Руководство по связи: различия между версиями

(не показаны 43 промежуточные версии 11 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
The '''telecommunication''' system is a complete overhaul of the way radios work, introduced in [http://code.google.com/p/tgstation13/source/detail?r=2807 revision 2807]. It adds an entire realm of complexity to the very simple and previously straight-forward process of radio communication.
{{Требуется перевод}}
=Простое руководство по ремонту телекоммуникаций=
Радио внезапно перестало работать? Или кто-то опять взорвал телекоммы? Вот краткое руководство для того, чтобы понять, что не так и как это исправить:

...But, in turn, presents new strategies for antagonists and offers the sandbox for some... [[NTSL_Scripts|very interesting shenanigans]].  
1. '''Был ли он частично взорван?'''
# Убедитесь, что в помещении есть питание от АПЦ.
# Посмотрите, какие из этих механизмов отсутствуют/взорваны: Приемник (Receiver), Шина (Bus), Процессор (Processor), Передатчик (Broadcaster).
# Перезагрузите по очереди каждую из машин, которые еще функционируют, с помощью мультитула (отвяжите и удалите все частоты).
# Перейдите в раздел [[#Can_We_Fix_It?|Как это исправить?]], постройте недостающие машины и соедините их, следуя инструкциям.
## (Например, если все, кроме СМЕСа, АПЦ, Receiver и Bus было уничтожено, вам все равно нужны Processor и Broadcaster. Перезагрузите Receiver и Bus, постройте Processor и Broadcaster, соедините их с Bus и вуаля.)
2. '''Полностью разнесены в пух и прах или украдены и брошены в сингулярность?'''
# Перейдите в раздел [[#Can_We_Fix_It?|Как это исправить?]] и следуйте инструкциям.
3. '''Все целое, но машины выключены (нет мигающих лампочек на машинах)?'''
# Было ли обновление Центрального командования о чем-то вроде ''"Ionospheric anomalies detected. Temporary telec#MCi46:5.;@63-BZZZZT"'', если да, подождите несколько минут, и оборудование восстановится автоматически. Обратите внимание, что это может произойти без какого-либо предупреждения, поэтому просто подождите 5 минут, чтобы посмотреть, оживут ли машины самостоятельно.
# Проверьте АПЦ: главный выключатель и оборудование должны быть включены. Если нет, включите их.
# Проверьте оборудование с помощью мультитула и убедитесь, что питание установлено. Если нет, включите обратно.
4. '''Оборудование включено, но по радио ничего не слышно?'''
# Проверьте Telecommunication Hub с помощью мультитула.
## Имя сети установлено на ''tcommsat''? Если нет, установите обратно значение ''tcommsat'' и...
### Пройдитесь по меню Telecommunication Hub, пока не увидите пункт ''MULTITOOL BUFFER''.
### Нажмите кнопку ''[Add Machine]'', информация о Хабе теперь находится в памяти вашего мультитула.
### Используйте мультитул на Subspace Receiver (вам придется делать это для каждой машины).
### Прокрутите меню вниз и нажмите ''[Link]'', чтобы связать машину с Хабом.
### Повторите это для каждой машины (кроме processors, СМЕСов, blackbox recorder, messaging server, и компьютеров).
### Процессор должен быть подключен к соответствующей шине.
## Проверьте, включено ли питание других устройств и правильное ли имя сети.
### Перейдите в консоль Telecommunications Traffic Control.
### Войдите в систему.
### Сканируйте сервера.
### Нажмите на сервер.
### Вернитесь в главное меню и повторите действия для всех серверов.

=Краткое руководство по Телекоммуникациям=
'''Если вы просто хотите узнать, как невероятно легко все исправить, переходите к разделу [[Guide to Telecommunications#Can We Fix It?|Как это исправить?]].'''

=Easy Guide to Fixing Telecomms=
The radio stopped working all of a sudden? Or did someone just blow up the tcomms again? Here's a quick checklist-guide to see what's wrong and how to fix it:

# '''Has it been partly blown up?'''
Полна сверх охлажденного газа. Не дышите им, не стойте в нем без средств защиты. У него есть собственная СМЕС и АПЦ. Если АПЦ уничтожено, немедленно замените его. Если питание АПЦ временно отключено, посмотрите на ПДА-сервер; если его индикатор горит красным, в АПЦ, скорее всего, установлено устройство дистанционного управления (remote signaller), поскольку отключение питания АПЦ приводит к отключению сервера сообщений PDA на неопределенный срок.
## Ensure that the room APC has power.
## See which of these machine/machines are missing/blown up: Receiver, Bus, Processor, Broadcaster.
## Reset one of each machines, which are still functional, with a multitool (unlink and remove all frequencies).
## Go to [[#Can_We_Fix_It?|Can We Fix It]], build the missing machines and link them by following instructions.
### (For example, if everything except the SMES, APC, Receiver and Bus has been destroyed, you still need a Processor and a Broadcaster. Reset the Receiver and Bus, construct Processor and Broadcaster, link them to the Bus and voíla.)
# '''Completely blown to shit or stolen and thrown into the singulo?'''
## Go to [[#Can_We_Fix_It?|Can We Fix It]] and follow instructions.
# '''Equipment off (no pretty flashing lights on the machines)?'''
## Was there a Central Command Update for something like ''"Ionospheric anomalies detected. Temporary telec#MCi46:5.;@63-BZZZZT"'', if so, wait a few minutes and equipment will come back online automatically. Note that this can happen without sending you any kind of warning, so just wait 5 minutes if nothing else works to see if the machines come back alive on their own.
## Check APC: Main breaker and equipment should be on. If not, turn them back on.
## Check equipment with a multitool and see if Power is set to ''on''? If no, turn back on.
# '''Equipment is on, but still nothing heard through radio?'''
## Check Telecommunication Hub with a multitool.
### Network name set to ''tcommsat''? If no, set it back to ''tcommsat'' and...
#### Go down the Telecommunication Hub's menu until you see ''MULTITOOL BUFFER''.
#### Click ''[Add Machine]'', the Hub's info is now inside your multitool's memory.
#### Use multitool on a Subspace Receiver (for example, you will have to do this for every machine anyway).
#### Scroll down the menu and click ''[Link]'' to link the machine back to the Hub.
#### Repeat this for every machine (except smes, blackbox recorder, messaging server and computers outside).
## Check other devices that they have power on and correct network name.
## Go to Telecommunications Traffic Control Console.
### Log in.
### Scan for servers.
### Click on a server.
### And see that Signal Execution is set to ''[NEVER]'', so that there's no malicious NTSL script blocking information.
### Go back to main menu and repeat steps for all servers.

=Quick Guide to Telecommunications=
'''If you just want to know how to fix everything incredibly easy, skip to the image.'''
Доступ ко всем машинам и управление ими осуществляется с помощью мультитула. Один из них находится в телекоммуникациях в начале раунда. Чтобы связать машины, вы добавляете машину в буфер мультитула, затем используете мультитул на машине, с которой нужно установить связь, и нажимаете [Link] внизу. Большинство телекоммуникационных машин также имеют фильтры, определяющие, какие частоты передаются через те или иные устройства. Кроме того, каждый аппарат имеет IDENTIFICATION STRING (идентификационную строку), которая является его уникальным именем, и NETWORK (сеть), по умолчанию tcommsat, которая позволяет ему связываться с аппаратами только с тем же именем сети. ЕСЛИ ВЫ ИЗМЕНИТЕ ИМЯ СЕТИ, ЭТО ПРИВЕДЕТ К РАЗРЫВУ СВЯЗИ. ИЗМЕНЕНИЕ СЕТЕВОГО ИМЕНИ ХАБА - РАСПРОСТРАНЕННЫЙ МЕТОД ГЕТТО-САБОТАЖА. СЛЕДИТЕ ЗА ЭТИМ.

The room:
* Subspace Receiver (Подпространственный приемник): Приемник радиосигналов
* Subspace Broadcaster (Подпространственный вещатель): Посылает радиосигналы
* Bus Mainframe (Сервер передачи данных): Регулирует радиосигналы
* Processor (Процессор): Расшифровка радиосигналов
* Servers (Серверы): Регистрация радиосигналов
* Hub (Хаб): Принимает радиосигналы и отправляет их на соответствующие машины
* Relay (Реле): Подключается к Хабу на другом Z-уровне. Позволяет передавать радиосигналы на своем Z-уровне через телекоммуникационную инфраструктуру связанного с ним хаба.

Full of supercooled gas. Don't breathe it, don't stand in it without internals. It has its own SMES and APC. If the APC is destroyed, replace it immediately. If the APC has power temporarily cut, look at the PDA server; if its light is red, the APC probably has a remote signaller in it, because killing APC power turns off the PDA messaging server indefinitely.
==Стандартная структура==
Каждый шаг обычно проходит через Хаб.
# [[File:Station_Bounced_Radio.png]] Сигнал поступает от гарнитуры/интеркома/и т.д.
# [[File:Sreceiver.gif]] Поступает в Приемник (RECEIVER).
# [[File:Bus.gif]] Сигнал передается на соответствующий Сервер передачи данных (BUS MAINFRAME).
# [[File:Pro.gif]] Сигнал посылается на соответствующий Процессор (PROCESSOR). Обратите внимание, что ПРОЦЕССОР (PROCESSOR) И СЕРВЕР ПЕРЕДАЧИ ДАННЫХ (BUS MAINFRAME) ДОЛЖНЫ БЫТЬ СОЕДИНЕНЫ НАПРЯМУЮ.
# [[File:Bus.gif]] Сигнал возвращается на Сервер передачи данных (BUS MAINFRAME).
# [[File:Server.gif]] Сигнал регистрируется на Сервере и к нему применяются скрипты.
# [[File:Broad.gif]] Сигнал передается на Подпространственный вещатель (BROADCASTER).
# [[File:Headset.png]] Сигнал передается на все соответствующие радиоустройства.

==The tools==
All machines are accessed and controlled by a multitool. One is in telecomms at the round start. To link machines, you add a machine to the multitool buffer then use the multitool on the machine to link to and hit [Link] at the bottom. Most telecomms machines will also have FILTERS to determine which frequencies are sent through which pieces of machinery. Additionally, each machine has an IDENTIFICATION STRING, which is just its unique name, and a NETWORK, defaulted to tcommsat, which allows it to link to machines on the same network name only. IF YOU CHANGE THE NETWORK NAME IT'LL UNLINK EVERYTHING. CHANGING THE HUB'S NETWORK NAME IS A COMMON METHOD OF GHETTO SABOTAGE. WATCH FOR IT.

==The machines==
Части, которые являются обязательными:
* Subspace Receiver: Intakes ;Radio signals
* Subspace Receiver (Подпространственный приемник)
* Subspace Broadcaster: Sends ;Radio signals
* Subspace Broadcaster (Подпространственный вещатель)
* Bus Mainframe: Regulates ;Radio signals
* Bus Mainframe (Сервер передачи данных)
* Processor: Decodes ;Radio signals
* Servers: Log ;Radio signals, execute NTSL scripts.
* Hub: Takes in ;Radio signals and sends them to appropriate machines.
* Relay: Connected to a Hub on another Z-level. Allows ;Radio signals on its Z level to be run through the telecomms infrastructure of its linked hub.

==Standard Structure==
Each step is sent through the HUB typically
# [[File:Station_Bounced_Radio.png]] Signal goes from headset/intercom/etc
# [[File:Sreceiver.gif]] to a RECEIVER
# [[File:Bus.gif]] Signal is sent to the appropriate BUS MAINFRAME
# [[File:Pro.gif]] Signal is sent to the bus's corresponding PROCESSOR. Note that THE PROCESSOR AND BUS MUST BE DIRECTLY CONNECTED
# [[File:Bus.gif]] Signal is returned to the BUS MAINFRAME
# [[File:Server.gif]] Signal is logged at the SERVER and has scripts applied
# [[File:Broad.gif]] Signal is sent to the BROADCASTER
# [[File:Headset.png]] Signal is sent to all appropriate radio devices

Функционально неопциональные части:
* Processor (Процессор). Почему? Работает, но вы получите следующее:

Parts that are not optional:
<font color=green>>/;v**r; [145.9] говорит, "К**тся те;<ом$>/ы >$сл>*ма*#$& ****"</font color>
* Subspace Receiver
* Subspace Broadcaster
* Bus Mainframe

'''Selene Avery''' ''говорит, "Кажется телекоммы сломаны."''

Parts that are functionally non-optional:
==Как это исправить?==
* Processor. Why? You get this otherwise:

<font color=green>>/;v**r; [145.9] says, "*ok at a;<th$>/e >$s>*v p*is#$*& ot**ng tr#nsl%/****"</font color>

'''Selene Avery''' ''says, "Look at all these massive penises not being translated."''
'''Необходимые инструменты:'''
* [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] Отвертка
* [[File:Wrench.png]] Гаечный ключ
* [[File:Wirecutters.png]] Кусачки
* [[File:Crowbar.png]] Лом

<font color=purple>P// [Engineering] yells, ";oly>$anna*>*&*&%$e</font color>

The above is a link of Receiver to Bus to Broadcaster.
'''Общий список необходимых предметов (ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: большинство из них можно найти в [[Technical Storage|Техническом хранилище]], но их недостаточно, чтобы построить все с нуля, если вы делаете именно так, мы предлагаем деконструировать все телекоммуникационные машины, оставшиеся после взрыва или чего-то еще; если это не вариант, обратитесь в РНД, чтобы они сделали для вас предметы):'''
==Can We Fix It?==
'''Tools you need:'''
* [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] Screwdriver
* [[File:Wrench.png]] Wrench
* [[File:Wirecutters.png]] Wirecutters
* [[File:Crowbar.png]] Crowbar
'''Total list of items you need (NOTE: most of these items can be found in the [[Technical Storage]], but not enough to build everything from scratch, if you're doing exactly that, we suggest deconstructing any telecommunication-machines that are left over from the explosion or whatever, if that's not an option, go bug R&D to make you items):'''
* 1x [[File:Module.png]] Subspace Receiver Board, 1x [[File:Module.png]] Bus Mainframe Board, 1x [[File:Module.png]] Processor Unit Board, 1x [[File:Module.png]] Subspace Broadcaster Board
* 1x [[File:Module.png]] Subspace Receiver Board, 1x [[File:Module.png]] Bus Mainframe Board, 1x [[File:Module.png]] Processor Unit Board, 1x [[File:Module.png]] Subspace Broadcaster Board
* 1x [[File:CableCoils.png]] Cable Coil
* 1x [[File:CableCoils.png]] Провода
* 9x [[File:Micro_Manipulator.png]] Micro Manipulators (only 4 in Tech Storage!)
* 9x [[File:Micro_Manipulator.png]] Микроманипуляторы (всего 4 штуки в хранилище!)
* 1x [[File:Scanning_Module.png]] Scanning Module (none in Tech Storage!)
* 1x [[File:Scanning_Module.png]] Сканирующий модуль (нет в хранилище!)
* 3x [[File:Micro-laser.png]] High-Power Micro Laser
* 3x [[File:Micro-laser.png]] Высокомощный микролазер
* 4x [[File:Hyperwave_filter.png]] Hyperwave Filter
* 4x [[File:Hyperwave_filter.png]] Гиперволновой фильтр (Hyperwave Filter)
* 3x [[File:Subspace_ansible.png]] Subspace Ansible
* 3x [[File:Subspace_ansible.png]] Subspace Ansible
* 1x [[File:Ansible_crystal.png]] Ansible Crystal
* 1x [[File:Ansible_crystal.png]] Ansible Crystal
* 1x [[File:Subspace_Analyzer.png]] Subspace Wavelength Analyzer
* 1x [[File:Subspace_Analyzer.png]] Подпространственный анализатор длины волны (Subspace Wavelength Analyzer)
* 1x [[File:Subspace_amplifier.png]] Subspace Amplifier
* 1x [[File:Subspace_amplifier.png]] Подпространственный усилитель (Subspace Amplifier)

[[File:Simple_telecomms.png|thumb|286px|An extremely simple, but still functional version of telecommunications.]]
[[File:Simple_telecomms.png|thumb|286px|Очень простая, но функциональная версия телекоммуникаций.]]
'''Machines you need to build:'''
'''Машины, которые вам нужно построить:'''
* [[File:Sreceiver.gif]] [[Subspace Receiver]]
* [[File:Sreceiver.gif]] [[Subspace Receiver|Подпространственный приемник]] (Subspace Receiver)
* [[File:Bus.gif]] [[Bus Mainframe]]
* [[File:Bus.gif]] [[Bus Mainframe|Сервер передачи данных]] (Bus Mainframe)
* [[File:Pro.gif]] [[Processor Unit]]
* [[File:Pro.gif]] [[Processor Unit|Процессор]] (Processor Unit)
* [[File:Broad.gif]] [[Subspace Broadcaster]]
* [[File:Broad.gif]] [[Subspace Broadcaster|Подпространственный вещатель]] (Subspace Broadcaster)

These can be done in any room/hallway with a powered APC, including a bombed-out telecomms room or anywhere else.
Это можно сделать в любой комнате/коридоре с питанием от АПЦ, включая разбомбленную комнату связи или любое другое место.

'''After building:'''
'''После постройки:'''
# Clear ANY frequency filters on the machines.
# Очистите ВСЕ фильтры частот на машинах.
# Grab the Bus Mainframe and put it on your multitool buffer (down on the list, click "Multitool Buffer")
# Установите сеть на ''tcommsat'' на каждой машине. Это отключит связь между машинами, поэтому сделайте это перед следующим шагом.
# Link it to the Broadcaster, Processor, and Receiver (click "Add Machine").
# Добавьте Bus Mainframe в буфер мультитула (внизу в списке нажмите "Multitool Buffer").
# Свяжите его с Вещателем, Процессором и Приемником. (нажмите "Add Machine").

That's it. You're done. It'll process all telecomms signals with no lag, no static, no loss of functionality except for the inability to use telecomms scripts - though this is a great way to evade hostile scripts like a rogue AI's mute script.
Вот и все. Все готово. Он будет обрабатывать все телекоммуникационные сигналы с очень небольшим отставанием, но без помех или других потерь функциональности. Обратите внимание, что для получения и отправки сообщений через z-уровни вам также понадобится Хаб и Реле.
Чтобы добавить Хаб и Реле, сначала подключите Хаб ко всем Реле. Затем соедините Хаб с Приемником, Сервером передачи данных и Вещателем. Теперь [[Shaft Miner|шахтеры]] наконец-то могут слышать станцию с [[lavaland|Лаваленда]]. При желании вы можете отсоединить Сервер передачи данных от Приемника и Вещателя, но это не обязательно, так как Хаб автоматически получает приоритет.

=A More Elaborate Guide to Telecommunications=
=A More Elaborate Guide to Telecommunications=
Строка 132: Строка 126:
== The Machines ==  
== The Machines ==  
There are 5 different kinds of machines essential for a healthy telecommunication network. Without one or the other, the entire system would cease to function or would not function optimally. All telecommunication machines idle until they receive a signal, and all the machines are built with Hyperwave Filtering modules that allow for the scanning of signal's frequency regardless of intensity. This means each machine can selectively choose which signals to pay attention to, if there are any specified frequencies to tune into.
There are 5 different kinds of machines essential for a healthy telecommunication network. Without one or the other, the entire system would cease to function or would not function optimally. All telecommunication machines idle until they receive a signal, and all the machines are built with Hyperwave Filtering modules that allow for the scanning of signal's frequency regardless of intensity. This means each machine can selectively choose which signals to pay attention to, if there are any specified frequencies to tune into.
=== [[File:Sreceiver.gif]] Subspace Receivers ===
=== [[File:Sreceiver.gif]] Subspace Receivers ===
''Subspace Receivers'' are essential to a subspace telecommunication network. They have a long-term subspace window open at all times, and create the subspace-equivalent of a gravity well in its warped version of space-time. FTL signals traveling in subspace are going too "fast" to be sucked into the gravity well, but a carbon copy of the signal is produced whenever a signal passes through the pocket. This signal is then converted into a real radio wave by the Subspace Receiver and passed onto all immediately-linked machines. In a typical scenario only Bus Mainframes would receive the signal.  
''Subspace Receivers'' are essential to a subspace telecommunication network. They have a long-term subspace window open at all times, and create the subspace-equivalent of a gravity well in its warped version of space-time. FTL signals traveling in subspace are going too "fast" to be sucked into the gravity well, but a carbon copy of the signal is produced whenever a signal passes through the pocket. This signal is then converted into a real radio wave by the Subspace Receiver and passed onto either linked hubs or linked buses, with hubs having priority. In a typical scenario only the hub would receive the signal.

=== [[File:Relay.gif]] Telecommunication Relays ===
=== [[File:Relay.gif]] Telecommunication Relays ===
''Telecommunication Relays'' are very essential creating a full network. They allow the network to expand by being able to send signals past Z levels. Meaning that when saying something in the radio, after the message is processed the HUB will locate all linked relays and add their Z level information to the signal data, which will then broadcast on the level when it reaches the broadcaster. It works by charging atoms for an almost faster than light signal. It then gets broadcasted to the hub, the only machine that can receive these almost-light speed signals and then sends them ideally to a Bus Mainframe.
''Telecommunication Relays'' are very essential creating a full network. They allow the network to expand by being able to send signals past Z levels. Meaning that when saying something in the radio, after the message is received by the relay, it will be transmitted to all linked relays. It works by charging atoms for an almost faster than light signal. It then gets sent to the hub (if the hub is linked to a receiver), the only other telecomms machine that can receive these almost-light speed signals. When the signal is processed by the hub, it is broadcasted back using these relays.

=== [[File:Hub.gif]] Telecommunication Hub ===
=== [[File:Hub.gif]] Telecommunication Hub ===
''Telecommunication Hub'' is the main junction for the network. It is connected to many relays that are scattered along space, waiting to receive and send information to buses and relays. It uses a high level technology of circuits to send information as efficiently and as fast as possible.
''Telecommunication Hub'' is the main junction for the network. It is connected to many relays that are scattered along space, waiting to send and receive information to and from buses, relays, and broadcasters. It uses a high level technology of circuits to send information as efficiently and as fast as possible.
[[File:SpessChart.png|640px|thumb|left|A simple visual synopsis of a basic radio telecommunication network. It shows the "route" a subspace transmission travels before it reaches its end destination(s).]]
[[File:SpessChart.png|640px|thumb|left|A simple visual synopsis of a basic radio telecommunication network. It shows the "route" a subspace transmission travels before it reaches its end destination(s).]]

=== [[File:Bus.gif]] Bus Mainframes ===
=== [[File:Bus.gif]] Bus Mainframes ===
''Bus Mainframes'' regulate and handle the transfer of massive quantities of data at near instantaneous speeds. They are not essential to a network, but are required to keep data transfer instant. They usually transfer data back and forth between servers and processor units. If a Bus Mainframe is missing, network output may be unreliable or slow.
''Bus Mainframes'' regulate and handle the transfer of massive quantities of data at near instantaneous speeds. They are not essential to a network, but are required to keep data transfer instant. They are necessary to transfer data back and forth between processor units and servers. If a Bus Mainframe is missing, network output may be unreliable or slow.  
=== [[File:Pro.gif]] Processor Units ===
=== [[File:Pro.gif]] Processor Units ===
''Processor Units'' decrypt, clean and stretch hyper-compressed radio signals. Radio signals are sent into subspace using a preset encryption hash but random seed, which makes the process of encrypting and sending very light but unpacking and decrypting heavy due to the weird nature of subspace. Processor Units can instantly make signals readable by other machines. They are not essential to a subspace network but if one is missing, network output may not be understandable.
''Processor Units'' decrypt, clean and stretch hyper-compressed radio signals. Radio signals are sent into subspace using a preset encryption hash but random seed, which makes the process of encrypting and sending very light but unpacking and decrypting heavy due to the weird nature of subspace. Processor Units can instantly make signals readable by other machines. They are not essential to a subspace network but if one is missing, network output may not be understandable.
=== [[File:Server.gif]] Telecommunication Servers ===
=== [[File:Server.gif]] Telecommunication Servers ===
''Telecommunication Servers'' log network statistics and signal traffic for easy maintenance. Each server represents a "channel" in the Nanotrasen default settings. They can listen in to multiple channels, however. For each signal that is sent to a server, a database entry is created and the signal's information is stored. The servers also help by sorting the order in which signals are transferred to subspace broadcasters, which is vital for instantaneous signal transferring.
''Telecommunication Servers'' log network statistics and signal traffic for easy maintenance. Each server represents a "channel" in the Nanotrasen default settings. They can listen in to multiple channels, however. For each signal that is sent to a server, a database entry is created and the signal's information is stored. The servers also help by sorting the order in which signals are transferred to subspace broadcasters, which is vital for instantaneous signal transferring.

''Additionally'', Telecommunication Servers were capable of running user-written scripts (removed from /tg/-servers in 2015) through use of a Telecommunications Traffic Monitor. When a signal passes through a server (and the server is set to automatically execute code), the interpreter halts the signal until the code has finished executing, then releases the signal. During this time, the server's script interpreter can modify the signal's contents or flag it as a rejected signal, which will cause broadcasters to ignore it.

=== [[File:Broad.gif]] Subspace Broadcasters ===
''Subspace Broadcasters'' are impressive pieces of hardware that are capable of opening large enough subspace windows to transfer de-compressed data bursts, in encoded radio waves, through. They are necessary for any network that is expected to output information back to receiving radio devices. They operate by directing high-powered lasers into a small subspace window and fluctuating the amplitude of radio waves through subspace, allowing the large data packets easier entering and exiting of subspace.

''Additionally'', Telecommunication Servers are capable of running user-written scripts through use of a Telecommunications Traffic Monitor. When a signal passes through a server (and the server is set to automatically execute code), the interpreter halts the signal until the code has finished executing, then releases the signal. During this time, the server's script interpreter can modify the signal's contents or flag it as a rejected signal, which will cause broadcasters to ignore it.
=== [[File:Message_server_anim.gif]] Messaging Servers ===
''Messaging Servers'' process and route PDA and request console messages. Takes 15 minutes of calibration before it works if newly constructed. <br>Use a multitool to configure its settings and link it to the (tcommsat) network and hub. If there is no active messaging server, PDA and request console messages won't work.

''[[NT_Script|Learn more about NT Scripting (NTSL)]]''.
=== [[File:Blackbox_recorder.gif]] Blackbox Recorder ===
Only used for keeping [[High-risk_items#The_Blackbox|The Blackbox]] theft objective.
=== [[File:Broad.gif]] Subspace Broadcasters ===
''Subspace Broadcasters'' are impressive pieces of hardware that are capable of opening large enough subspace windows to transfer de-compressed data bursts, in encoded radio waves, through. They are necessary for any network that is expected to output information back to receiving radio devices. They operate by directing high-powered lasers into a small subspace window and fluctuating the amplitude of radio waves through subspace, allowing the large data packets easier entering and exiting of subspace.

== Maintenance Guide ==  
== Maintenance Guide ==  
Строка 172: Строка 160:

[[File:Multitool-tcomm.png|thumb|274px|right|The multitool-telecomm interface.]]
[[File:Multitool-tcomm.png|thumb|274px|right|The multitool-telecomm interface.]]
If the machines have been overheated, you can fix them by simply reconstructing them. To do this, first unfasten the exterior bolts with a screwdriver. Next, dislodge the plating with a wrench. Next, remove the internal cables with some wirecutters. After that, you can use a crowbar to remove the internal components and circuit board. From there, you can either deconstruct the empty frame or simply rebuild it. If the machines have been completely destroyed, you're going to want to build more. You're going to have to bug R&D for some really high-tier circuit boards and stock parts, or salvage some parts from other toasted telecomm machines. Keep in mind, you don't have to reconstruct ALL the machines. At the very minimum you need 1 receiver, 1 processor, 1 server, and 1 broadcaster. You might have to manually reconnect to relays if they are destroyed, this involves a long walk.
If the machines have been overheated, you can fix them by simply reconstructing them. To do this, first unfasten the exterior bolts with a screwdriver. Next, dislodge the plating with a wrench. Next, remove the internal cables with some wirecutters. After that, you can use a crowbar to remove the internal components and circuit board. From there, you can either deconstruct the empty frame or simply rebuild it. If the machines have been completely destroyed, you're going to want to build more. You're going to have to bug R&D for some really high-tier circuit boards and stock parts, or salvage some parts from other toasted telecomm machines. Keep in mind, you don't have to reconstruct ALL the machines. At the very minimum you need 1 receiver, 1 processor, 1 bus, and 1 broadcaster. You might have to manually reconnect to relays if they are destroyed, this involves a long walk.

== Telecommunication Polymorphism ==
== Telecommunication Polymorphism ==
Строка 179: Строка 167:
In order to link two machines, access one of them with your multitool. Select [Add Machine] at the bottom of the window to store this machine in the buffer of the multitool. Now access the other machine with the same multitool. The machine previously buffered should still be in the buffer of the multitool. Select [Link] to add the machine currently buffered to the list of machine links of the machine currently accessed. This will establish a link between these two machines. (Note that it is possible to link a machine to itself; this is both harmless and pointless.)
In order to link two machines, access one of them with your multitool. Select [Add Machine] at the bottom of the window to store this machine in the buffer of the multitool. Now access the other machine with the same multitool. The machine previously buffered should still be in the buffer of the multitool. Select [Link] to add the machine currently buffered to the list of machine links of the machine currently accessed. This will establish a link between these two machines. (Note that it is possible to link a machine to itself; this is both harmless and pointless.)

=== Subspace Receivers ===
=== Subspace Receiver ===
You can link Subspace Receivers to ''Processor Units'' if you are unable to link to a functional bus mainframe. This can and will create substantial network lag, because Bus Mainframes are needed for rapid information transferring and advanced port configurations.
You can link Subspace Receivers to either Buses or Hubs. If you want to send signals across z-levels, you'll need to link it to a hub that's linked to a relay. Otherwise, you can link it to a bus with no loss of functionality.

=== Bus Mainframes ===
=== Bus Mainframes ===
You can link Bus Mainframes to ''Subspace Broadcasters'' if you are unable to link to a functional server. This will not have much of an effect besides a very miniscule performance decrease.
While it is technically optional, if you do not link the bus to a Processor Unit, signals' readability will suffer substantially. Linking to a processor is all but necessary.

If you do not link to a Processor Unit, signals' readability will suffer substantially. It will also make it impossible to directly link to broadcasters.
You can link Bus Mainframes to the hub or directly to ''Subspace Broadcasters'' if you are unable to link to a functional server. Note that if you link directly to the broadcaster, relays connected to the hub won't be used and other z-levels won't receive the signal. Otherwise, this will not have much of an effect besides a very minuscule performance decrease.

=== Processor Units ===
=== Processor Units ===
You can link Processor Units to ''Telecommunication Servers'' if you are unable to link to Bus Mainframes. This will naturally have a significant performance cost.
According to the code, you can link Processor Units to ''Telecommunication Servers'' instead of Bus Mainframes. This will naturally have a significant performance cost. However, since processors must be linked to buses to receive the information in the first place, using this feature isn't actually possible.

=== Telecommunication Relay ===
=== Telecommunication Relay ===
Relays must be connected to a HUB in order to add information to the signal about the Z level it is in, and which will broadcast in. It cannot be linked to any other machine usefully.
Relays must be connected to a Hub in order to add information to the signal about the Z level it is in, and which will broadcast in. It cannot be linked to any other machine usefully.

=== Telecommunication Hub ===
=== Telecommunication Hub ===
This machine is essential when creating relays that allow you to send the same signal to multiple broadcasters on different space levels.
This machine is essential when creating relays that allow you to send and receive signals to and from different Z-levels. It is ordinarily connected to relays, receivers, buses, servers, and broadcasters. When it receives information from relays it sends it to linked receivers, and those receivers send it to the hub, and then the hub sends it to all linked buses. If the hub receives information from a machine that isn't a receiver (either the bus or a server), it assumes it's ready-to-transmit data and then sends it to all linked relays and broadcasters.  
It is ordinarily connected to Relays, Servers and Buses. When it receives information from Relays it sends it to all linked Buses. If it receives information from a machine that isn't a Relay, it assumes it's ready-to-transmit data and then sends it to all linked Relays. This data is ideally received from Servers but Buses and Processors can send this information too.

=== Telecommunication Servers ===
=== Telecommunication Servers ===
These cannot really be linked to anything else other than a broadcaster. They are only needed to store logs and maintain sane bookkeeping.
These can either be linked directly to a broadcaster or to a hub. They must be linked to the hub in order to broadcast information to relays on other z-levels, but otherwise there's no benefit. Servers are only needed to store logs and maintain sane bookkeeping.

=== Subspace Broadcasters ===  
=== Subspace Broadcasters ===  
These are ESSENTIAL if you want an output. There is nothing you can do with these in terms of polymorphism.
Broadcasters are the output, there is nothing you can do with these in terms of polymorphism.  

= Being An Ass =
= Being An Ass =
Строка 214: Строка 201:
* Add Filtered Frequencies to the Hub in order to only allow people to speak on those frequencies. You can do this on any machine and department channels will also suffer from not being able to pass the filter.
* Add Filtered Frequencies to the Hub in order to only allow people to speak on those frequencies. You can do this on any machine and department channels will also suffer from not being able to pass the filter.

* Use [[NT_Script|NTSL]] to [[NTSL_Scripts#Useful_Malicious_Scripts|make everyone speak weirdly]]

Текущая версия от 15:54, 1 февраля 2025

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Эта статья содержит непереведённую информацию.

Простое руководство по ремонту телекоммуникаций

Радио внезапно перестало работать? Или кто-то опять взорвал телекоммы? Вот краткое руководство для того, чтобы понять, что не так и как это исправить:

1. Был ли он частично взорван?

  1. Убедитесь, что в помещении есть питание от АПЦ.
  2. Посмотрите, какие из этих механизмов отсутствуют/взорваны: Приемник (Receiver), Шина (Bus), Процессор (Processor), Передатчик (Broadcaster).
  3. Перезагрузите по очереди каждую из машин, которые еще функционируют, с помощью мультитула (отвяжите и удалите все частоты).
  4. Перейдите в раздел Как это исправить?, постройте недостающие машины и соедините их, следуя инструкциям.
    1. (Например, если все, кроме СМЕСа, АПЦ, Receiver и Bus было уничтожено, вам все равно нужны Processor и Broadcaster. Перезагрузите Receiver и Bus, постройте Processor и Broadcaster, соедините их с Bus и вуаля.)

2. Полностью разнесены в пух и прах или украдены и брошены в сингулярность?

  1. Перейдите в раздел Как это исправить? и следуйте инструкциям.

3. Все целое, но машины выключены (нет мигающих лампочек на машинах)?

  1. Было ли обновление Центрального командования о чем-то вроде "Ionospheric anomalies detected. Temporary telec#MCi46:5.;@63-BZZZZT", если да, подождите несколько минут, и оборудование восстановится автоматически. Обратите внимание, что это может произойти без какого-либо предупреждения, поэтому просто подождите 5 минут, чтобы посмотреть, оживут ли машины самостоятельно.
  2. Проверьте АПЦ: главный выключатель и оборудование должны быть включены. Если нет, включите их.
  3. Проверьте оборудование с помощью мультитула и убедитесь, что питание установлено. Если нет, включите обратно.

4. Оборудование включено, но по радио ничего не слышно?

  1. Проверьте Telecommunication Hub с помощью мультитула.
    1. Имя сети установлено на tcommsat? Если нет, установите обратно значение tcommsat и...
      1. Пройдитесь по меню Telecommunication Hub, пока не увидите пункт MULTITOOL BUFFER.
      2. Нажмите кнопку [Add Machine], информация о Хабе теперь находится в памяти вашего мультитула.
      3. Используйте мультитул на Subspace Receiver (вам придется делать это для каждой машины).
      4. Прокрутите меню вниз и нажмите [Link], чтобы связать машину с Хабом.
      5. Повторите это для каждой машины (кроме processors, СМЕСов, blackbox recorder, messaging server, и компьютеров).
      6. Процессор должен быть подключен к соответствующей шине.
    2. Проверьте, включено ли питание других устройств и правильное ли имя сети.
      1. Перейдите в консоль Telecommunications Traffic Control.
      2. Войдите в систему.
      3. Сканируйте сервера.
      4. Нажмите на сервер.
      5. Вернитесь в главное меню и повторите действия для всех серверов.

Краткое руководство по Телекоммуникациям

Если вы просто хотите узнать, как невероятно легко все исправить, переходите к разделу Как это исправить?.


Полна сверх охлажденного газа. Не дышите им, не стойте в нем без средств защиты. У него есть собственная СМЕС и АПЦ. Если АПЦ уничтожено, немедленно замените его. Если питание АПЦ временно отключено, посмотрите на ПДА-сервер; если его индикатор горит красным, в АПЦ, скорее всего, установлено устройство дистанционного управления (remote signaller), поскольку отключение питания АПЦ приводит к отключению сервера сообщений PDA на неопределенный срок.


Доступ ко всем машинам и управление ими осуществляется с помощью мультитула. Один из них находится в телекоммуникациях в начале раунда. Чтобы связать машины, вы добавляете машину в буфер мультитула, затем используете мультитул на машине, с которой нужно установить связь, и нажимаете [Link] внизу. Большинство телекоммуникационных машин также имеют фильтры, определяющие, какие частоты передаются через те или иные устройства. Кроме того, каждый аппарат имеет IDENTIFICATION STRING (идентификационную строку), которая является его уникальным именем, и NETWORK (сеть), по умолчанию tcommsat, которая позволяет ему связываться с аппаратами только с тем же именем сети. ЕСЛИ ВЫ ИЗМЕНИТЕ ИМЯ СЕТИ, ЭТО ПРИВЕДЕТ К РАЗРЫВУ СВЯЗИ. ИЗМЕНЕНИЕ СЕТЕВОГО ИМЕНИ ХАБА - РАСПРОСТРАНЕННЫЙ МЕТОД ГЕТТО-САБОТАЖА. СЛЕДИТЕ ЗА ЭТИМ.


  • Subspace Receiver (Подпространственный приемник): Приемник радиосигналов
  • Subspace Broadcaster (Подпространственный вещатель): Посылает радиосигналы
  • Bus Mainframe (Сервер передачи данных): Регулирует радиосигналы
  • Processor (Процессор): Расшифровка радиосигналов
  • Servers (Серверы): Регистрация радиосигналов
  • Hub (Хаб): Принимает радиосигналы и отправляет их на соответствующие машины
  • Relay (Реле): Подключается к Хабу на другом Z-уровне. Позволяет передавать радиосигналы на своем Z-уровне через телекоммуникационную инфраструктуру связанного с ним хаба.

Стандартная структура

Каждый шаг обычно проходит через Хаб.

  1. Station Bounced Radio.png Сигнал поступает от гарнитуры/интеркома/и т.д.
  2. Sreceiver.gif Поступает в Приемник (RECEIVER).
  3. Bus.gif Сигнал передается на соответствующий Сервер передачи данных (BUS MAINFRAME).
  4. Pro.gif Сигнал посылается на соответствующий Процессор (PROCESSOR). Обратите внимание, что ПРОЦЕССОР (PROCESSOR) И СЕРВЕР ПЕРЕДАЧИ ДАННЫХ (BUS MAINFRAME) ДОЛЖНЫ БЫТЬ СОЕДИНЕНЫ НАПРЯМУЮ.
  5. Bus.gif Сигнал возвращается на Сервер передачи данных (BUS MAINFRAME).
  6. Server.gif Сигнал регистрируется на Сервере и к нему применяются скрипты.
  7. Broad.gif Сигнал передается на Подпространственный вещатель (BROADCASTER).
  8. Headset.png Сигнал передается на все соответствующие радиоустройства.

Части, которые являются обязательными:

  • Subspace Receiver (Подпространственный приемник)
  • Subspace Broadcaster (Подпространственный вещатель)
  • Bus Mainframe (Сервер передачи данных)

Функционально неопциональные части:

  • Processor (Процессор). Почему? Работает, но вы получите следующее:

>/;v**r; [145.9] говорит, "К**тся те;<ом$>/ы >$сл>*ма*#$& ****"

Selene Avery говорит, "Кажется телекоммы сломаны."

Как это исправить?


Необходимые инструменты:

  • Screwdriver tool.png Отвертка
  • Wrench.png Гаечный ключ
  • Wirecutters.png Кусачки
  • Crowbar.png Лом

Общий список необходимых предметов (ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: большинство из них можно найти в Техническом хранилище, но их недостаточно, чтобы построить все с нуля, если вы делаете именно так, мы предлагаем деконструировать все телекоммуникационные машины, оставшиеся после взрыва или чего-то еще; если это не вариант, обратитесь в РНД, чтобы они сделали для вас предметы):

  • 1x Module.png Subspace Receiver Board, 1x Module.png Bus Mainframe Board, 1x Module.png Processor Unit Board, 1x Module.png Subspace Broadcaster Board
  • 1x CableCoils.png Провода
  • 9x Micro Manipulator.png Микроманипуляторы (всего 4 штуки в хранилище!)
  • 1x Scanning Module.png Сканирующий модуль (нет в хранилище!)
  • 3x Micro-laser.png Высокомощный микролазер
  • 4x Hyperwave filter.png Гиперволновой фильтр (Hyperwave Filter)
  • 3x Subspace ansible.png Subspace Ansible
  • 1x Ansible crystal.png Ansible Crystal
  • 1x Subspace Analyzer.png Подпространственный анализатор длины волны (Subspace Wavelength Analyzer)
  • 1x Subspace amplifier.png Подпространственный усилитель (Subspace Amplifier)
Очень простая, но функциональная версия телекоммуникаций.

Машины, которые вам нужно построить:

Это можно сделать в любой комнате/коридоре с питанием от АПЦ, включая разбомбленную комнату связи или любое другое место.

После постройки:

  1. Очистите ВСЕ фильтры частот на машинах.
  2. Установите сеть на tcommsat на каждой машине. Это отключит связь между машинами, поэтому сделайте это перед следующим шагом.
  3. Добавьте Bus Mainframe в буфер мультитула (внизу в списке нажмите "Multitool Buffer").
  4. Свяжите его с Вещателем, Процессором и Приемником. (нажмите "Add Machine").

Вот и все. Все готово. Он будет обрабатывать все телекоммуникационные сигналы с очень небольшим отставанием, но без помех или других потерь функциональности. Обратите внимание, что для получения и отправки сообщений через z-уровни вам также понадобится Хаб и Реле.

Чтобы добавить Хаб и Реле, сначала подключите Хаб ко всем Реле. Затем соедините Хаб с Приемником, Сервером передачи данных и Вещателем. Теперь шахтеры наконец-то могут слышать станцию с Лаваленда. При желании вы можете отсоединить Сервер передачи данных от Приемника и Вещателя, но это не обязательно, так как Хаб автоматически получает приоритет.

A More Elaborate Guide to Telecommunications

The Central Compartment

A basic example of a telecommunication central compartment. All essential machines, including a monitoring and logging computer, are present.

A functional telecommunication central compartment (otherwise known as the "Server Room") contains several machines, each with its own isolated function. These machines make up a usually independent telecommunication network, with a pre-specified array of frequencies to process. Optionally, monitoring computers may be used to keep track of telecommunication activity and network integrity. It is important to notice that the machines, most dominantly the Processor Units, generate a significant amount of heat. The central compartment is generally kept at a very low temperature to prevent the damage of the hardware infrastructure, so maintenance is usually not done without proper protective equipment.

A central communications compartment is not necessary for a functional telecommunications network. In fact, it may be more efficient to separate the network into sub-nets. Nanotrasen Tech Department, however, strongly suggests the centralization of the machinery for easier maintenance and bookkeeping. While a strong central compartment may be easier to maintain, it is also easier to sabotage or blow up. The only thing worse than explosive concussion damage and massive atmospheric de-stabilization is a downed communication grid. A central compartment should be well-fortified and stable, and fortunately for the crew, Nanotrasen cannot pinch for pennies in this department. The station will either receive a robust Communications Satellite or inner-station Server Room.

The Machines

There are 5 different kinds of machines essential for a healthy telecommunication network. Without one or the other, the entire system would cease to function or would not function optimally. All telecommunication machines idle until they receive a signal, and all the machines are built with Hyperwave Filtering modules that allow for the scanning of signal's frequency regardless of intensity. This means each machine can selectively choose which signals to pay attention to, if there are any specified frequencies to tune into.

Sreceiver.gif Subspace Receivers

Subspace Receivers are essential to a subspace telecommunication network. They have a long-term subspace window open at all times, and create the subspace-equivalent of a gravity well in its warped version of space-time. FTL signals traveling in subspace are going too "fast" to be sucked into the gravity well, but a carbon copy of the signal is produced whenever a signal passes through the pocket. This signal is then converted into a real radio wave by the Subspace Receiver and passed onto either linked hubs or linked buses, with hubs having priority. In a typical scenario only the hub would receive the signal.

Relay.gif Telecommunication Relays

Telecommunication Relays are very essential creating a full network. They allow the network to expand by being able to send signals past Z levels. Meaning that when saying something in the radio, after the message is received by the relay, it will be transmitted to all linked relays. It works by charging atoms for an almost faster than light signal. It then gets sent to the hub (if the hub is linked to a receiver), the only other telecomms machine that can receive these almost-light speed signals. When the signal is processed by the hub, it is broadcasted back using these relays.

Hub.gif Telecommunication Hub

Telecommunication Hub is the main junction for the network. It is connected to many relays that are scattered along space, waiting to send and receive information to and from buses, relays, and broadcasters. It uses a high level technology of circuits to send information as efficiently and as fast as possible.

A simple visual synopsis of a basic radio telecommunication network. It shows the "route" a subspace transmission travels before it reaches its end destination(s).

Bus.gif Bus Mainframes

Bus Mainframes regulate and handle the transfer of massive quantities of data at near instantaneous speeds. They are not essential to a network, but are required to keep data transfer instant. They are necessary to transfer data back and forth between processor units and servers. If a Bus Mainframe is missing, network output may be unreliable or slow.

Pro.gif Processor Units

Processor Units decrypt, clean and stretch hyper-compressed radio signals. Radio signals are sent into subspace using a preset encryption hash but random seed, which makes the process of encrypting and sending very light but unpacking and decrypting heavy due to the weird nature of subspace. Processor Units can instantly make signals readable by other machines. They are not essential to a subspace network but if one is missing, network output may not be understandable.

Server.gif Telecommunication Servers

Telecommunication Servers log network statistics and signal traffic for easy maintenance. Each server represents a "channel" in the Nanotrasen default settings. They can listen in to multiple channels, however. For each signal that is sent to a server, a database entry is created and the signal's information is stored. The servers also help by sorting the order in which signals are transferred to subspace broadcasters, which is vital for instantaneous signal transferring.

Additionally, Telecommunication Servers were capable of running user-written scripts (removed from /tg/-servers in 2015) through use of a Telecommunications Traffic Monitor. When a signal passes through a server (and the server is set to automatically execute code), the interpreter halts the signal until the code has finished executing, then releases the signal. During this time, the server's script interpreter can modify the signal's contents or flag it as a rejected signal, which will cause broadcasters to ignore it.

Broad.gif Subspace Broadcasters

Subspace Broadcasters are impressive pieces of hardware that are capable of opening large enough subspace windows to transfer de-compressed data bursts, in encoded radio waves, through. They are necessary for any network that is expected to output information back to receiving radio devices. They operate by directing high-powered lasers into a small subspace window and fluctuating the amplitude of radio waves through subspace, allowing the large data packets easier entering and exiting of subspace.

Message server anim.gif Messaging Servers

Messaging Servers process and route PDA and request console messages. Takes 15 minutes of calibration before it works if newly constructed.
Use a multitool to configure its settings and link it to the (tcommsat) network and hub. If there is no active messaging server, PDA and request console messages won't work.

Blackbox recorder.gif Blackbox Recorder

Only used for keeping The Blackbox theft objective.

Maintenance Guide

Telecommunications machines are flexible and can adapt to structure changes, and they are otherwise immortal to mundane errors and crashes. However, in the event of a catastrophe such as an explosion, singularity, or anything of the like the default warranty becomes void and the machines will probably be destroyed or totaled. If one or more machines are destroyed, chances are the entire communication grid or at least part of it will be down. While intercoms and station bounced radios are capable of limited non-subspace communication it is most definitely not reliable. It should be maximum priority to get those machines up again.

If you suspect the machines aren't working properly (or at all), you should identify the cause first. Probably the most common issue is an exploded central compartment. Repair any structural damage and assess the machines. If they're still on (flashing/blinking lights, etc) then they are relatively functional. If there's been some atmospheric depressurization you're going to want to pump supercooled air into room; the machines need cold gas to survive or they will not be able to diffuse their heat into the environment, and will overheat.

The multitool-telecomm interface.

If the machines have been overheated, you can fix them by simply reconstructing them. To do this, first unfasten the exterior bolts with a screwdriver. Next, dislodge the plating with a wrench. Next, remove the internal cables with some wirecutters. After that, you can use a crowbar to remove the internal components and circuit board. From there, you can either deconstruct the empty frame or simply rebuild it. If the machines have been completely destroyed, you're going to want to build more. You're going to have to bug R&D for some really high-tier circuit boards and stock parts, or salvage some parts from other toasted telecomm machines. Keep in mind, you don't have to reconstruct ALL the machines. At the very minimum you need 1 receiver, 1 processor, 1 bus, and 1 broadcaster. You might have to manually reconnect to relays if they are destroyed, this involves a long walk.

Telecommunication Polymorphism

The machines can be retrofitted manually to work with other machines that normally would not be very common or wise. In the case of an emergency, however, it can be a life-saver. You can use a multitool to interface with telecommunication machines, which will allow you to modify some of the machines' properties. You can also link together machines with this interface, which is possibly the most important function.

In order to link two machines, access one of them with your multitool. Select [Add Machine] at the bottom of the window to store this machine in the buffer of the multitool. Now access the other machine with the same multitool. The machine previously buffered should still be in the buffer of the multitool. Select [Link] to add the machine currently buffered to the list of machine links of the machine currently accessed. This will establish a link between these two machines. (Note that it is possible to link a machine to itself; this is both harmless and pointless.)

Subspace Receiver

You can link Subspace Receivers to either Buses or Hubs. If you want to send signals across z-levels, you'll need to link it to a hub that's linked to a relay. Otherwise, you can link it to a bus with no loss of functionality.

Bus Mainframes

While it is technically optional, if you do not link the bus to a Processor Unit, signals' readability will suffer substantially. Linking to a processor is all but necessary.

You can link Bus Mainframes to the hub or directly to Subspace Broadcasters if you are unable to link to a functional server. Note that if you link directly to the broadcaster, relays connected to the hub won't be used and other z-levels won't receive the signal. Otherwise, this will not have much of an effect besides a very minuscule performance decrease.

Processor Units

According to the code, you can link Processor Units to Telecommunication Servers instead of Bus Mainframes. This will naturally have a significant performance cost. However, since processors must be linked to buses to receive the information in the first place, using this feature isn't actually possible.

Telecommunication Relay

Relays must be connected to a Hub in order to add information to the signal about the Z level it is in, and which will broadcast in. It cannot be linked to any other machine usefully.

Telecommunication Hub

This machine is essential when creating relays that allow you to send and receive signals to and from different Z-levels. It is ordinarily connected to relays, receivers, buses, servers, and broadcasters. When it receives information from relays it sends it to linked receivers, and those receivers send it to the hub, and then the hub sends it to all linked buses. If the hub receives information from a machine that isn't a receiver (either the bus or a server), it assumes it's ready-to-transmit data and then sends it to all linked relays and broadcasters.

Telecommunication Servers

These can either be linked directly to a broadcaster or to a hub. They must be linked to the hub in order to broadcast information to relays on other z-levels, but otherwise there's no benefit. Servers are only needed to store logs and maintain sane bookkeeping.

Subspace Broadcasters

Broadcasters are the output, there is nothing you can do with these in terms of polymorphism.

Being An Ass

Now downing the radio may seem like something the captain does when he stubs his toe too hard, but downing the radios is something even the most clueless trouble maker can do, provided they have the tools. Here are some easy ways to make nobody hear the screams of the station's inhabitants.

  • Destroy the sub-space broadcaster. Those screams will be uttered, But not heard.
  • Deconstruct the processor. This makes the radio blast gibberish that nobody can comprehend.
  • Deconstruct the server and it's bus. Depending on which ones you knock out you can disable most of the command channels and such.
  • Add Filtered Frequencies to the Hub in order to only allow people to speak on those frequencies. You can do this on any machine and department channels will also suffer from not being able to pass the filter.