MetaStation: различия между версиями

(Small text changes.)
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(не показаны 132 промежуточные версии 14 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
[[File:MetaStation_Image.jpg|frame|link=|<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> '''MetaStation v38R''', updated 2013/12/21. '''[ (HD Image)] [ (Download .dmm)]''']]</div>
[[Файл:MetaStation Image.jpg|мини|490x490пкс|'''MetaStation''' updated 2021-2-05. Click for full resolution.]]
[[File:Metastation_atmos_pipes.png|thumb|right|500px|'''Metastation's atmospheric piping''' as of 2020-08-16. Click for full resolution.]]

[[File:MetaStation_Simplified_Map.png|frame|350px|right|link=|<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''Simplified Map''', updated 2013/12/03. '''[ (HD Image)]''' ]]</div>
[[File:MetaStation_EngineeringReference_Image.jpg|frame|'''V41D Engineering Reference Map''', updated 2015/07/17.]]
[[File:Meta-Box_Overlay.png|frame|<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> '''Size Comparison:''' BoxStation (Black) and MetaStation (Green).]]</div>

==О Метастанции==
'''MetaStation''' is a largely complete map available in the /tg/ codebase as an alternative to the default map. MetaStation was previously run on Badger, and is now the default map on the second official /tg/ server, [byond:// Basil]. An older version has been running on NoxStation for some time. It has been play-tested quite extensively and has been generally well received. Due to this play-testing, it is now largely bug free, and most feedback revolves around gameplay changes and balancing. It is largely maintained and updated by [[User:Metacide|Metacide]], but based on and uses the work of many others.
'''[[MetaStation]]''' - это полнофункциональная карта, доступная на базе кода /tg/station.  

'''Key points to note are that:'''
'''Ключевые особенности:'''
* The map plays best with 30+ players.
* The only change is the layout - functionality is the same.
* It feels much bigger and more open, attacks in public are harder to get away with.
* It has a much larger maintenance system, useful for stealthier tactics.
* There are in-game maps on the walls of the station to help you find your way.
* The AI and Telecoms are now located on the "MiniSat" near engineering.
* The escape shuttle is larger, with a cargo hold for valuable gear.
* All jobs have local maint. access to their nearest public hallway.

'''Development news''' regarding MetaStation is often posted [ in this thread] on the /tg/ forums.
* '''Рассчитана на большее количество игроков''', чем некоторые другие карты. Однако в настоящее время нет ни минимального, ни максимального ограничения по количеству игроков.
* '''Ключевые зоны распределены более равномерно''', чтобы уменьшить локальную переполненность.
* '''Создает ощущение большей открытости''', что затрудняет скрытное нападение в общественных местах.
* '''Имеет обширную систему технических туннелей''', охватывающую большую часть станции, что удобно для использования скрытных тактик.
* '''На стенах станции есть игровые карты и указатели''', которые помогут вам найти дорогу.
* '''Спасательный шаттл имеет больше мест''', большой грузовой отсек, а также увеличенные медбей, бриг и мостик.

'''Please give any feedback''' you may have [ in that thread], too.
'''Дополнительна'''я информация о метастанции часто публикуется в [ этой теме] на форумах /tg/, там же приветствуются ваши отзывы.

'''Метастанция является картой по умолчанию''' и всегда будет загружаться, если карта не была выбрана заранее. Это относится только к пользовательским серверам.

==How to Host==
'''Hosting MetaStation''' using normal /tg/ code isn't too complicated, but does require a recompile. In future this may be easier, but for now:
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="background-color:#FFFFFF"
| colspan="10" style="text-align: left;" | [[File:jobstemp.png|link=Locations]] '''[[Locations]] on MetaStation'''

* Don't host the game whilst making these changes.
* Open tgstation.dme
| style="text-align: center; background: #898787" |  '''General'''
* Select the files tab on the top left of the screen
| style="text-align: center; background: #92b26d" | '''Service'''
* Expand the 'maps' folder in the file tree.
| style="text-align: center; background: #8cbcd6" | '''Medical'''
* Untick tgstation.2.1.2 or other current map, and tick the latest MetaStation map present.
| style="text-align: center; background: #ba9b67" |  '''Supply'''
* Click the build dropdown at the top, and click compile. This may take a minute.
| style="text-align: center; background: #a885a2" |  '''Research'''
* Once compiled, run the resulting BYOND executable (.dmb) as you would normally.
| style="text-align: center; background: #d8a533" |  '''Engineering'''
| style="text-align: center; background: #AF6365; color: white;" |  '''Security'''
| style="text-align: center; background: #334E6D; color: white;" | '''Command'''
| style="text-align: center; background: #660068; color: white;" | '''Upkeep'''

| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[Arrivals]]
* [[Art Storage]]
* [[Auxiliary Tool Storage]]
* [[Emergency Storage]]
* [[Escape Pods]]
* [[Escape Shuttle]]
* [[Escape Shuttle Hallway]]
* [[Garden]]
* [[Primary Tool Storage]]

==Issue Tracker==
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
''Updated 2013/12/21. Please report any new issues or give feedback [ here.]''
* [[Bar]]
*<del>[ Unexpected fun]</del> - Shouldn't happen again.
* [[Chapel]]
*No known issues.
* [[Dormitory]]
* [[Holodeck]]
* [[Hydroponics]]
* [[Kitchen and Freezer]]
* [[Library]]
* [[Locker Room]]
* [[Theatre]]

| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[Medbay]]
* [[Chemistry Lab]]
* [[Chief Medical Officer's Office]]
* [[Medbay Storage]]
* [[Morgue]]
* [[Operating Theatre]]
* [[Pharmacy]]
* [[Recovery Room]]
* [[Virology]]
* [[Coroner Office]]

==Planned Changes==
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
''Updated 2013/12/21. For more development info or to suggest changes, click [ here.]''
* [[Supplies]]
* [[Cargo Bay]]
*Add medical blindfold and possibly earmuffs to medbay.
* [[Cargo Office]]
* [[Delivery Office]]
*Add some small things to explore is space.
* [[Drone Bay]]
* [[Mining Dock]]
*Improve toxins with gas filters and other helpful gear.
* [[Quartermaster's Office]]
*Improve the crew quarters layout
*Eventually introduce a new derelict.
*Port the map to Baystation 12's code.
*Add more proper camera names each update.

| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[Research Division]]
* [[Experimental Lab]]
* [[Genetics]]
* [[Research and Development Lab]]
* [[Research Director's Office]]
* [[Robotics Lab]]
* [[Server Room]]
* [[Ordnance Lab]]
* [[Ordnance_Lab#Ordnance_Testing_Lab|Ordnance Test Chamber]]
* [[Xenobiology Lab]]

==Changelogs and Downloads==
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
===Version 3xx===
* [[Engineering]]
* [[Atmospherics]]
* [[Auxilliary Base Construction]]
* [[Chief Engineer's Office]]
* [[Counterfeit Robotics Lab]]
* [[Gravity Generator Room]]
* [[Solars]]
* [[Supermatter Engine]]
* [[Technical Storage]]
* [[Telecomms Storage]]
* [[Telecommunications]]
* [[Vacant Office]]

{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! Version !! Changelog
! scope="row" | [ v38R] <br>(21/12/2013)
*Minor alterations to the layout of the incinerator turbine. The turbine vent is now easier to see.
*Added a space-access airlock to the bottom-right of the main atmos room.
*Added monkeysuit mask to the black-market shop.
*Added a camera to the AI Upload Foyer.
*Added missing APC to telecoms storage.
*Added packs of cards to the library, bar, prison, spare office, and maint. bar.
*Replaced combat gloves in security gear room with normal black "security" gloves.
*Removed duplicated intercom in the chapel.
*Removed manual outlet values from atmospherics.
*Moved toxins launch camera so AI can see launch control.
*Moved the tube light from the HoP queue glass panels to the wall.
*Fixed some broken pipes in the labour camp.
*Fixed some broken cabling on the turbine.
*Fixed some broken cabling at the mining north outpost.
*Named more cameras in various locations.
*Standardised naming of telecoms areas.
*Standardised camera name format.
*Works with recent updates.
! scope="row" | [ v38P] <br>(15/12/2013)
Key Changes:
*Added Giacom's new disposals layout with crusher.
*Added Christmas trees to various areas and a festivus pole to research's break room.
*Added a santa outfit to the Captain's quarters.
*Added a disposal rapid transit system to the mining outposts.
*Added EuroNumbers' fixed turbine generator to the incinerator as a backup power source.
*Altered layout of the Minisat teleporter room so you can push things into the portal (like AIs for example).
*Altered the layout of the escape dock and chapel - they are both slightly nicer and more open.
*Moved the medbay security post to above the medbay desk, and moved some stuff in medbay storage.
*Moved the incinerator next to atmos, and where it was is now a derelict mech bay / robotics in maint.
*Fixed one of the toxins test subjects being named "Unknown", rather than "Test Subject".
*Improved the layout of virology and made it less claustrophobic.

Minor Changes:
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
*Moved a poster in the maint. black market which appeared over a window.
* [[Armory]]
*Added (provisionally) two more pipe dispensers to the construction room above arrivals.
* [[Brig]]
*Added intercoms specifically to CE office, engineering entrance airlock, and tech storage.
* [[Courtroom]]
*Added some flavour text to the AI potted plant, likely the AI's only friend.
* [[Detective's Office]]
*Added a silencer to the contraband locker in the armory.
* [[Interrogation]]
*Added MiniSat monitors to the HoS's Office, CE's Office, AI Upload foyer and bridge, to prevent malf AIs taking over all the MiniSat APCs too easily.
* [[Head of Security's Office]]
*Added missing interrogation room monitor and put the camera on a special interrogation-room-only camera network.
* [[Law Office]]
*Added missing detective-level access to the security office, gear room, interrogation and monitoring room, and evidence room.
* [[Prison Wing]]
*Added a bat to the chapel.
* [[Labor Camp]]
*Added a new pet for the HoS.
* [[Security Office]]
*Added an autodrobe to the maint. costume room.
* [[Security Posts]]
*Added a syndicate detonator to the nuke op ready room.
* [[Warden's Office]]
*Added the new Orion Trail arcade machine to the zone of quiet contemplation at the top of the dorms.
*Add a monkey suit and xeno suit to the maint. black market shop.
*Altered tile colour in the station command hallway - it is now grey, rather than blue.
*Altered security bot waypoints to try and prevent them using the captain's quarters maint area and disrupting EVA shutters.
*Replaced carpet in the atmos piping back-area with black tiles.
*Changed the layout of the engineering foyer maint. tunnel slightly.
*Named the cameras in escape and the cameras on the MiniSat exterior walkway.
*Improved various other cameras.
*Improved intercom coverage.
! scope="row" | [ v38N] <br>(02/12/2013)
Key Changes:
*MiniSat turrets now start deactivated.
*Moved MiniSat turret control buttons to outside the entrances of each room.
*Added named cameras to a lot of the station, more to come in further updates.
*Added a black market shop to maintenance and slightly adjusted the area around it.
*Added exile implants to the gateway atrium, and electrified the windows.
*Overhauled the maint. bar, now called "The Gobbetting Barmaid"

Smaller Changes:
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
*Added more orange jumpsuits and shoes to the brig holding cell.
* [[AI Satellite]]
*Added electric shavers to robotics and medical surgery areas.
* [[AI Upload]]
*Added a togglable shutter to the teleporter room, giving access only to the portal section.
* [[Bridge]]
*Added wrench to outer armoury area so the warden can toggle portable flashers
* [[Captain's Quarters]]
*Added igniters to toxins.
* [[Conference Room]]
*Added chef and bartender access level to maint. doors leading to the maint. bar.
* [[E.V.A.]]
*Added more donk pockets to the kitchen and various parts of maint.
* [[Gateway]]
*Added tube lamp to mining ore collection area on request.
* [[Head of Personnel's Office]]
*Added named cameras to security, crew quarters, cargo, atmoshperics and engineering.
* [[Teleporter]]
*Added named cameras to the all primary hallways and arrivals.
* [[Vault]]
*Added three sheets of plasma to virology on roundstart.
* [[Corporate Showroom]]
*Added a photocopier to the HoP's office.
*Re-added the glass around the chef's mulebot delivery area.
*Moved tube lamp in cargo bay by the orders console to prevent burnt hands.
*Moved the security console in the engineering security post to try and stop stop EMPs breaking it.
*Removed tinted windows for Research Foyer
*Removed un-needed r-wall opposite the kitchen.
*Fixed being unable to reach top-right corner of the detective's desk.
*Fixed AI core flasher appearing over cyborg statue.
*Fixed EVA oxygen tank dispenser sometimes appearing over oxygen tanks.
*Fixed missing pipe manifold on the MiniSat meaning a few vents were unconnected.
*Fixed some airless plating on the disposals mass driver to try and prevent items sliding off it.
*Fixed tiles under the corporate showroom window accidentally being wooden panelling.
*Fixed a floating light switch in the lawyer's office.
*Fixed access level on theatre maint. door, it is allows either theatre access or maint access.
*Fixed access levels on maint. access to EM storage at medbay and research. Both now allow staff or maint. access.
*Improved test site - test subjects no longer freeze to death & are named correctly.
*Improved the layout of arrivals.
*Electrified the council chamber windows.
! scope="row" | [ v38M] <br>(24/11/2013)
*Added missing wiring to the auxiliary restooms.
*Added missing lamp to the medbay secpost.
*Added microwaves to perma, the security office (replacing the snack vendor), and cargo.
*Added a port emergency storage room near arrivals.
*Added ore crate to labour camp.
*Added urinals to the auxiliary and normal bathrooms.
*Added wall under chemistry smartfridge.
*Moved detective maintenance access door so it can't be blocked by their new morgue tray.
*Moved a snack vendor from the central hallway loop to the bar.
*Allowed sec, detective and lawyer to use the maint. doors exiting the tunnel right of security and left of dorms.
*Allowed sec, cargo and mining staff to use the tunnels left of security and between security and cargo.
*Improved toxins test site layout, distanced it from the station, and better integrated the toxins personnel air-lock.
*Improved telecomms layout.
*Fixed some incorrect virology access levels.
*Fixed incorrect tile type under hydroponics backroom maint. door (144, 111, 1).
! scope="row" | [ v38L] <br>(22/11/2013)
*Improved the transit tube spacedust/meteor shield.
*Added camera to chemistry.
*Added pepper spray dispenser to medbay security post.
*Added more potted plants to the arrivals lounge.
*Added EVA Shutter and Gateway Shutter buttons near the actual shutters.
*Added "PhotoSynthetic Plant" to the AI core, replacing the toy.
*Added brig emergency storage room behind the brig medical room.
*Added more fire safety lockers around maint. and in each EM storage room.
*Added arcade machine to the fitness rooms to make up for the loss of the one at dorms.
*Added unique orange hardhat and orange gloves to construction area.
*Added meson scanners to the CE office.
*Added an extra securitron that starts its patrol from escape - "Inspector Johnson".
*Added a functional (but switched-off) CleanBot Exhibit to the corporate showroom.
*Added a dead plant to the labour camp.
*Added more xeno spawns to new maint. rooms.
*Added lots of costumes and lipstick to one of the maint. rooms.
*Added more fluff gear to the maint. room closest to the engineering foyer.
*Added some science satchels to the telescience room.
*Added a lot more budget insulated gloves.
*Added a second prison wing lock-down control just outside the prison, and moved the prison APC so shunted malf AIs can see it.
*Added a mini-morgue to the detective's office.
*Re-added auxiliary bathrooms opposite mailroom, left of the library.
*Adjusted paper tray at south side of the cargo bay, should not be hanging off the edge of it any more.
*Adjusted the layout of the lawyer's office to better use space.
*Moved the tube-lamp from the firelock near arrivals, between the arrivals and transit shuttle docks.
*Removed unneeded privacy shutter button and lightswitch from detective's office.
*Removed robocop law board from AI upload secure case.
*Removed the space computer/buttons by the armoury.
*Removed disposal unit under kitchen fridge.
*Removed tile in the syndie shuttle that prevented syndies pushing things into the teleporter.
*Rearranged security office and officer gear room.
*Rearranged a few items at the MiniSat, and improved the positioning of the turrets.
*Replaced turrets at the MiniSat with real turrets with correct area designations.
*Replaced the MiniSat SMES cell with wiring to the station and a backup generator.
*Fixed wiring to the holodeck.
*Fixed wiring to medbay security post.
*Fixed double stacked window at 110, 80, 1.
*Fixed white tile instead of plating at 85, 84, 1.
*Fixed unnecessary rwalls at 66, 94, 1 and 119, 76, 1.
*Fixed broken disposal units at the warden's office and security locker room.
*Fixed xeno maint. access - it is now scientist level access.
*Made it possible to hide behind all potted plants on the station.
*Made windows between chapel and escape tinted.
*Made all 3 securitrons on station-stronger (higher health).
*Made prison wing blast doors more visible by bringing them forward a tile.
*Moved the holopad behind the bar and expanded the table for mixing drinks.
*Electrified some windows in security that were missed.
! scope="row" | [ v38K] <br>(14/11/2013)
*Improved maintenance bar and maintenance medbay.
*Added missing assistant, HoS, security officer, janitor, clown and mime spawns.
*Added hydroponics watertank backpacks.
*Added missing panes of glass on the top-left walkway of the MiniSat.
*Added missing brig and prison lockdown buttons to the warden's office.
*Added missing prison lockdown blast doors.
*Added missing power cable in prisoner processing.
*Added various holopads around the station.
*Added missing windows in the walk-way around the MiniSat.
*Added missing lights to AI upload foyer.
*Removed a wall under interrogation monitoring access.
*Removed extra windoor on the chapel mass driver.
*Fixed numerous access level issues in the brig.
*Fixed areas of chemistry not being correctly set, might have caused power issues.
*Fixed tcomms monitors not working due to incorrect network vars.
*Fixed AI upload windows not being shocked.
*Fixed HoS office windows not being shocked.
*Fixed HoS office shutters starting invisible (rather than visibly open).
*Fixed warden's office and security office not having shocked windows.
*Fixed security office and shooting range not being seperate areas.
*Fixed missing wires at the windows by the prisoner shuttle.
*Fixed missing pipe in maintenance medbay.
*Fixed door not bolting in unit 1 of the bathrooms.
*Moved tcomms computer station to the MiniSat to get the computers to work again.
*Set AI Upload cameras to also be part of the "AIUpload" network, so AIs can quickly jump to them.
! scope="row" | [ v38J-II] <br>(12/11/2013)
*Fixed emergency shuttle console issue.
*Fixed arrivals newscaster - it is no longer a security variant.
*Improved Janitor closet and Central Emergency Storage
*Added secure briefcase to Captain's Office.
*Improved Captain's Quarters.
! scope="row" | [ v38J] <br>(11/11/2013)
*Massive wide-ranging overhaul to the map.
*Security has been completely redesigned and has a labour camp shuttle.
*Engineering has been vastly improved.
*Atmos is now more reasonably sized and has no burn chamber.
*Medbay has been slightly rearranged.
*Research now has the Telescience Lab.
*The Chapel has been moved to escape.
*Maintenance has been improved.
*A wide array of other changes, too many to list.
! scope="row" | [ v37K] <br>(08/11/2013)
*Added missing mining consoles.
*Added extinguishers to escape.
*Added windows to the labour camp shuttle.
*Added some hidden cash near security.
*Moved a lightbulb in the garden so it isn't on top of a sink.
! scope="row" | [ v37J] <br>(08/11/2013)
*Correctly updated to accommodate code changes (previous update was not done correctly).
*Re-added missing tinted window to the confession booth in the chapel.
*Updated the commemorative plate correctly.
! scope="row" | [ v37I] <br>(07/11/2013)
*'''Note:''' ''This version does not work as it was created in an outdated codebase by mistake.''
*Changed the desert eagle in contraband locker to a stetchkin. Also added more drugs to the locker.
*Added the prisoner labour camp, more or less identical to the one recently added to Box Station.
*Updated the wizard's besheet at the wizard's den.
*Updated some shuttle areas and computers to the new standard.
! scope="row" | [ v37H] <br>(01/11/2013)
*Added virology smartfridge.
*Added chemistry smartfridge.
*Added more fire extinguishers to security.
*Added cable coils to chemistry.
*Added more briefcases to the map.
*Added secure briefcases for each head and the detective.
*Added bookbinder and photocopier to library.
*Removed anomalous rwall by janitor's closet.
*Updated maint. doors so they should all unlock correctly when heads use the emergency maint. all-access protocol.
*Updated bomb test site camera so it should no longer runtime.
*Updated the commemorative plaque near arrivals, which now displays the normal message and the map version number.
*Fixed prison monitors just ouside the prison and in the lawyer's office.
*Fixed genetics lab being visible to the public hallway, causing Beepsky to try and attack the monkeys within.
*Turned pumps (but not taps) on by default for O2/N2 to airmix in atmos.
! scope="row" | [ v37G.II] <br>(07/10/2013)
*Pipe instances switched from defining 'color' to 'pipe_colour'
*Thus the map runs on BYOND 500
! scope="row" | [ v37G] <br>(06/10/2013)
*Added a pet lizard to the HoS' office.
*Added slightly more starting energy to the SMES cells.
*Added welding supplies to atmos.
*Added emergency showers to atmos, toxins, medbay and chemistry.
*Added auxiliary escape airlock to maint. between escape and xenobiology.
*Added vice-officer and mailman jumpsuits in a wall somewhere.
*Added costume vendor to somewhere in maintenance.
*Re-added missing CMO locker.
*Removed all but one normal non-synthetic flash from robotics.
*Replaced Stetchkin in the armoury with a Desert Eagle.
*Fixed library study access levels.
*Fixed donut box on the emergency shuttle being empty.
*Fixed Research EM Storage access level, it is now Research Access, as intended.
*Fixed mining shuttle space-bridge button being the wrong access level, it's now mining, as intended.
*Moved costume room rack to give more space around the vendor.
! scope="row" | [ v37F] <br>(30/09/2013)
*The kitchen and its backroom are now larger.
*Hydroponics' backroom is smaller and the lockers are now in the lab.
*Bartender's backroom has been rearranged.
*Removed the science access tunnel and expanded robotics and mech bay accordingly.
*Removed the genetics access tunnel and rearranged genetics, giving it a front desk.
*Adjusted the morgue doors, replaced light box with a pair of latex gloves.
*Made the funeral parlour window properly double-windowed.
*Removed shields from teleporter front, added wire dots to teleroom and gateway.
*Removed superfluous pressure tanks.
*Added extra repair items to mech bay.
*Switched janitor's room and aux bathrooms.
*Updated the library, realigned the doors so they connect to cargo and the command hallway.
*Re-added Ian.
*Updated the HoP's office, made the queue longer, moved the office to the topside, made the aux bathrooms smaller.
*Added tool closet to atmos.
*Updated all camera monitors to use lists under their network var.
*Added prison monitor to the warden's office, as the HoP already has one.
*Moved the CMO's crew monitoring console to the medbay desk, and gave them a fancy crew records laptop instead.
*Added microwaves to the engineering, medbay and research break areas. If it prevents the chef having fun, I'll remove them.
*Improved the engineering foyer, adding a proper break area and disposal unit.
*Added maintenance access door to the bottom-left of cargo bay.
*Added shutters to the HoP line, Papers, Please style. The grilles are also electrified.
*Removed chem-master behind dispenser in chemistry.
! scope="row" | [ v36D] <br>(21/09/2013)
*Added two extra cargo shuttle-time monitors to cargo bay.
*Added AI holopads to the council chamber and moved the one in the bridge.
*Added an AI holopad to escape so the AI can wave goodbye to the crew.
*Added RD access to tech storage, to see how it goes.
*Added entertainment screens to all head offices.
*Removed customs airlocks and controls for the arrivals sec post, I never heard of anyone using them.
*Removed extra 'cyborgs for dummies' book from robotics.
*Removed left-most plastic flaps from the prison conveyor for clarity and ease of use.
*Fixed the disposals unit in the CE's Office.
*Switched left-most borg charger and fueltank around in mech bay for ease of movement.
*Moved doors for accessing the shuttle slightly to make the escape walkways less vulnerable to damage.
*Classed the tile on which the AI Chamber door is as part of the AI upload, so turrets there will shoot you when you're on it.
! scope="row" | [ v36C] <br>(17/09/2013)
*Added a missing Janitor spawn point for roundstart.
*Added named security cameras to the atmos gas tanks.
*Added missing hazard plating to bridge maint.
*Added a seperate council chamber blast door system, seperate from the bridge system.
*Added a cyborg charging station to the AI Upload foyer, removing the status computer.
*Removed sinks next to trays in botany, they're now further away again by the walls.
*Removed unneeded light switch on HoP's security record console.
*Removed unneeded, unconnected pipes from atmos, under the grilles.
*Removed tinted glass from inner side of science areas.
*Removed windows into EVA to make it somewhat more secure.
*Removed window into the gateway to make it more secure.
*Removed organ bags, because their name reverted to evidence bags when used. Will try and add a new variant to the code in future.
*Altered location of an intercom outside the library, it now looks less ugly.
*Altered AI Core protective windows, they are now much more visible.
*Altered the HoP's office, it is now one tile shorter.
*Altered custodial closet and bridge maint, both are now one tile larger, vertically.
*Fixed custodial closet not being connected to the powernet.
*Fixed Gateway being designated part of the Teleporter area, causing powernet issues.
! scope="row" | [ v36B] <br>(15/09/2013)
*Fixed cargo bay to supply corridor doors having the wrong access level.
*Fixed some needlessly hard to access atmos piping around the locker room and garden.
*Altered the layout of the locker room, reducing the size of the laundry area.
*Added an extra camera to the locker room to prevent unintentional blindspot.
*Added an extra camera to the right of tech storage to prevent unintentional blindspot.
*Added a minor reference to the talking postcard broken server affair, may it go down in history.
*Removed unnecessary space poster from disposals which was a pain for the AI as it covered an APC on the wall's other side.
! scope="row" | [ v36A] <br>(14/09/2013)
*Added missing security camera to north-east central hallway.
*Added missing camera to art storage
*Added airlock paints to art storage and engineering, as in BoxStation
*Added a lockbox to the bridge.
*Added the PDA painter machine to the HoP's office.
*Added organ bags (renamed evidence bags) to the organ freezer in surgery.
*Added a seedy new auxiliary bathroom*laundry area where the old gateway was.
*Added lots of handy sinks to botany to make it more efficient than its competitors.
*Added a grinder to the ghetto medical area.
*Added lots of fun new items to the theatre backstage room.
*Added the new costume vendor to the threatre backstage room.
*Added some more helpful gear to the emergency shuttle.
*Moved security hardsuits, they are now next to the HoS' office.
*Moved the teleporter room to the right side of the old EVA area.
*Moved the gateway room to where the old teleporter room was, with a nice ready room.
*Removed chairs from surgery observation which blocked vent visibility.
*Removed most tools from the ghetto medical area to compensate for the addition of the grinder.
*Fixed some oddities with Pugley III's name and altered his description.
*Fixed (possibly) the topmost door in the prison access tunnel not opening in the greytide event.
*Altered the layout of the HoP's office, it is now a little fancier.
*Altered the layout of the QM's office, which is now clearer and simpler.
*Altered the layout of the janitor's office, it's now much larger and nicer.
*Altered the layout of the central emergency storage closet, next to the bridge.
*Altered the layout of the emergency shuttle bridge so you can't get stuck buckled in chairs.
*Altered the layout of EVA, which is now greatly streamlined and has 8 space suits.
*Altered the tiles in the meeting area by the council room, it now looks cleaner.
*Altered the emergency-recovery-airlock area of the emergency shuttle to make it easier to sneak aboard.
! scope="row" | [ v35C] <br>(12/09/2013)
*Updated plaque tile.
*Removed a light switch on a table in the Detective's Office
*Removed intercom on a table in Tool Storage
*Added a hidden basketball to the map somewhere
*Added ice cream vat to kitchen storage.
*Fixed drinks with old paths possibly causing compile issues.
*Rearranged the Chapel to be more imposing and less comfortable.
! scope="row" | [ v35B] <br>(07/09/2013)
*Fixed some tiles not having the correct area designation in the chapel.
*Updated all other non-station z-levels.
*Fixed all 18 tiles which had active air calculation before roundstart.
! scope="row" | [ v35A] <br>(07/09/2013)
*Moved locker in engineering security office to try and prevent EMPs hitting it.
*Moved airlock poster in disposals to prevent controls being covered from some angles.
*Research Division mulebot delivery window now has correct name and access.
*Research Division mulebot window is now on the main research hallway, not in the break room.
*Removed a duplicated status display blocking the RC console in telecomms.
*Genetics access doors are no longer incorrectly all-access.
*Medbay Storage now has two doors for easier access.
*Added plasma coin to Captain's Quarters
*The AI Chamber has been rearranged and should now be more secure.
*The AI Chamber blast door has been replaced with a normal bolted door to allow AI replacement.
*The security desk now has an extra window increasing visibility of the corridor above the AI.
*The Atmos burn chamber now starts only partially built, requiring time and some plasteel to finish.
*Added Pugley III, the loveable four-legged test subject.
*Numbered the pens in Xenobiology.
*Moved a scrubber in the Research Division entrance airlock.
*Added two loaded beanbag riot shotguns to the armoury.
*Added a loaded 10mm pistol to the armoury in the contraband locker.
*Added some other harmless contraband to the locker for flavour.
*Added a deactivated securitron in the armoury.
*Added entertainment monitors to break rooms.
*Added map version number to the desc text on the floor plaque near arrivals.
! scope="row" | [ v34G] <br>(16/08/2013)
*Cargo bay blast doors are now visible on round-start.
*Added holopads to a variety of locations.
*Removed duplicated vent from toxins launch area.
*Added some flashlights to maintenance.
*Added some more cameras to remove blind-spots
! scope="row" | [ v34F] <br>(11/08/2013)
*Removed extra launch control from toxins.
! scope="row" | [ v34E] <br>(11/08/2013)
*Added tachyon-doppler array to the toxins test launch area.
*Removed lockboxes from the CMO, RD and CE offices as they cannot open them.
*Adjusted a tile in surgery so it looks a little neater.
! scope="row" | [ v34D] <br>(08/08/2013)
*Every job that has special local maint. access can now also access the nearest public-hallway maint. door too.
*The brig to courtroom defendant box tunnel is now correctly brig access.
*Corrected access levels around hydroponics and science maint.
*Fixed access level on all external airlocks from maint. Most were previously incorrectly all-access.
! scope="row" | [ v34C ] <br>(08/08/2013)
*Outer maint. door at medbay storage room is now correctly general maint access.
*Incorrect area designation fixed under snack vendor at the bottom-left of the central hallway.
*Added some costumes to maintenance, as requested.
*Updated the atmos rig suit to new entry and sprite.
*Moved telecomms around a bit so no machines are blocked, like the RC computer was.
*Added two metal foam grenades each to both engineering and atmos, on top of their metal piles.
*Replaced all incorrectly added holotables.
! scope="row" | [ v34B] <br>(28-07-2013)
*Fixed vars on the Commemorative Plaque, hopefully fixing the rare frozen-arrivals bug.
*Cyborgs now spawn at AI upload foyer again, giving roboticists a chance to spawn emags before they come asking for batteries.
*Added some missing SPACE ACCESS warning posters.
*Added a single margherita pizza to a hidden room.
*Removed one cable coil from each solar control room, now there is just the one in space on the solar proper.
*Added IDs and PDAs to bridge, on the HoP's side.
*Added missing keycard authenticator device to the bridge and Captain's Quarters.
*Added lockboxes to all head's offices.
*Library backroom intercom is now correctly wall-mounted.
*Slightly adjusted disposals layout again.
*Removed most reinforcement from the outer-layer of the station hull.
*Sec offices at science and engineering are more vulnerable, as in other depts.
*Research now has only layer of rwalls that snake around a bit, is more vulnerable.
*Removed some rwalls around the AI upload foyer.
*Removed a few rwalls around EVA and HoP office.
*Expanded Captain's bathroom, better shower now.
*Removed lots of unnecessary reinforced tables.
*Adjusted tiles in robotics operating theatre, now looks nicer.
! scope="row" | [ v33D] <br>(18/07/2013)
*Added missing muzzle and prisoner IDs to prison.
*Switched shower and toilet in captain's quarters.
*Fixed AuxSci and AuxGenetics corridors, now normal sci access and genetics access respectively, so long as unbolted.
*Re-added condimaster to botany, also moved blender to front room
*Removed non-functional chemical bottles from botany.
*Moved kitchen around to be more functional, also one-tile indent added from the main corridor.
*Slightly adjusted flavour text on the memorial plaque in the funeral parlour.
*Gave chaplain and librarian access to their own maintenance doors.
*Rogue lightbulb in janitors closet has been removed.
*Fixed cameras in research and medbay break rooms, virology and xenobiolgy entrances and airlocks detecting motion. Should now be as normal again.
*Removed unnecessary extra camera in toxins lab.
*Added secure briefcase to captain's room in the unmarked closet.
*Removed extra RC console in robotics.
*Removed reactive teleport armour from the RD's office desk, as there is another copy in the RD's locker anyway.
*Added one Atmos Hardsuit in atmos and one Emergency Medical Hardsuit to CMO's office. Can easily be removed if too helpful.
*Removed some superfluous wires at the brig.
! scope="row" | [ v32F] <br>(11-07-2013)
*Updated syndicate bomb path, now map works again.
*Fixed airless tiles in maint room closest to toxins test area.
*Cyborgs spawn in robotics, not AI upload.
*Removed light behind cryo tube.
*Changed research department again, adding top desk and moving disposals.
*Updated CentCom z-level to be as in current box.2.1.2.
*Updated space under shuttle to be transit sprites.
*Fixed tiles around locker room / aux tool storage.
*Bridge overhauled, now has lots more computers.
*Replaced HoP's seraph model with paper tray.
*Fixed PA camera not appearing on correct lists.
*Rearranged R&D again a little, re-added matter bins.
*Rearranged robotics, added table for acid beaker.
*Seperated vending machines from morgue entrance.
*Fixed name of door to research department atmos control room.
*Added newscaster to warden's office.
*Removed extra wardrobe in locker room.
*Small adjustment to engineering.
! scope="row" | [ v31D] <br>(07-07-2013)
*Better camera placement in cargo/supply and other places.
*Medbay Isolation Rooms are now Patient rooms.
*Medbay and Research have been reorganised.
*Escape has been enlarged and is now harder to barricade.
*Genetics now has patient lockers.
*There are now some patient lockers outside the morgue.
*Drastic reduction in tinted windows
*Some cameras are now better named, such as in break rooms.
*3 specialised maint. rooms - bar, surgery, farm.
*Added cameras to solar control rooms.
*Added donuts in a few places.
*Replaced food vendor in bridge with drinks vendor.
*Captain's desk in bridge now has access windoor.
*Windoors removed in a lot of places, escape too.
*Atmospherics no longer has uber-glass windows.
*The Theatre now has shutters with a switch.
*Adjusted space-bridge. Works better now.
*Many other minor fixes and adjustments.

===Version 2xx===
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[Custodial Closet]]
* [[Incinerator]]
* [[Maintenance]]
* [[Waste Disposal]]

{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! Version !! Changelog
! scope="row" | v29E
*Rearranged items in engineering, a little easier to use now.
*Made theatre bigger by getting rid of wasteful doublewalls near it.
*Better camera distribution in the dorms and science.
*Moved camera off glass in the Garden.
*Added hazard stripes to maintenance in central command module
*Added Ian Shirt + Latex Gloves + Tie-dye shirt in hidden places
*PA camera is now EMP-proof
*Missing holopads added to robotics and R&D
*Science guard locker is now the correct type (not engineering locker)
*Pointless windoor in robotics removed, as well as those in the funeral parlour and tool storage.
*The CMO now has access to the genetics auxiliary access bolt control buttons.
*Morgue acccess added to chef and roboticist.
*Made a multi-purpose half-built space-platform above arrivals.
*Reduce tinted windows, replaced them all with full-tile-tined-windows, walls, or normal windows again.
*Made the art room a bit better
*A few other small fixes and changes
! scope="row" | v28M-II-C
*Added bolt controls to auxiliary genetics and robotics access doors. They are labelled RD-Only for clarity.
*Moved disposals and mulebot delivery from the Mech Bay to Robotics. The destination tag is still the same.
*Moved around some things in robotics, welding goggles are more visible.
*Corrected CentComm transit shuttle positioning in arrivals - it now lands properly without a space gap.
*Rearranged dorms to be three tiles wide
*Altered the Lawyer's Office, it is now more accessible in line with Miggles' suggestion, and also larger.
*Fixed broken disposals north of Medbay, and in the Medbay break room. The whole disposals loop works again.
*Removed unneeded disposals pipes by the gateway room.
*Removed glass around cargo disposals conveyor to stop window-hitting spam.
*Fixed single space tile in the Janitor's Closet.
*Medbay security office has correct access level rather than all-access.
*Added airlock entry to Research, as in boxstation.
*Added a good few fire-fighting lockers in public areas
*Many other small bug fixes.
! scope="row" | v28M
*Add sink to robotics for cleaning bloody surgery gear
*Improved layouts of Medbay, Research and Supply departments
*Added large test chamber to Xenobiology.
*Tinted a great deal of windows to make life easier for traitors
*More snack machines, but all are public and so a little more risky, but this should help encourage more player interaction.
*Fixed problem with syndicate shuttle doors.
*Added internal tunnels to singularity arms.
*Made more airlocks viable for spacing people.
*A few other changes.
*Fixed lots of small bugs.
! scope="row" | v27M-II-L
*Now compiles again, after being broken by 'range' var removal
*Numerous small fixes applied after some small playtesting
*Emitters around singulo engine now start welded and ready to go
*The dormitory space area has been changed. See attached image.
*All major departments now have their own atmos loop to sabotage.
*E.V.A. storage has been reworked to be nicer
! scope="row" | v27G-IV
*Engineering foyer maintenance door now opens for atmos techs too
*Supply Mailroom maintenance door is now for supply-access only
*Singularity cameras are now EMP-proof
*Added P.A.C.M.A.N. portable generator to engineering storage
*All S.M.E.S. units are as vanilla, with 50k outputs and inputs at roundstart
*Missing disposals pipes re-added in the warehouse and interrogation room listening desk
*Missing camera in misc. research has been added, shows up both on the telescreen in the room and the station-wide CCTV system
*Research break room now has the correct area designation, one tile was set as 'space'
*Missing Starboard Maintenance APC has been added behind the bar
*Aft Maintenance APC has been moved from behind the medbay sec desk to the more central aft maintenance between escape and research.
*Missing Port Maintenance APC has been added between the chapel and library
*Area designations around the vault have been improved, preventing teleportation-to-space incidents
*Area designations around port/fore areas of maintenance have been changed to better suit their names.
*Fore Maintenance APC has been named correctly (previously EVA Maint APC), and moved up slightly, by the inner brig corridor.
*Extra floating lightswitch removed from genetics
*Medbay breakroom maintenance door is now medical-access only
*HoP desk shutter has been replaced with a blast door to make it easier to click the windoors
*Extra newscaster removed from HoP's office
*Missing Request Console added to HoP's office
*Missing virology bed added
*Curtains in the chapel funeral parlour should now be open, not just appear open
*Lovely dressers have been added to the captain's office and some rooms in the dormitories
*A missing wardrobe has been added to cabin 4 of the dorms
*Various objects moved around in the Captain's Quarters, and a razor and flask have been added.
*A box of glorious medals has been added to the Captain's office.
*Lights have been removed from space at entrances to virology and xenobiology external modules
*Other locations with space tiles - bridge, etc - now have a space area designation, to prevent teleporting-to-space issues with wizards
*Robotics consoles have been replaced with current vanilla versions and the area designation changed too, hopefully this will fix any issues syncing
*Inner brig blast doors are now below the actual doors, so you can still use the doors when the blast doors are closed
*Cloning door id fixed
*Intercom added to HoP's office
! scope="row" | v27G-III
*Replaced Janitor's Wagon with new Janitor's Cart
*Replaced all station bounced radios with the 'off' variant
*Updated holodeck to be as current main /tg/station
! scope="row" | v27G-II
* Fixed a small mistake on the incinerator's disposals pipe.
! scope="row" | v27G
* Widened a lot of maintenance
* Overhauled maintenance between disposals and tool storage via cargo and by the vault.]
* Made engineering pod look like it could actually launch.
* Fixed name of cloning exit button.
! scope="row" | v27C
* Updated to latest /tg/ revision, fully compatible with current code again.
* Added interrogation viewing room and intercom. Still no camera, so still hidden from AI.
* The bar is now about a third smaller, not so bloated. Maintenance in the area has been expanded.
* Extended maintenance, added space bridge above supply shuttle bay, tunnel above dorms, moved toxins vent.
* Science can now be effectively barricaded with shutters, and all windows are tinted.
* Dorms cabin 5 changed to nice viewing window.
* Cleaned up virology tables a bit
* Reduced number of seed extractors in the garden.
* Removed cigarette machine from library.
* Fixed a few little bugs.
! scope="row" | v24B
* Fixed mass driver path being blocked at disposals.
! scope="row" | v24A
* Fixed cameras not working in the toxins test area
* Improved positioning of chem dispenser and fixed low number of beakers and single large beaker
* Updated Xenobiology to the current layout of 2 opposing columns of 3 cells.
* Improved the chapel mass driver, incinerator disposals outlet, and defunct solar.
* A few other small fixes and adjustments.
! scope="row" | v23C
* Added Ian again
* Fixed (hopefully, under testing) the bizarre freezing atmos problem
* Added a three-tier shield to the atmos chambers, made of grilles.
* Changed firedoors to be under virtually all normal doors, but no windows. They're actually *under* them now.
* Fixed a variety of other smaller bugs found during playtesting on Sibyl #1 today - thanks everyone who helped out.
! scope="row" | v23A
* Fixed being able to access settings on the toxins burn chamber from maint.
* Fixed many other little visual issues
! scope="row" | v22C
* Made some changes to the shuttle to make it nicer
* Fixed some problems with the atmos burn chamber being a bit clunky. It's more usable now.
! scope="row" | v22B
* Got rid of table between sleepers in the emergency shuttle. Sleepers should be fine now.
* Remade the AI upload foyer so servers are not doubled unnecessarily.

[[Category:Game Resources]]
Метастанция долгое время работала на сервере Basil и была тщательно протестирована, получив в целом положительные отзывы. Раньше ее в основном поддерживал и обновлял Metacide, хотя в ней использовалась работа многих других людей, и над ней работали различные другие люди, которые обновляли и поддерживали карту на протяжении всей ее истории. Метастанция была добавлена в кодовую базу /tg/station 4 февраля 2015 года после ее удаления незадолго до этого. С тех пор она поддерживается. Ранее это была карта по умолчанию на серверах /tg/ Badger, а затем Basil, а различные отредактированные версии запускались на NoxStation, /vg/ и Paradise Station.

Текущая версия от 17:55, 28 июля 2024

Карты на /BANDA/station


В ротации MetaStation, DeltaStation, IceBoxStation, Tramstation, The North Star, Birdshot
Устаревшие, удалённые или не в ротации KiloStation, AsteroidStation, BirdboatStation, BoxStation, PubbyStation, CereStation, Discstation, DonutStation, Dreamstation, EfficiencyStation, MiniStation, OmegaStation, RuntimeStation
MetaStation updated 2021-2-05. Click for full resolution.
Metastation's atmospheric piping as of 2020-08-16. Click for full resolution.
V41D Engineering Reference Map, updated 2015/07/17.

О Метастанции

MetaStation - это полнофункциональная карта, доступная на базе кода /tg/station.

Ключевые особенности:

  • Рассчитана на большее количество игроков, чем некоторые другие карты. Однако в настоящее время нет ни минимального, ни максимального ограничения по количеству игроков.
  • Ключевые зоны распределены более равномерно, чтобы уменьшить локальную переполненность.
  • Создает ощущение большей открытости, что затрудняет скрытное нападение в общественных местах.
  • Имеет обширную систему технических туннелей, охватывающую большую часть станции, что удобно для использования скрытных тактик.
  • На стенах станции есть игровые карты и указатели, которые помогут вам найти дорогу.
  • Спасательный шаттл имеет больше мест, большой грузовой отсек, а также увеличенные медбей, бриг и мостик.

Дополнительная информация о метастанции часто публикуется в этой теме на форумах /tg/, там же приветствуются ваши отзывы.

Метастанция является картой по умолчанию и всегда будет загружаться, если карта не была выбрана заранее. Это относится только к пользовательским серверам.


Jobstemp.png Locations on MetaStation
General Service Medical Supply Research Engineering Security Command Upkeep


Метастанция долгое время работала на сервере Basil и была тщательно протестирована, получив в целом положительные отзывы. Раньше ее в основном поддерживал и обновлял Metacide, хотя в ней использовалась работа многих других людей, и над ней работали различные другие люди, которые обновляли и поддерживали карту на протяжении всей ее истории. Метастанция была добавлена в кодовую базу /tg/station 4 февраля 2015 года после ее удаления незадолго до этого. С тех пор она поддерживается. Ранее это была карта по умолчанию на серверах /tg/ Badger, а затем Basil, а различные отредактированные версии запускались на NoxStation, /vg/ и Paradise Station.