
Superbite.png Super Bite Burger 1 Atomicbombglass.gif Atomic Bomb 1
Fries.png Space Fries 10
Cheesefries.png Cheese Fries 6
Hotdog.png Hot Dog 8
Applepie.png Apple Pie 4
Pumpkinpie.png Pumpkin Pie 2
Pancake.png Pancake 4
Pineapplepizza.png Hawaiian pizza 1
Tourist french.png
Baguette.png Baguette 20 Champagne glass.gif Champagne 10
Cheesepmelet.png Cheese Omelette 15 Cognac glass.png Cognac 5
Garlicbread.png Garlic Bread 5 Mojito.png Mojito 3
French onion soup.png French Onion Soup 4 Sidecar.png Sidecar 5
Berryclafoutis.png Berry Clafoutis 2 Beer.png Beer 5
Wine glass.png Wine 5
Between the sheets.png Between the Sheets 4
Tourist italian godfather.pngTourist italian pison.png
Pastatomato.png Tomato Pasta 20 Lemonade.png Lemonade 8
Copypasta.gif Copypasta 6 Fanciulli.png Fanciulli 5
Meatballspag.png Spaghetti & Meatballs 4 Godfather.png Godfather 5
Butternoodles.png Butter Noodles 4 Beer.png Beer 5
Vegepizza.png Vegetable Pizza 2 Amaretto.png Amaretto 5
Mushroompizza.png Mushroom Pizza 2 BrancaMenta.png Branca Menta 3
Meatpizza.png Meat Pizza 2 Wine glass.png Wine 3
Margheritapizza.png Margherita Pizza 2 Grappa.png Grappa 3
Risotto.png Risotto 5
Lasaga.png Lasagna 4
Cannoli.png Cannoli 3
Eggplantparmigiana.png Eggplant Parmigiana 3
Cornuto.png Cornuto 2
Tourist japanese animes.png
Milo.png Miso Soup 10 Sakecup.png Sake 8
Tofu.gif Tofu 5 Cafelatteglass.gif Cafe Latte 6
Breadslice.png Bread Slice 5 Aloe.gif Aloe 6
Vegesoup.png Vegetable Soup 4 Chocolatepudding.gif Chocolate Pudding 4
Sashimi.png Sashimi 4 Teaglass.gif Tea 4
Chaw.png Chawanmushi 4 Cherryshake.gif Cherry Shake 1
Berrymuffin.png Berry Muffin 2 Bastionbourbon.png Bastion Bourbon 1
Stroganoff.png Beef Stroganoff 2
Tourist japanese salary.png
Japanese Salaryman
Tofu.gif Tofu 5 Beer.png Beer 14
Milo.png Miso Soup 6 Sakecup.png Sake 9
Vegesoup.png Vegetable Soup 4 Cafelatteglass.gif Cafe Latte 3
Sashimi.png Sashimi 4 Brownglass.gif Coffee 3
Chaw.png Chawanmushi 4 Soylatteglass.gif Soy Latte 3
Meatbun.png Meat Bun 2 Atomicbombglass.gif Atomic Bomb 1
Stroganoff.png Beef Stroganoff 2
Tourist mexican.png
Plaintaco.png Plain Taco 25 Teqilla glass.png Tequila 20
Classictaco.png Classic Taco 15 Beer.png Beer 15
Burrito.png Burrito 15 Margarita.png Margarita 8
Nachos.png Nachos 15 Whiskeyemoji.png Whiskey 6
CheesyNachos.png Cheesy Nachos 6 BraveBull.png Brave Bull 5
CheesyBurrito.png Cheesy Burrito 4 Patronglass.gif Patron 5
Cuban Nachos.png Cuban Nachos 3 TequillaSunrise.png Tequila Sunrise 1
PlasmaBurrito.png Fuego Burrito 1
Stuffedlegion.gif Stuffed Legion 1
Tourist british gentleman.pngTourist british bobby.png
Fishandchips.png Fish and Chips 10 Teaglass.gif Tea 10
Stew.png Stew 10 Beer.png Beer 10
Ricepudding.png Rice Pudding 5 Hard cider glass.png Hard Cider 10
Toastedsandwich.png Cheese Sandwich 5 Ale.png Ale 10
Benedict.png Eggs Benedict 5 Ginvodkaglass.gif Gin 5
Meatpies.png Meat Pie 5 ClassicMartini.png Classic Martini 5
Indiancurry.png Indian Curry 3 GinTonic.png Gin and Tonic 5
Fullenglish.png Full English Breakfast 2 AlliesCocktail.gif Allies Cocktail 5
Beefwellington.png Beef Wellington (Slice) 2